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1、英语祝酒词篇一:英语祝酒词 英语祝酒词 1. 短语式祝酒词 To your health! (Good health!) Bottoms up! Cheers!(Cheerio!) (Heres)to our victory! To Mr. Li! All the best! 2. 习语性单句式祝酒词 Down the hatch! Heres mud in your eye! Heres skin off your nose! Heres looking at you!. 3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词 Ill drink to your good health. Ill

2、 drink to very good health for you. Lets drink to his success. Lets drink a toast to our friendly co-operation. Ill give toast to all the here. I propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries. Ill toast the bride. Lets toast ever-lasting peace. 1.Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐! 2.Happy New Year!

3、新年快乐! 3.Merry Christmas to you all!祝大家圣诞快乐! 4.Happy Thanksgiving!感恩节快乐! 5.Thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate this happy and joyous occasion.感谢你们今晚来庆祝这愉快、欢欣的日子。6.We all thank you for your kind invitation tonight.我们全都感谢你今晚好意的邀请。 7.Thank you for your kind invitation to join with you in this

4、wonderful Thanksgiving celebration.谢谢你们一番盛情邀请我和你们一起过这美好的感恩节庆典。 8.It is a GREat honor for me to speak to you all here tonight at this New Year party.今晚在这新年聚会上我很荣幸能对大家讲讲话。 9.Let me, at first express a few words of gratitude to our host, Mr. Smith.首先让我对我们的主人史密斯先生说几句话,以表示感激之意。 10.It is my GREat pleasure

5、 to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!很荣幸能够在此祝福你们大家有个非常愉快的圣诞节! 11.Id like to say a word of hearty thanks to my host and hostess, Mr. And Mrs. Smith, for inviting me to this Christmas party.男主人和女主人史密斯先生和夫人邀请我参加那诞聚会,我想说句话以表示我衷心的感谢。 12.We are meeting here tonight in the house of Mr. Smith, along with

6、 other American friends of his, to observe Easter.今晚我们聚集在这儿,史密斯先生的家,还有他的美国朋友,一起来庆祝复活节。 13.I wish, first of all, to thank my host and hostess for inviting me to this Christmas dinner.首先我要感谢主人和女主人邀请我参加这耶诞晚餐会。 14.Let me begin by saying, “ A Happy New Year! “ to all of you and especially to Mr. Smith, o

7、ur guest of honor.对各位,尤其是我们的贵宾史密斯先生,我首先要说的是,“新年快乐!” 15.Let us all now drink a toast to the future success of the company.现在我们大家一起来干杯,祝公司未来鸿图大展。节日 1、Ive heard so much about you.久仰! 2、Youve had a long day./ Youve had a long flight.辛苦了! 3、Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends尊敬的朋友们! 4、On behalf of

8、the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our篇二:英文祝酒词 Dear friends, This evening is valuable to all of us. We had a so long separation; we had so many words to pour out. And now, we get the chance, we get together this evening. Lets toast to our meeting, to our friendship! Lets enjoy the me

9、al and pour out all the words we kept in mind for this long time! We havent seen each other for three years. We know today we have our own different careers, we live in different cities and we are so busy every day that it is difficult for us to see each other. What we can do is to call each other s

10、ometimes. The same interests, the same believes, the same dreams brought us together. Then, we helpt each other, we supported each other, we shared happiness and sorrow, and when one was in trouble, we were always there for him. Nothing can break this deep friendship, nothing. Dear friends, We meet

11、again this evening. We are so excited. We are too impatient to wait; we cant wait to hug everyone tightly. We all understand what we want, we have had a lot of setbacks and conquered many hardships. We never gave up because we know we are not alone, everyone is there for us. Today, most of our dream

12、s have come true, and we gatherhere happily, I wish to propose a toast. To our big success, to our meeting again, to our health, to our careers and beautiful futures, and to our invaluable friendship, cheers! Lets enjoy this moment! Cheers, dear friends, friendship lasts forever! 机械1001 张维篇三:祝酒词中英对照

13、 坚持“一国两制”,坚持基本法,努力做好新形势下的涉港外交工作杨文昌特 派员在到任酒会上的祝酒词 2021/09/05 尊敬的全国政协副.霍英东先生, 尊敬的行政长官董建华先生, 尊敬的中联办副主任陈凤英女士、郑坤生先生, 尊敬的驻港部队司令王继堂少将, 尊敬的驻港部队政委王玉发少将, 尊敬的各位外国总领事, 朋友们,同事们: 我十分感谢霍副.、董特首及各位朋友今晚出席我的到任酒会。各位的光临,是对特派员公署的莫大支持。我和我的同事向各位表示热烈欢迎。 女士们,先生们, 二十一年前,中国政府根据邓小平先生提出的“一国两制”和平统一祖国的伟大构想,与英国政府开始了将近两年时间的历史性谈判,双方于

14、1984年12月19日正式签署了中英关于.问题的联合声明。根据联合声明,中华人民共和国政府自1997年7月1日起,恢复对.行使主权,自此,.的历史翻开了新的一页。 中英联合声明签署之后,全国人民代表大会又于1990年4月批准了中华人民共和国.特别行政区基本法。基本法对.和.特别行政区的关系、.居民的基本权利和义务、.的政治体制以及.的经济、法律制度等都做出了明确规定,充分体现了“一国两制”的原则。基本法是保持.长期繁荣稳定的根本大法。 .回归六年多来,.政府全面贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针,严格按照基本法办事,全力支持行政长官董建华先生领导的特区政府依法施政,全力支持和帮助.

15、特别行政区克服各种风险和困难。 回顾六年多的回归史,.的经济、.、法律、文化、教育、宗教制度没有改变;.同胞发扬爱国爱港的光荣传统,履行了当家作主的神圣权利和职责,在国际上享有的尊严和地位空前提高;.依然拥有世界最佳营商环境,仍然保持着国际金融、航运、贸易中心的地位。.回归六年的伟大历史实践,得到了广大.同胞和全世界一切盼望祖国早日实现和平统一的炎黄子孙的一致拥护,也得到了国际.的广泛赞誉。 诚然,“一国两制”是一项崭新的事业,并无前人经验可循,它需要在不断的探索和实践中加以逐步完善。在这期间,出现一些困难和问题是在所难免的。这里需要强调的是:任何困难都不可能动摇中国政府和中国人民坚定不移地按照邓小平先生提出的“一国两制”原则实现.长期繁荣稳定和祖国完全统一的决心!女士们,先生们, 当前,.同东亚一些国家和经济体面临着一些十分类似的经济困难。造成这些困难的原因


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