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1、人教PEP版二年级下册英语填空题名校专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择英文对应的中文。( )Nice to meet you. A. 他是谁?( )Whats the weather like? B. 见到你很高兴。( )Its sunny. C. 让我们堆雪人吧。( )Lets make a snowman. D. 天气怎么样?( )Whos he? E.天气是晴朗的。2. 选词填空。amisare1.Mom: _ Sam doing his homework?Amy:No,heisnt.2.Mom: Are you tidying your room now?Sam:Yes,I_.3.M

2、om: Sam , what _ you doing?Sam:Itsasecret.4.Mom: _ you drawing a picture, Amy?Amy:No,heisnt.3. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. spring B. apple C. banana( )A. nice B. rice C. good( )A. salad B. see C. meat4. 选择正确的单词填空。1I like_(watch / watching) TV.2Lucy_(go / goes) swimming on Sundays.3My mother_(watch / watches) TV

3、on Sundays.4She_(read / reads) books at the weekend.5I like_(swim / swimming), too.5. 选词填空。stopgowait(1)Look at the light. Its yellow. Lets.(2)Look at the light. Its red. Lets.(3)Look at the light. Its green. Lets.6. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. bus B. smooth C. car( )A. meat B. elephantC. milk7. 找出不同类的单词,把答案编号写在

4、前面括号内。( )A. red B. black C. blue D. winter( )A. shirt B. blouse C. shorts D. hot8. 写出下列动词的ing形式。write golisten run play do 9. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. sunny B. springC. cloudy( )A. nice B. warm C. flower( )A. hop B. ice C. skate10. 写出下列数据的英语单词。7 83 611. 根据要求写出单词。1. apple juice(汉语) 2.每天(英语)3.去上学(英语) 4.play gam

5、es(汉语)_5. like (汉语) 6.我的老师(英语)12. 选出不同类的单词。A. bread B. chairC. bed ( )A. apple B. milk C. banana ( )A. hungryB. thirsty C. house ( )13. 在括号内写上相应单词的编号。1. There_ten green frogs.2. Hello, I_swim in summer.3. Do you_dolls?4. My father_tall and fat.5. Good morning. I_Danny.14. 写出下列动词的分词形式。skipwriteplanru

6、nseekshop15. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Mike_(go) to the zoo tomorrow.2David and Tom_(be) in Class One.3Today he isnt_(play) football.4Now we are_(help) Uncle Wang.5Today my mother is_(go) shopping.6_they_(like) the World Cup?16. 选词填空。yellowlightLook(1)Theis green.(2)Its. Lets wait.(3)at the light.17. 将下列图片和句子配对,连一连。 A. meet B. hippo C. fox D. grass页码 / 总页数



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