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1、 高考英语对话填空专项训练二(一)Rose: Can I see your l_ , please ? 1 _Jack: Whats the matter , officer ? D_ I do something wrong ? 2 _ Rose: You were s_. 3 _Jack: Was I?Rose: You c_ were .Do you have any idea how 4_fast you were going ?Jack: I am not sure. But I think I was going about 35.Rose: The street is 25-mi

2、le per hour zone, you know ?Jack: It is.Rose: In the s_, the speed limit in business area is 25. 5_Did you see the s_ all along the street ? 6 _Jack: Im sorry, officer. I guess I didnt n_. I was busy 7 _t_ of my job interview. You see its my first time here. 8 _Rose: Well, s_ its your first time in

3、this city, Ill just give 9_you a w_ this time. But be careful not to speed again. 1 0_(二)Rose: I think we o_ to turn round and head back home. 1 _Jack: T_ just after a few kilometers of cycling ? 2 _Rose: Not at all. But look at the c_ building up there. 3 _Jack:So? I dont really c_ if it gets cloud

4、y. The sun is being quite strong. 4 _Rose: Right ? But those clouds m_ a storm and a lot of rain. 5 _Jack:That doesnt s_ so great, but I thought that those 6 _w_ fair weather clouds. 7 _Rose: No, those are t_ dark clouds. They will bring rain and storms. 8 _Jack: How did you ever learn all that ? Fr

5、om your g_ teacher ? 9 _Rose: No, I g_ up on a farm. I learned a lot about the weather. 10 _(三)Mary: Excuse me, I have come to look at the department you a_ in the paper. 1_Jack: Do you smoke or drink?Mary:N_,why? 2_Jack:We dont allow that in our apartment. Are you a w_ girl? 3_Mary: I am a student,

6、 but I also have a part-time job. My friends are going to pay my r_ 4_Jack:OK.L_go and take a look. 5_We have two a_,250 and 365. They are both 6_two-bedroom a_. 7_ Mary:Oh, Ididntnotice that in the ad. I am going to be living a_, 8_ so that is too big. Jack:We do have a one-bedroom that will be emp

7、ty in a c_ of weeks. 9_ Mary: OK, would you please inform me as soon as the room is a_? 10_ Jack:No problem. See you later. Mary: See you. (四)Olivia: Hi, its you, Pansy! I didnt r_ you! 1_Pansy: Hi, Olivia! Long time no see. Ive changed a lot, havent I?Olivia: Yes, indeed. Youre slimmer than before.

8、Pansy: Really? Im losing w_. 2_Olivia: But how? Going on a d_ or .? 3_Pansy: I tried to eat less, but failed. You know Ive got a sweet tooth. Chocolates, ice creamsall my f_. 4_Olivia: So?Pansy: My doctor s_ that I do more exercise. You see, 5_as a secretary to the manager, I always sit at the desk

9、doing paperwork. L_ of exercise led to my 6_g_ weight day by day. So at last, 7_I f_ his advice. Im attending a Yoga (瑜伽) course 8_r_,twice a week. And I often do jogging (慢跑) in the 9_morning. Olivia: Can you i_ your Yoga coach to me? Im quite interested 10_ in it.Pansy: Sure. (五)Lynn: Good morning

10、, Dr. Brown. May I come in? Brown: Morning, Lynn. Of course. Lynn It is just that Alan and I want to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate the f_ of my paper. 1_We would like to invite you e_, since you are the 2_ chairman. Would you c_ this Saturday? 3_Brown: I would be glad to. Saturday, did you say, Lynn? Lynn: If thats all r_ for you and Mrs Brown. 4_Brown: I will have to c_ with Elizabeth, but I am pretty 5_ sure it will be all right. Lynn :Good. If you could come a_ 6:30 or 7 oclock, 6_ that would give us a chat o_ a glass o



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