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1、Interpreting 生词表abusive bju:siv adj. 辱骂的, 诅咒的, 虐待的, 滥用的arbitrate / btret; rbtret/ v I, Ipr, Tn, (sth) (between A and B) make a judgement about or settle (a dispute) between two parties (usu when asked by them to do so) 仲裁, 公断altercation :ltkei()nn.争论, 口角【根】alter=other(其他的) 变化型 aliassassinatess

2、netvt.暗杀,行刺;中伤;诋毁character assassination 名誉诋毁asylum sailmn.庇护, 收容所, 救济院, 精神病院【根】a-=negative(否定)=not,without 目音之前为an-abdomen bdmen n.腹部abdominal bdminl adj. 腹部的abattoir btw: n.屠宰场, 角斗场assure u vt.使确信, 使放心, 确保abide baid v.遵守, 忍受, 坚持law-abiding citizenattempt tempt v.企图, 尝试 n.企图, 试图analgesic nldi:sik n

3、.镇痛剂 adj.止痛的angiogram njigrm n. 血管造影照片, 血管造影片arteriogram:tiriurmn.动脉波,动脉X光照片accuse kju:z v.谴责, 控告, 指责accusationanaesthetic /nsetk/adj.麻醉的 n.麻醉剂, 麻醉 =anesthetic(美)asymptomatic simptmtik adj.无症状的asymptomatic simptmtik adj.无症状的artery :tri n.动脉, 干线absorb bs:bvt.吸收, 吸引,吸引 . 的注意, 吞并, 承受【根】ab-=from,away fr

4、om,off 变化型 a-,abs-(c和t之前),adv-,av-absorbed adj with ones attention fully held 精神集中的: absorbed in her book 埋头读她的书.absorbent / -nt; -nt/ n, adj (substance) that is able to take in moisture, etc 能吸收水分等的(物质): absorbent cotton wool 脱脂棉.absorbing adj holding the attention fully 十分吸引人的: an absorbing film 引

5、人入胜的影片.absorption / bspn; bsrpn/ n U (by/in sth) absorbing or being absorbed 吸收; 专心致志; 全神贯注: His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport. 他热中於运动而影响了工作.bureau bjuru n.局, 办事处, (带抽屉的)写字台bureaucracy bjurkrsi n.官僚制度, 官僚主义, 官僚bureaucrat bjurukrt n.官僚作风的人, 官僚bureaucratic bjurukrtik adj. 官僚的,

6、 繁文缛节的bruise bru:z n.瘀青, 擦伤, 挫伤 vi.碰伤, 擦伤 vt.使挫伤barrister brist n.出庭律师(在英国有资格出席高等法院进行辩护)bricklayer briklei n.砖匠benign binainadj.(病)良性的, (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的【根】bene-=well,good(与male-相反) 同义词bon-=bonus=goodtumourbias bais n.偏见, 偏爱, 斜纹vt.使偏心bastard bstd adj.私生的, 错误的,混蛋的n.私生子, 混蛋booth bu: n.货摊, 电话亭, 小间bunga

7、low/ bglu; blo/small house with one storey 平房consecutive knsekjutivadj.连续的, 联贯的 consecutively【根】sequ,secut,suto follow(跟随)cervical s:vikl adj. 颈(部)的, 子宫颈的cervical cancercervix s:viksn. 颈部, 子宫颈coward kaud n.懦夫 adj.胆小的 chronic krnikadj.慢性的, 延续很长的【根】chrontime(时间)clarification klrifikein n.澄清, 阐明capable

8、 keipbladj.有能力的, 能干的, 有可能的, 可以.的【根】capto take(取)commit kmitvt.犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把.交托给, 提交, 答应负责【根】miss,mitto send(送),to throw(投;掷)cylinder silind n.圆筒, 汽缸, 圆柱体consent knsentvi.同意, 赞成, 答应;n.同意, 赞成, 允诺【根】com-=together,with,wholly 变化型 co-,col-,comb-,con-,cor-,coun-【根】sens,sentto feel(感觉)chiropractor kairpr

9、kt n.脊椎指压治疗者, 按摩师classified klsifaid adj.分类的, 类别的, 机密的circulate s:kjuleit vi.流通, 循环, 传播 vt.使流通cranium / krenm; krenm/ n (pl s or crania/ kren; kren/) (anatomy 解) bony part of the head enclosing the brain; skull 头盖骨; 颅骨. cranial / krenl; krenl/ adj (anatomy 解) of the skull 头盖骨的; 颅骨的creep kri:p vi.蹑手蹑

10、脚地走, 爬, 渐渐出现, 蔓延, 毛骨悚然 n.卑鄙小人, 爬,徐行,蠕动concrete knkri:t adj. 具体的, 实质性的, 混凝土的 n. 水泥, 混凝土, 具体物 v. 凝结, 结合crutch krt n.拐杖, 支柱 v.支撑comprehensive kmprihensivadj.全面的, 广泛的, 能充分理解的, 包容的【根】pris,prehendto seize(捉;握取)collision klin n.碰撞, 冲突frontal injuries 正面撞击伤cramp krmp n.抽筋, 痉挛, 夹钳 (复)cramps: 绞痛v.束缚, 使痉挛, 用夹钳

11、夹紧coma kum n. 昏迷confine knfainvt.限制, 禁闭;n.界限, 边界【根】finto end(结束)coronary krnri adj.冠状动脉或静脉的contraceptive kntrseptiv n.避孕药, 避孕用具adj.避孕的contraception kntrsepn n.避孕(法)coercion ku:n n. 强迫, 威压, 高压政治coalition kulinn.合并, 接合, 联合【根】com-=together,with,wholly 变化型 co-,col-,comb-,con-,cor-,coun-consecutive / kns

12、ekjutv; knskjtv/ adj coming one after the other without interruption; following continuously 顺序来的; 连续不断的: on three consecutive dayscompliant kmplaintadj.顺从的, 适应的【根】plen,plete,ple,pli,plyto fill(充满),full(满的)compel kmpelvt.强迫, 迫使【根】pel,pulsto drive(驾驶)compelling kmpeli adj.引人注目的, 紧迫的, 令人信服的curriculum

13、krikjulmn.课程【根】curto run(流;跑) 变化型 coursecommence kmens v.开始, 着手, 获得学位cataract ktrktn.大瀑布, 奔流, 白内障【根】cata-=down,downwards,fully 变化型 cat-degenerate didenreit v.退化, 堕落 adj.堕落的, 退化的n.堕落的人dye dai n.染料, 染色 v.染, 染色detain diteinv.拘留, 留住, 阻止【根】tain,ten,tinto hold,to keep(安静)【根】de-=down,downward 由“往下”之意衍生为分离、否定、加强,是很重要的字首dignity dignitin.尊严, 高贵【根】dignworthy(有价值的)deficiency difinsin.缺乏, 不足【根】factto make(做),to do(做,为) 变化型 fectdenomination dinmineinn.命名, 面额【


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