2022年高中英语 Module1教学案 外研版选修6

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1、2022年高中英语 Module1教学案 外研版选修6周次上课时间课型课题Small Talk教学目标Words, Phrases and Sentence Patterns教学重点Building up skills of small talk at social events教学难点Grammar- didnt need to do & neednt have doneI目标展示,自主学习,深化拓展重要句式剖析1. Make sure you prepare for your English examination务必为你的英语考试做准备。 (1)句中make sure表示”务必,确保”。

2、此外,make sure还可表示”核实,查明,弄清楚”。make sure的常见用法:make sure ofthat确缈弄清楚(从句常用一般现在时)make sure(not)to do sth确保(不)做某事They scored another goal and made sure of victory他们又进了一个球,这就赢定了。I think the doors locked,but Ill just go and make sure我觉得门已经锁上了,不过我还是去看看确认一下。(2)prepare for表示”为做(好)准备”。而prepare sth表示”准备”。如: She w

3、as busy preparing a report all the night她一整晚都忙着准备报告。prepare oneself forto do sth使自己为做(好)准备prepare to do sth准备做某事2Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognize ?你是否曾经故意穿过马路以避免与你认识的人说话? (I)句子结构分析: 动名词短语作宾语 to avoid talking to someone ( you recognize),不定式作目的状语 定语从句关系代词已省去 (2)

4、句中avoid后接动名词短语作宾语。如: These days he always avoids meeting with me for some reason 最近他因某种原因总是避免与我碰面。口诀巧记常接动名词作宾语的动词(短语)建议考虑 坚持练(suggest,advise,consider,insist on,practise)允许想象 弃冒险(permit,allow,imagine,give up,risk)阻止抵抗 否逃脱(prevent,resist,deny,escape)不禁介意 保持完(cant help,mind,keep,finish)耽误推迟 求原谅(delay,p

5、ut off,require,forgive,excuse)承认错过 欣避免(admit,miss,appreciate,avoid)3.People with good social skills municate well and know how to have a conversation具备良好社交技能的人能很好地和别人交流并且知道怎样聊天。句中how to have a conversation属于”疑问词whether+不定式”结构。”疑问词whether+不定式”结构的用法说明:语法功能:主语、宾语、表语.作主语时谓语动词通常用单数 常见疑问词:who(m),how,when,

6、where,which,whatHow to do it is still a question怎样做此事仍然是个问题。He told me how to answer all the questions in English他告诉我怎样用英语回答所有的问题4Here are some ideas to make you a better listener下面是一些使你成为良好倾听者的方法。 句中make you a better listener属于”make+宾语+宾补”结构,宾补由名词充当|make+宾语+宾补”的常见形式: 名词 形容词副词 make+宾语+ 介词短语 过去分词 不定式

7、(不带to)You have made me feel embarrassed你让我感到很尴尬。I made them give my money back我让他们把钱还给我。5.The only problem is that Im not very good at small talk with people I dont knowIm always worried about saying the wrong thing or making people feel bored唯一的问题是我不擅长和我不认识的人闲谈我总是担心说错话或让人觉得无聊。6.Her motto was“Every

8、time I open my mouth,I put my foot in it”她的座右铭是:”每次开口,都说错话。”句中every time是名词短语,起连词的作用,引导一个时间状语从句。如: You dont have to look up every new word in the dictionary every time you e across it while reading an article读文章时,你不必遇到生词就去查词典。 归纳总结 起连词作用引导时间状语从句的名词短语:the+时间名词:the second,the minute,the instant等 time类

9、名词短语:the firstlast time,eachevery time,next time等 the+其他类时间名词:the week,the year,the month等 7.It was no coincidence either that she wasnt a very good saleswoman她不是一个好的推销员也绝非偶然。 句中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。英语中,为了平衡句子结构,习惯上用it作形式主语来代替后面 的从句。如: It is a pity that you didnt go to see the film yesterday你昨天没去

10、看那部电影真遗憾。 It was really surprising that she married a man like that她嫁给那样的男人真让人惊讶。it作形式主语的常见句型:It+be+形容词(important,necessary)+主语从句 It+be+名词词组(a fact,a pity,a shame)+ 主语从句 It+be+过去分词(said,believed,expected)+ 主语从句 It+不及物动词(seem,appear,happen)+主语从句 It+be+形容词(easy,difficult,possible)(+forof sb)+动词不定式,8.T

11、he trouble with Esther was she said what she thought,and didnt think about what she said埃斯特的问题是她想到什么就说什么,而且从不考虑她所说的话。9.“No,I guess they chose you to discourage you from spending your whole career with us。”Esther replied sweetly”不,我猜测他们选择你是不想你一辈子都跟着我们干。”埃斯特甜美地答道。discourage sbfrom doing sth表示”劝阻某人做某事,

12、使某人放弃做某事”。其反义词组为encourage sbin sthto do sth如: His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor他的父母试图阻止他当演员。 The bad weather discouraged most people from attending the parade恶劣的天气使大多数人放弃去参加游行。梯度训练1The explorer got a disease for _of fresh vegetables and fruit Asake B1ack Cignorance Dbenefit2I w

13、as so familiar with her that I recognized her voice_ I picked up the phone Athe moment Bafter Cbefore Dwhile3Why not try your luck downtown,Bob? Thats _ the best jobs are Awhere Bwhat Cwhen Dwhy4So sad did she look at the news that I didnt know _say to fort her Awhat to Bhow to Cwhat can I Dhow can

14、I5_ doesnt matter to me what you do AIt B That CThis DWhat6_the differences in colors,languages and races,we share the charm and joy of the Olympic Games AThough BBecause of CIn spite of DIn addition to7Hey! Please do me _ favourI must get some money from _ATM machine Athe;a Ba;the Cthe;an Da;8一What should I do with the text?_ the topic sentence of each paragraph AFinding out BFound out CFind out DTo find out9一Did you see Janes new hairstyle? Its so ugly!一You really_Shes right behind youA put your foot in it Bsh



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