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1、奥美广告ThePlanningCycle企划循环2资料内容仅供参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系本人改正或者删除。The Planning Cycle 企划循环The Planning Cycle企划循环A Continuous Process一个持续不断的过程Planning does not start when the agency is briefed or when the creative team stroll in to work企划不是当代理商接到简报才开始的, 也不是当创意人员进入工作才开始的。Nor does it end when the advertisement app

2、ears in the media企划也不会在广告刊播于媒体之后就结束。The Cycle循环Recognizes the process is continuous 认知到这个过程是持续不断的Prsmpts a re-examination of the questionbefore as you answer each question 鼓励在回答每一个问题之前重新检视问题Draws attention to sequence and nature of decisions that have to be made 将注意力集中到必须决定的前因、 后果以及本质Indicates role

3、and focus of research at each stage 在每一阶段指出调研的角色和重点Suggests how research can contrbute effectively to decision making 建议调研如何有效的对决策做出贡献Keeps the brand centre stage,as hero 品牌是舞台的核心和英雄A Brand Has Many Components一个品牌有许多组成要素What Do We Do During The Cycle在循环里我们作些什么? Context来龙去脉What is the state of the ma

4、tket?市场状况为何? What is the state of our brand vs,the market in inds&behavior of comsumers?在消费者的心智与行为上, 我们的品牌相较于市场是何状况? What is the status of each competitive brand?每一竞争品牌的现状为何? Brand Considerations品牌考量Competitive line-up 竞争者排序Market position 市场定位Sales pattern 销售量模式Distribution patterns 铺货模式Brand salie

5、nce 品牌特色How the brand appeals 品牌如何吸引人Marketing & advertising activity 行销及广告活动Where Could We Be?我们能够到达何处? Market position:what share?Different sector市场定位: 什么样的占有率? 不同的战场Buyers/users:get current users to use more?购买者/使用者: 让现在的使用者用更多? Attract new users?regain former users?吸引新的消费者? 找回以前的使用者? Responses:c

6、ould the brand be repositioned?回应: 本品牌能够重新定位吗? What differences in responses could we get?我们能够得到哪些不同的回应? What if we re-examine the source of business or target audience?如果我们重新检视生意的来源或是目标对象会有什么样的结果? What if we narrow the comprtitive frame? Or broaden it? 如果我们窄化或放宽竞争范畴, 会有什么结果? What if we focus in ear

7、ly adopters within existing users? 如果我们将聚焦集中在现有使用者里的先驱者, 会有什么样的结果? What if we focus on the purchaser not the user(or vice versa)? 如果我们将聚焦集中在购买者而不是使用者, 会有什么样的结果? ( 反之亦然) What if we re-examine the source of business or target audience?(cont”t)如果我们重新检视生意的来源或是目标对象会有什么样的结果? What if we focus on former use

8、rs? 如果我们把焦点集中在以前的使用者会有什么样的结果? What if disassociate ourselves from our current users? 如果我们不把自己和现有使用者联想在一起会有什么样的结果? What if we re-examine the way in which we treat our proposition?如果重新检视看待我们主张的方式结果会怎样呢? Really exaggerate the benefit or attitude?真正的夸大利益或态度? Flatter our comsumers?献媚我们的消费者? Imagine life

9、without the brand?想象没有本品牌的生活? What if we re-examine the way in which we treat our proposition?如果重新检视看待我们主张的方式结果会怎样呢? Create a radically different kind of product demonstration?创造一种彻底不同的产品示范? Change the tone of voice ? 改变说话的语调? Focus on the solution not the problem?将焦点集中在解决方式而非问题? Focus on a product

10、demonstration in a category where one has nat been used before将焦点集中在以前从未被用过的产品示范? Sources of brand growth品牌成长来源An example举例Four stages of advertising development广告发展的四个阶段Is the intended message executed clearly?想说的讯息说清楚了没有? Is the core advertising idea strong?核心的创意点子够强了吗? What adjustments to the cre

11、ative execution are needed?创意执行有否需要调整之处? Four stages of advertising development广告发展的四个阶段How impactful is the advertising likely to be?这个广告的冲击力如何? How involving is the advertising likely to be?这个广告的参与力如何? Are any final adjustments apparent?有没有任何最后的调整要作? Does the campaign have any arder effect?整个广告活动的

12、效果有没有顺序性? How confident are we that these results will be replicated in the real world?我们对这个结果实现在真实世界中有多大的信心? Qualitative vs Quantitative质化V.S量化Understanding 了解Investigation审查Why and how为什么/如何Dig deeper into psyche 挖掘到心灵深处Emotional and rational 感性和理性 Motivational动机导向Strategy 策略Creative 创意Pre-testing事前测试Investigative interviewing有研究性的访问Free fiowing自由的流程Qualitative vs Quantitative质化V.S量化Understanding 了解Investigation审查Why and how为什么/如何Dig deeper into psyche 挖掘到心灵深处Emotional and rational 感性和理性 Motivational动机导向Strategy 策略Creative 创意Pre-testing事前测试Investigative interviewing有研究性的访问Free fiowing自由的流程



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