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1、反法西斯阅兵英语作文【篇一:北京高考一模英语作文情景文汇总】 海淀一模 第二节(0分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据如下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,简介上周你与外国朋友tom在颐和园的经历。注意:词数不少于。 提示词:毛笔 awritinrush lastwekd, tman id vit o he sumrplac, whc prove tobvyintersgdrewardin. e arrved at entnce alyn the mrning ad ntrduc thehisto of thrk to t bifly. the oment w ented t

2、 prk,tomas traed by tebeatilscenery and w alked along thbautifu lak hapy. son, ntced aeelman actcing allirapho heround,with uc waerasie hodnga bi wrng brusinhis an, herote h chinsechaacter or “longiy”. swell ahe toursts,we cot ep but admie hs kills. to or surie,thlderlymainvie tm o have ty. with his

3、 hp, to cmpeted first caligrtask, theto chinese crces fo“cina”,ue scessuly. before we left,e tooka phootgther o memorithis vluaexperenc. i the ictr, to hldthe witing bus dthe eldrly n smiled, thi thmb up. i ao gad that cul hl my oegfendoleraoutthrt ftheaguage w hve eenusigo eera thosn yearsiaiton,re

4、discveedhrm of cine ctue第二节(0分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据如下四幅图的先后顺序,用英文写一篇周记,记述春节前你跟奶奶学做剪纸的过程。词数不少于60。提示词:剪纸,窗花 paer unfebry 6, i nt t vt my gadm. enterin erom, ifndher bs mang paperu. lookngat the calda, i reied it ws ust t ight e frrom coraionacordingto th nse traditioatctedy the delcate rks, oudnt ao ha

5、v a tyth he atn istrtion,i eartte basicstepsansills o akig papercut itwas lbefor my cetisere “born”. then ely, we them . wi ifernt dis n the nows, sh as amnkey adthe hnee aracter “fu”,urroom wasfile wit afstial atmosphere.t sareurhapinss withe,wcalle n our ex or neibr an gve thm sompape cutsi fel p

6、henrecevig the arcto of r gfts.pap cus adehis prng esti ore specal 第二节(2 分) 如果你是红星中学高三班的李华。请按如下四幅图的顺序,给你校“英语园地”投稿,简介上学期你们班参与学校组织的“,中国”的主题板报的比赛过程。 注意:1.词数不少于6; 2开头已给出,不计入总词数。 3.提示词:阅兵式militry parad 学校活动类话题,参与学校组织的“,中国”的主题板报比赛活动。难 度适中,场景涵盖班会、讨论、分工合伙及颁奖四大写作高频场景。写作要点有: 1.at the clas ting, o teae toldu b

7、o , hebkbadwsper onest 2.asdiussin, ls as pdnt ourminds, ltypaade,winteolpic3. otdnto wk,wot te evnts,ecot it witbeautifulrawins 4. wonhe first riz, b proud o otmor ls tem,ochol edbacor ewspae contst on“norgettale nchina”theidea of the mliarypaeand hwinr olmi game am to u mmdiately. hentedeignig wrk

8、 wa don, set bout worki onthe lackor. we took o ift tasks.eside wrin down the ain events of he yearnayn the blackboa,w als ecrte itwith betiu rawns. thnkto or hardwo, ur igfinalywo the rtri ere o nyru f ouemwk but alodel ipeed y th gretchievesf ou outry.第二节(20 分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据如下四幅图的先后顺序,简介你在寒假期间

9、参与“丝绸之路文化行”敦煌站的活动过程,并以“silk oa vel”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。 注意:1.词数不少于;2.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:莫高窟theoao ces 考核体裁为中国老式文化类的话题作文,难度较大。全文的重要细节有:图一:达到敦煌we, arried a dnhan aunn day,o arriviat t alwastion, in high sirit / eger xcie 图二:参观莫高窟thenda, w, sit thmogao cavs, aaze/ depl messeb , nductorsvivdintducton,fbul

10、usatwos f ancientcraftsmen 图三:骑骆驼whie wer there, walo,epeced the eplotio thesilra, sitig on hcel aekini thevast esrt,图四:合影留念befre avig, we,ooka phot toget orze, in fron f tetra staton, t cultuetour log lk od, cerh / reasutheip inourhear.ilk rotravelthis winter acaio i went t dunhangt eploe hsil ro w

11、it yclassmates. as soon swe gt he tra, e were al excie nd attacted bt historc tuch. he nxtd, we vsitedth mgao ce.dply impressedythe spend constrution,e t manyphos. a nrrattroued t al aintngs to us urosity, w ied aentively, skinqesions antang noethe am rid ote tirday as uelyteost exing partf ourtr loinfar intothdeert, i pure o ancint cinese traveledalonte silk od ow imfew! o i s h lasday oourto.t the r tton, etoka phto holng ner with “ lture uraon th sil o”ont te rindd ut my ntrst keeps grwingd imlnng tsmoeintrsing se aog he ilk ro.第二节(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你和同窗从



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