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1、 2022年职称英语考试综合类课堂笔记七十六5A)They work long(长的, 长期的, 渴望) hours(时间) B)They live from paycheck(支付薪水的支票) to paycheck. C)They dont want to be healthy(身体安康的) eaters(食客) D)They want to save(节省) money(钱) for their children(孩子).5C 问题问“下面哪种说法不符合美国工人的实际状况?”利用问题句中的细节信息构造working class Americans(美国工人)作为答案线索,同时利用被选项中

2、的黑体构造(洗洁信息构造)共同作为答案线索, 在最终一段的第一句中找到答案相关句,“Clean your plate and!” “Be a member of the clean-plate club!” Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparentoften,its accompanied by an appeal:“Just think about those Starving orphans in Africa!”Sare,we should be grateful for ever

3、y bite of food Unfortunately, many people in the US take too many bites3.Instead of staying “clean the plate”, perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow According to news reports,US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing belliesA waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, wi

4、th two to four times the amount recommended by the government,according to a USA Today story4.Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them thatThey prefer to have customers complain about too much food rather than too little Barbara Rolls,a nutrition pr

5、ofessor at Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today that restaurant portion Sizes began to grow in the 1970s,the same time that the American waistline began to expand. Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve smaller portionsNow, apparently, some customers are Calling for this

6、 tooThe restaurant industry trade magazine QSR reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed believe restaurants serve portions that are too large;23 percent had no opinion;20 percent disagreed(第4题答案相关句)But a closer look at the survey indicates that many Americans who cant a

7、fford fine dining still prefer large portions Seventy percent of those earning at least $150,000 per year prefer smaller portions;but only 45 percent of those earning less than $25,000 want smaller. Its not that(不是.) working class Americans dont want to eat healthyIts just that,after long hours (选项A中的线索构造)at low-paying jobs(与选项A内容全都),getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck to paycheck(选项B中的线索构造)(与选项B内容全都),happy(快乐的) to save(存储) a little money (选项D中的线索构造)for next year(下一年)s Christmas(圣诞节) presents(礼物) 最终一段的第一句说“美国工人并不是不情愿拥有安康的饮食”,因此C(他们不想拥有安康的饮食)是答案。


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