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《Unit1 My School.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1 My School.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit1 My School 第三课时外海街道中路小学 陈秀英一、教材分析a、教材的内容:本节教材的内容是开心学英语四年级下册 Unit 1 My School的Story部分, 是本单元的第三课时.b、教材的地位:Story 的教学,是一个话题教学。第一、二课时的词句教学及练习及拓展,为本课时的课文教学做好一个语言的铺垫。 二、教学目标与要求1、语言知识和技能目标:a、理解句型:Whats in your school? b、会有表情地朗读story的内容,做到语音语调基本正确,能正确回答问题,能有声有色地表演课文内容,并在熟练表演课文对话的基础上,为课文对话续尾。2、学习策略和能力目标:

2、a、 学生的听、说、读、写、演的能力得到进一步加强,培养学生正确的语音、语调和语感。b、学生基本能用句子进行对话并且用对话进行拓展延伸,基本能运用所学句型进行交际,提高学生综合运用语言进行交际的能力。3、情感目标:a、通过比赛和小组合作学习,培养学生敢于竞争与学会合作的意识。b、通过表演课文、活用对话及对课文的续尾,提高学生学习的兴趣和积极性,培养学生的表现能力,树立英语学习的自信。 4、文化意识目标:通过本课时教学,教育学生热爱自己的校园。三、教学重点和难点1、教学重点:a、 Students can master the new words and the language structu

3、res in the story.b、 Students can read out the sentences with emotions and facial expressions after the tape.c、 Students can describe the pictures in the story correctly and fluently.d、学生能读懂对话内容、进行角色表演并能活用对话。2、教学难点:a、 Ss can act out the dialog with emotions and facial expressions. b、 Ss can continue

4、the story according to the last picture in the story. c、 能活用对话。五、教学过程一、Warm upa、Free talkb、Greeting.T: What day is it today? Its二、Pre-readinga、T: Now, I want to introduce my university school to you.(Show the picture) Look! Do you want to know whats in my school? Ss: b、T: This is my school. There is

5、 a music room, an art room, a gym, a library, a playground. There are two teachers offices. There are lots of classrooms. I like my school.C:teach lots of三、While-readingStep1、 Ss Enjoy the video ,then finish the practice 1.Step2、 Listen and repeat. ( T Encourages Ss to read expressively.)T: Now list

6、en to the tape, please. Then repeat with emotions and facial expressions after the tape.Step3、Open your book and read together.(带读、全班读、小组分角色读)Step4、Ss read in roles and act .Divide the class into groups, have them read in roles. Then act.四、Post-readingStep 1、Introduce your school.T: Now you know wha

7、ts in Bens school, but can you introduce your school to Ben. Step2、Look, say and write.T: What s in your school?(让学生先说后写)T: Now, look and write down your says. Step3、Summary五、HomeworkA、Act the story with your partner.B、Continue the story with your partner.六、板书设计Unit 1 My SchoolThere is_ in my school.There are _ in my school.


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