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1、Unit 4 My home年级四年级学科英语章(组)第4单元学习内容Unit 4 My home A Lets learn Lets do 教材分析本单元主要是围绕家里的各类房间及一些常见的生活用品和家具展开的一系列话题,本部分学习的单词是:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen ,教材通过一张温馨的家庭居室内部场景呈现了单词的词形和意义。学情分析本单元主要是围绕家里的各类房间及一些常见的生活用品和家具展开的一系列话题,这些东西都是学生非常熟悉而且和我们息息相关的,所以教师教起来比较顺手,学生也乐于学习,并易于在生活中进行运用。学习目标知

2、识与能力:1、听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。2、能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作。3、会唱歌曲My home。过程与方法:小组活动学习法、情景教学法情感态度与价值观:培养学生对家的热爱,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居。学习重难点教学重点:1、听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。2、学习表示指令的词组。教学难点:单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。学习准备1、教材相配套的教学挂图Unit 4 Lets

3、 learn/A。2、教材相配套的教学录音带。3、教师自制的单词卡。4、教师使用的study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen图片。学习时数第1课时资源来源自备导学案Step1 Warm-up1、GreetingsT: Good afternoon,boys and girls! How are you? Nice to meet you.2、T: Today well have a competition, Group1 and Group2 . Which group will have the most flag.3、Leading-in

4、T: First, lets enjoy a songFriends. The song is beautiful. Do you know the word friends?S:朋友。T: Yes,Amy is our friend. This is her home. Its very big. It has five rooms. Do you want to have a look?S: Yes.Step2 Presentation and practice1、T: Before we enter the rooms, we have to guess some riddles.教师出

5、示关于Room1的谜语,问学生:What is it ? 学生回答:书房. 教师接着自问自答:Yes,its a study. 教读单词study,并板书,让学生认读。教师展现书房图片并黏贴在黑板上的房子里面。2、教师出示有关Room2的谜语,教师问学生:What is it? 学生回答:浴室 .教师肯定学生的回答:Good. Its a bathroom. 教读单词bathroom, 并板书,让学生认读。教师展现浴室图片并黏贴在黑板上的房子里面。3、教师出示有关Room3的谜语,问学生:What is it? 当学生回答出卧室时,教师说:Yes, this is a bedroom.教读be

6、droom, 并板书,让学生认读,要注意dr的读音。教师展现卧室图片并黏贴在黑板上的房子里面。4、教师出示有关Room4的谜语,问学生:What is it? 学生会回答:客厅. 教师告诉学生:This is a living room教读单词living room,并板书,让学生认读。教师展现客厅图片并黏贴在黑板上的房子里面。5、教师出示有关Room5的谜语,问学生:What is it? 教师可让学生用中文说出这是哪儿。然后教读单词kitchen, 并板书,学生认读单词。教师展现厨房图片并黏贴在黑板上的房子里面。6、教师领读所学单词,学生认读单词。7、学生自己读单词。8、学生齐读单词。9、

7、学生分组读单词,赢取小红旗。10、Lets play. Who has good eyesight. 让学生抢答,巩固所学单词。11、教师将Amy的图像贴在书房里。问学生:Wheres Amy? Is she in the study? S: Yes, she is.教师变动的位置。T: Is she in the bathroom? S: Yes, she is.T: Is she in the bedroom? S: Yes, she is. T: Is she in the living room? S: Yes, she is. T: Is she in the kitchen? S:

8、 Yes, she is. 教师将Amy的图像贴在书房里。T: Is she in the bathroom? S: No, she isnt. T: Is she in the bedroom? S: No, she isnt. T: Is she in the living room? S: No, she isnt. T: Is she in the kitchen? S: No, she isnt.12、Work in pairs, practice the dialogue. Wheres Amy? Is she in the study/ bathroom/? Yes, she i

9、s. No, she isnt.13、让学生听录音,跟读课文。14、Lets do. a、教师带领学生理解句子含义。b、教师与学生一起边说指令,边做出相应的动作。Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. Go to the bedroom. Have a napc、学生小组表演Lets do部分的内容。d、教师奖励优秀小组。Step3 Moral education.1、 Ea

10、st or west,home is the best. I love my home.2、 播放family的公益短片。Father and mother I love you.Step4 Homework.1、 Design a home you like best.2、 Tell your home to your friends.作业设计学生自己设计一套房子并布置各个房间,在各房间里画上一些学过的物品,涂上颜色。并用学过的英语介绍自己设计的房子给家长或朋友听,准备下一节课展示并介绍自己设计的房子。板书设计Unit 4 My homestudy bathroom bedroom living room kitchen


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