SOP-QA-001 D 来料检验作业指导书 Incoming Inspection Work Instruction.doc

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《SOP-QA-001 D 来料检验作业指导书 Incoming Inspection Work Instruction.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SOP-QA-001 D 来料检验作业指导书 Incoming Inspection Work Instruction.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高邮市三阳机电有限公司Standard Operating Procedure标准操作程序Document No:文件编号SOP-QA-001Revision No:版本DDocument Name:来料检验作业指导书Incoming Inspection Work InstructionPage:页码 Page 10 of 10Effective Date:生效日期26-Apr-2012Originated by: Kerry Zhou起草人:周方游Title: engineer职位:工程师Signature:签名:Date:25-Apr-2011日期:Co-approved by: 审核人

2、:赵桂林 Title: 职位:质量主管Signature: 签名:Date: 25-Apr-2011日期:Approved by: 批准人: Title: 职位:Signature:签名:Date: 25-Apr-2011日期:1.0 Purpose目的The objective of this procedure is to define a standard inspection method in performing inspection and testing of components or materials. 本程序目的在于定义对元件或材料进行检验/测试的标准操作方法。 2.0

3、 Scope适用范围This procedure is applicable to all components and materials that require the relevant inspection and testing, as specified in the individual Part or Material Specification.本程序适用于所有按照元件和材料规格进行检验和测试的元件和材料。3.0 Sampling / Equipment Used 取样 / 使用设备3.1 Per sampling plan stated in the Incoming In

4、spection Procedure: AQL:MA=0.4、MI=1.0 按照来料检验程序所规定的抽样计划;AQL:MA=0.4、MI=1.0级别进行抽样.3.2 Inspection Aids检验工具4.2.1 LCR Meter / LCR 测量仪4.2.2 Fluke Multimeter / Fluke 万用表 4.2.3 Caliper / Plug Gauge / Pin Gauge / 游标卡尺/ 塞规/针规4.2.4 Magnifier / Microscope / 放大镜 / 显微镜 4.0 Reference Documents参考文件3.1 Customers AVL

5、/ 客户接受的供应商清单3.2 Manufacturer Part Specification / 供应商的元件规格3.3 Yamaoka AVL List / 本公司的AVL3.4 QAP-010 : Incoming Inspection Procedure / 来料检验程序3.5 SOP-QA-003 : Material Aging Control Procedure / 物料保质期控制程序5.0 Inspection Criteria / 检验要点5.1 MFG AVL Verification / 生产厂商确认Verify that the parts are from the a

6、uthorized vendor per AVL list.根据AVL清单验证元件是否为承认厂商。5.2 MFG Part Number Verification / 生产厂商料号确认 Verify that manufacturer part number and description are correct per PO and DO. 根据PO 和DO验证生产厂家料号和元件种类.5.3 Packaging&RoHS Verification / 包装、环保确认Verify that the part is packed in correct/proper packaging as in

7、dicated in manufacturer p/n and/or engineering requirement. Check if there are part number and vendor name marked on every packing box or container. Whether RoHS materials? The Customer material should pay attention to whether have original packaging label;验证元件的包装与厂家料号和/或工程需要是否一致适当,是不是环保材料。检查每个包装箱外是

8、否标明品名和厂商名. 对客供物料需注意包装上是否有原厂标签;5.4 Visual Inspection / 外观确认Carry out visual inspection on samples, if confirmation of defects is required, use visual aids or equipment such as 5X magnifying glass, microscope etc to check.对来料样品进行外观检验,如果必要,可使用5倍放大镜,显微镜等辅助设备进行检验。5.5 Part Dimensional Check / 尺寸确认Measure

9、samples on critical dimensions that are highlighted in the respective part drawing or specification. 5 data to be recorded.根各元件的规格对抽样样品进行尺寸检验;记录5个检验数据; 5.6 Part Value Measurement / 测值For inductors/capacitors/resistors, need to perform value measurements using LCR meter that record 5PCS per datecode

10、according to AVL and manufacturers specifications. 5 data to be recorded.对于电感/电容/电阻元件,需按照AVL和厂家的标准,利用L/C/R测量仪进行测值,每D/C抽样5PCS。各记录5个数据 ; 5.7 Date Code Verification / 生产日期确认For PCB, D/C should be within 6 months from date of manufacture,machine part 、LED、connecter 、moisture sensitive components within

11、1year. For other electronic components(passive、disperse), D/C should be within 2 years and for chemistries, the expiry date shall be verified according to Material Aging Control Procedure, SOP-QA-003 .对于印刷线路板,保质期需控制在生产日期后半年之内;结构件、LED、连接器、湿敏元件为1年内,其他的电子(被动和离散)元件,生产日期需控制在2年之内。对于化学药品,失效日期按照物料保质期控制流程执行,

12、文件号码:SOP-QA-003.5.8 Certificate of Conformance (COC) Verification / 出厂检验报告确认For PCB and Chemical items, COC must be provided by supplier for every delivery lot.对于印刷线路板 和化学药品需要供应商对每一批次提供COC.5.9 Solderability & Electrical Test / 可焊性/电气测试If the component has exceeded their shelf life, solderability and

13、/or electrical test shall be conducted according to Material Age Control Procedure. 如果元器件超过保质期限,按照物料保质期控制流程执行可焊性测试和/或电气测试。6.0 Procedure / 程序6.1 PCB Inspection Criteria / 印刷线路板的检验要点元器件COMPONENT检验要点 (INSPECTION CRITERIA)仪器设备EQUIPMENT1Per AVL, check the MFG name按照系统客户许可供应商列表核对生产厂家五至八倍放大镜5X-8X Magnifier

14、2Per AVL, check MPN按照系统客户许可供应商列表核对生产厂家料号游标卡尺Caliper3Verify if package is proper and in good condition检查包装是否合适并完好针规Needle Gauge4Verify UL logo and flammability class; for example:94V-0;检查安全认证标记和防火等级 例如:94V-0显微镜Microscope5Verify Electrical Test Stamp检查电气测试章塞规Plug Gauge6Verify the body marking and REV检查本体标示和版本7Solder mask adhesion test is OK or NG which include incoming QA report content that it must be checked by inspector剥皮测试检查供应商出货报告内容是否有阻焊膜粘贴性试验是否OK8Visual check外观检查a. Surface checking with naked eyes 裸眼作表面可视性检查 印刷电路板(PCB)b. Use 5X/8X magnifier check the defect area



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