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1、高考英语易错动词总结2)select精选;挑选;选定,强调慎重考虑后的选择。 例句:The farmer taught us how to select seeds.She was selected from among many applicants.Have you read selected works of Lu Xun 3)elect选举;推选例句:We elected her monitor. We elected him mayor.pick out 认出;挑出;挑选;多用口语例句:I picked out an old friend in a crowd.She picked

2、out the shoes that match the dress.第十九组:join/join in/take part in/attend1)join及物动词加入、同一起干或玩、连接 例句:I joined the Party in 1975.His brother joined the army two years ago.They are planning to join the two towns by a railway. 2)join in 参加例句:May I join in your discussionMany people join in the game every

3、year.He joined in the work without a second thought.3)take part in 参加参加者持积极态度,起一份作用。 例句:A lot of students took part in the thorough cleaning yesterday.A lot of college students took part in the movement last year. 4)attend 出席,参加,到场;上学例句:Did you attend the meeting last weekHe was ill so he didnt atte

4、nd his classes. 注意:attend的词语搭配attend a ceremony 参加典礼 attend a funeral 参加葬礼 attend a lecture 听演讲 attend a concert 听音乐会 attend church 上教堂第二十组:beat/hit/strike1)beatbeatbeaten打;击败;跳动 例句:My heart is beating fast.They beat us in the match.The rain was beating on the windows.2)hit 打;击中;想出例句:The football hi

5、t him in the eye. He hit on a good idea.He hit his head hard on the floor when he fell down. 3)strikestruckstruck打;敲;打动;擦;报时;突然想到,用途较广。 例句:Strike while the iron is hot.Dont strike the man with a stick.第一组:spend/ take /costspend的主语通常是“人”,即“某人在花多少时间或金钱。” 例句:1)The boy spends a lot of money.(in) playing

6、 xxputer games.2)She spent lots of money on books last year.take前常以it作形式主语,作“做某事需要花多少时间。” It takes (人)时间 to do sth.1)How long does it take you to finish the work2)It took me an hour to repair my bike.3)It takes a lot of courage to tell the truth.cost的主语通常是事物,即指 某物值多少钱需要多少时间某人花了多少钱使cost时间/金钱 要xx,只做中学

7、生最喜欢、最实用的学习论坛,地址手机版地址 1)The watch cost me two hundred yuan.2)Writing a novel cost plenty of time.3)The girls bad behavior cost her parents many sleepless nights. 注意:cost的过去式,过去分词都是cost。第二组:speak/say/tell/talkspeak说某种语言,说某人好、坏话是及物动词;发表讲话,对某人说话,是不及物动词。 1)The students speak English very fluently.2)The

8、Prime Minister spoke on the international situation. 3)She always speaks ill of others. speak的习惯用语:Generally speaking 一般而言 Frankly speaking 坦白地说 Strictly speaking 严格地说not to speak of 且不说;更不用说1)Generally speaking, man is stronger than woman.2)We can speak English, not to speak of Chinese.say说出某句话或某件事

9、;后接从句,;说明时间;书信、布告报纸上的“说”,习惯用法 1)She said ,“I love you.” 2)Say goodbye to them.3)She says she is busy.4)My watch says 10:00 sharp.5)The paper says that there was a big fire in Shanghai. 。6)It is said that she has been away for a month.7)It goes without saying that education is important.8)Tom is a go

10、od student, that is to say, he gets good grades in school. tell说谎;讲故事;说实话 1)Dont tell a lie.2)She likes to tell stories.3)We should always tell the truth. tell辨别;叫某人做某事;接“间接”与“直接”宾语;tell宾语that从句 1)Sometimes we cant tell right from wrong. talk连续地说话;习惯用法1)What are the girls talking about2)Young people

11、 like to talk politics.3)I talked over the matter with her.第三组:take /bring/carry/fetchtake作“带去”“拿去”解;从近处把东西送到远处 例句:1)Shell take her children to the park.2)Its raining, youd better take an umbrella with you.bring“拿来;带来”;从远处把东西拿到近外 1)Bring the dictionary to me.2)Please bring your report with you when

12、you xxe tomorrow. carry作“携带,带去;搬运”解 1)She always carries a red handbag.2)Please carry this TV set upstairs.fetch作“去取来,拿来;叫某人来”解1)The football is over there. Fetch it please.2)Fetch the police at once. Weve found the robber.第四组:wear/put on/ dresswear穿着,戴;留,表示“状态”是及物动词需加宾语 例句:1)She always wears a pair

13、 of glasses.2)He wears a black jacket today. put on穿上,戴上,表示“动作” 例句:1)The teacher put on his hat and went out of the office.2)Put on the gloves .Its cold outside.dress作“穿着的衣服”解;给某人穿衣服不用写衣服 例句:1)She is dressed in red.2)The mother dresses the child every day.此句不能加衣服。 3)She dresses herself in red.第五组: d

14、o /makedo“做”主要是用来表示“行动”“行为”,如do omelets是“把蛋卷煎好”。在do后面常加一些抽象名词,如do wrong。“wrong”是抽象名词常与do搭配的短语有:do onesdo (the) somedo sb. a favor帮人忙 do with利用;忍受;需要 do away with废除do without用不着;不需要 have do sb.do nothing but do除了做以外什么也没做 do business做生意 例句:1)Ill do the dishes today. 2)Ive done my homework. 3)Crying does harm to you.4)Will you do me a favor5)We cannot do without a telephone in our business.6)The new teacher didnt know what to do with the class. 7)I did nothing but watch TV last night. 8)Who does your hairmake“作”,表示“制造”,其后的宾语是make的产品。如make clothes 制做衣服;make后常跟一些可数名词常与make动词搭配的短语



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