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1、B. 备考指南1. 正确措辞 措辞就是对词汇的选择。文章是由单词组成的,正确的选词对写好文章非常重要。例如在英语中,small, little, petite, runty, diminutive, tiny, puny, elfin, stunted, minute, microscopic, pigmy等都可以表示“小”这一意思,但这并不是说它们在使用中都是可以互相换用的。具体应该使用哪一个词要根据搭配、上下文、文体、语气、感情色彩等因素决定。譬如,描写人,我们可以用tiny, 但不能用minute; 如果要表达一个好的印象,可以用diminutive, elfin, 或petite, 但

2、不能用stunted, runty和puny; 几乎任何物体我们都可以用small来描写,但却不能用elfin来形容敞蓬小型载货卡车和马铃薯;等等。要正确措辞,就要做到用词精确、简练、丰富、生动。a.用词精确要用词精确、恰当就要考虑到词在感情色彩以及内涵与外延上的区别。注意下列词在褒贬色彩上的不同: 褒义 中性 贬义famouswell-knownnotoriousnourishingrichfatteningsummer homecottageshackaromasmellstenchstatesmanlegislatorpoliticianslim/slenderthinskinnyfir

3、mstubbornpig-headedb.用词简练文章的语言要简洁、经济、精练,不累赘。写句子没有一个多余的词;写段落没有一个无必要的句子。能用单词的少用词组;能用词组的避用从句或句子。如: In spite of the fact that he is lazy, I like him. 本句的“the fact that he is lazy”系同谓语从句,我们按照上述“能用词组的不用从句”可以改为:In spite of his laziness, I like him. 比较下面的句子: 冗言、累赘 简洁、精炼With reference to your plan, it seems

4、like Your plan seems workable.a workable one.The results were of unique nature. The results were unique.There were several factors contributing Several factors contributed to her decision.to her decision. She was not given the position due to the She was not hired because she wasnt fact that she did

5、nt meet the qualifications. qualified要做到用词简练,就要1)避免同义重复最常见的同义重复是用与一个名词(中心词)意义一样的形容词去修饰这个名词,如:Predicted forecast, forthcoming future, necessary essentials 等。还出现在其它句法结构中,如:Repeat again, consensus of opinion 等Repeat(重复)本身就包含了again(再次)的意思;consensus本身就表示是“意见”的一致。下面这些表达也是冗言的:Blue (in color); circular (in

6、shape); at ten P.M. (at night); return (back); bitter(-tasting) soup; small(-size) toy; connect (together); (true) fact.有意的使用不同的词汇重复同一个思想可以达到强调突出的作用,而无意无用的重复却只会削减句子的表达力。下面的几个句子都是累赘的(注意划线的部分):In this modern world of today, people never walk when they can ride.Without a doubt, he certainly will come.W

7、e found an old aged antique in the attic.At first his preliminary diagnosis was tuberculosis.2)避免同义重复用尽可能少的语言去表达尽可能多的意思。能用单词的少用词组;能用词组的避用从句或句子(当然,如果在考试中时间很紧,为了凑够字数那又另当别论)。比较下面的两组句子:In the event that the grading system is changed, you may expect complaints on the part of the students. (累赘)If the grad

8、ing system is changed, you may expect complaints from the students.(精炼)The reason why we honor Lincoln in these various ways is that he saved the Union. (累赘)We honor Lincoln because he saved the Union. (精炼)为了简炼,下面左边这列可以用右边一列词(语)代替。At this time in time nowDuring the same time that whileHas the abilit

9、y to singcan singIn a great many instancesoftenOn account of the fact thatbecauseSituated in the vicinity of near有些时候可以通过合并句子或简化短语与从句来避免不必要的重复,如:He has special way of telling a story. He makes a big to-do over little details. They sound like they are very important.可改写为:When telling a story, he make

10、s little details sound important.3)减少同一词汇的不断重复出现比较下列修改前后的句子:I think that he knows that he will be laid off.I think he knows he will be laid off.His uncle is not like her uncle. Her uncle is more optimistic than his uncle.Their uncles are different. Hers is more optimistic.c.用词丰富、生动要用词丰富、生动、形象,就要使用具体

11、明确的词,不用笼统、抽象、模糊的词,不要老是使用那些空洞、老套的词。比如,good, look, nice, great, 在任何场合下都可以使用,太过于平凡一般,语义不具体。在英语中,“看(见)”除了可以用常见的see, look, watch等词表达之外,还可以用spot, observe, glance, glare, glance, peep, behold, stare, peek, sight, witness等等来表达。要表达 “good”, 就可以具体的说“好”在哪里,可以选用kind, kind-hearted, honest, polite, well-meant, 等词。

12、smile, grin, beam, giggle, titter, snigger, chuckle, guffaw, chortle,请看下面的几个句子,如果换用每句括号里面的词,句子将顿时增色许多:The drunkard walked (bumped/stumbled) along the gravel path.The garbage truck went (rumbled) down the hill.Teenage smoking increases (soars/rockets).We should take (shoulder) the responsibility.另外,可

13、以加上一些使语义具体化的修饰性成分或与感官有关的词语来使语言生动形象,例如:A clubby, six-year-old boy is leaning out of the dirty window, waving mischievously at the passers-by.That tiny, silver-haired woman is a karate expert. The coin fell tinkling on the sidewalk.另外,还要恰当的使用诸如明喻,隐喻,借代等修辞手法。例如,把“香烟”说成cancer stick就比用cigarette 生动。d.存在的问

14、题1) 搭配 词语有固定的搭配。如break可以和away, up, down, in, into, off, out, through,等介副词搭配。选择不同的搭配词,意义往往相差甚远,如compare to和compare with,result from和result in,等等。考生经常会用错搭配,或经常把介副词等忘掉,如:In the book store, there are many books to choose (from.).You are the only man whom I can turn (to) for help.2) 用词混淆 英语里面有一些形近、音近的单词很

15、容易用错。考生要注意区别以下各组词: Attribute, contribute; human, humane; principle, principal; compliment, complement; credulous, credible; moral, morale; precede, proceed; illusion, delusion; affect, effect, disinterested, uninterested; elicit, illicit; imply, infer; judicious, judicial; 等等。3) 词性误用(Misuse of Parts of Speech) “词性误用”常表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等,例如: *None can negative the importance of money. *Today, Money to everybody is very importance, ours eat,


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