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1、UNIT 5 (BOOK 7B) 练习一: 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Be ( care)! The bus is coming.2.Li Lei is polite and (help).3.Its interesting for children (study) science.4.How time (fly) ! Another year is coming.二、根据所给汉语提示补全句子: 1.We can also (帮老人过马路)2.Can you (帮我) my English after class?3.We should (清理干净) the room after th

2、e party.4.The plane (飞往) New York at eight every morning.5.We held a fashion show (募集东西) for Project Hope .6.He often (让座给老年人) on the bus.三、选择题:1. your room ,please and you should keep your room .A. Cleaning ;clean B. Clean; cleaning C. Clean; clean D. To clean; clean2. My mother often tells me my c

3、lassmates when they want.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps3. Millie is always with her things. She never loses things before.A. care B. careless C. carefully D. careful4.Jerry ,with his parents, his grandparents on Sunday. A. visit B. is visiting C. visits D. to visit5. Bob often his mother wit

4、h housework Saturday.A. helping B. help C. helps D. helped6. Be careful! The car nearly hit you. (同义词转换)A. take care of B. look out C. look outside D. look up7. should help . A. Young ;elderly B. Elderly ;young C. The young; the elderly D. The elderly; the young8. Please me lift this heavy box. A. h

5、elp ; / B. help; with C. Helps; / D. helping; to 练习二: 一、句型转换1.The fire was on May 10th. (对划线部分提问句) the fire ?2.Tom is a boy. He is eight years old.(合并为一句)Tom is boy.3.My mother stayed in hospital for two weeks last month.(对划线提问) your mother in hospital last month ?4.Zhang Hua did something to keep h

6、imself safe.(改为一般疑问句) Zhang Hua to keep himself safe ?二、根据汉语提示完成句子1.用了两个小时才把火扑灭。It took two hours .2.他独自住在乡下。He in the country . 3.当你离开房间的时候,不要让灯一直亮着.You shouldnt the lights when you leave the room .4.她拿着一本书走出了房间。 She went the room with a book in her hand .5.我听说她生病住院了。I heard she was ill .三、选择题1.Whe

7、n someone is in trouble , we must help him trouble (麻烦) .A. in B. out of C. into2.-When were you born? -I was born the morning of May 7th,1995.A. in B. on C. at3.It took the fireman two hours to the fire .A. put up B. put out C. put on D. put away 4.The heavy rain in Fujian Province more than 4,000

8、students taking part in the college entrance examination(高考) on time .A. stopped ; from B. prevented ; from C. kept ; from D. A , B and D5.When I passed by , I heard someone for help .A. call B. called C. is calling D. calling6.She is looking after a .A. five months old baby B. five-months-old baby

9、C. five-month-old baby7. -Lets go out for a picnic on Sunday . - .A. Nice to meet you. B. Here you are. C. The same to you. D. Good idea.8.-Tomorrow I will Shanghai . - When will you start ?A. leave B. leave to C. leave for D. go for9.-Are you afraid of at home , Linda ? -No . Iv grown up .A. alone

10、B. being alone C. lonely D. being lonely10. - I cant find my pen . Where is it ? -Sorry , I dont know. Perhaps you it home . A. threw B. forgot C. put D. left练习三: 将下列词组译成英语91.不同的能力 2.多么酷啊! 3.小心,当心 4.植树 5. 给某人让座 6. 为募集 12.发生在某人身上 13.在那时 14.在夹克衫上泼上水 15.冲进教室 16.用毯子扑灭火 17.住院 7.清理干净公园 8.探访老年公寓 9.帮助脱离困境 10.听见某人在做某事 11.大量的烟 18.给她带来花和礼物 19.相互帮助 20.谨慎用火是重要的。 21.保持某人安全 22.采取措施做某事 练习四;一、用can 或could 填空。1.Now I drive a car, but last year I .2.- Daniel swim when



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