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1、人教版新目标七年级下册英语教学案课题: Unit2 Wheres the post office? Period 4 Section B 3a-4b 2011-6-21 星期二 主备人:微山实验中学 张燕教学目标:1、 知识与技能: 引导学生熟练掌握方位介词、场所名称、指路等重点词汇和句型: welcome, garden, enjoy, walk, through, beginning, tour, visit, place, fun ; Turn left on Street; take a walk through; Across fromis; Next tois 指导学生读懂短文,,

2、加强读写方法指导,使学生运用所学知识正确写出介绍自己居住地的文字。2、过程与方法:鼓励学生通过小组讨论,合作探究等方式学习和运用英语目标语。3、情感态度与价值观: 培养学生在实际生活中辨别方向的能力,激发学生热爱自己家园的情感。重 点:熟练掌握重点词汇和目标功能句。难 点:能正确运用目标语言为他人介绍自己住所。教 法:1、cooperating 2、personalizing教 具:pictures, tapes课 型:reading-writing课 时:Period 4教 学 过 程学 案教师活动(含学法指导)学 生 活 动设 计 意 图一、课前准备.Draw a picture of y

3、our neighborhood, tell your partner about where you live, using“there be”drills and prepositional drills. .Write out the phrases in 3a and 3b: 欢迎到_散步_充满乐趣的好地方_一条繁忙街道_花园小区_穿过公园_.谈谈疑惑:通过对生词句等预习,还有哪些疑问?_二课堂展示与释疑: Before reading 1 Pair work结合课前准备,两人一组:Ask and answer the questions about your partners nei

4、ghborhood, like this:A: Where is your house?B:A: Is there a supermarket near your house?B : A:2 Group work: use the preps. and drills to describe “our school”, choose the best group.While reading 模块1. Skimming(速读):Read quickly and find out the description words: streets, parks, an hotel, ahouse, an

5、garden模块2. Scanning(找读): Answer the 4 questions:1 Where are the small parks?2 Where is the old hotel?3 Where is the small house/4 How is the small house?模块3. Reading up(研读) 1)Enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks.句中 enjoy 表示“享受 欣赏”,后加名词:e.g 欣赏音乐_ 享受晚餐_另外,enjoy后接动名词形式,表示“喜欢做某事”,例如:我喜欢读英语。_Tom

6、 喜欢看电视。_2)Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.句中with 表示“带有。特征”的,如A girl _ long hair, a boy_ glasses模块4.跟读录音,熟读3a, 比一比谁读得最好!模块5. 结构梳理与复述After reading 【Task 1】 Group workTalk about the places in the picture of 3b, complete the blanks.思考:Bridge Street is a good place to have f

7、un. 其中to have fun 在句中作定语,修饰a good place. _指“玩的高兴”, 与 同义。【Task 2】Make a survey about your classmates neighborhoods: Which street? Other buildings? Relationships among them? Then report your survey. 【Task 3】 Write the tour guide for your neighborhood. Model: I live inStreet. It is a good place to have

8、 fun. There is a_ near my house. It is very_, you can there. If you are _, you can _ there. Its next to the Welcome to my neighborhood.三. 课堂反馈:From this lesson I have learnt:_ 我还有哪些疑惑_四. Homework: Write a letter to your friend. Tell him or her your ideal house or district.当堂达标测试(满分100分)一. Complete t

9、he following conversation according to the map: A SchoolAVENUEBankPost officeLibraryA: Look at this map, Whats in my neighborhood?B: Let me see. There 1_ a school, a bank, a park, a library and a 2_ in your neighborhood.A: You are right. Where is the bank?B: Its 3_ the school and the post office, an

10、d its 4_ the library.A: Yes. You are standing A, go 5_ the avenue and turn right. What can you see 6_ your right?B: I can see the 7_.A: You are right. 二、Writing: 仔细观察下面示意图,向你的好友介绍你的居住环境,然后写在下面横线上,不少于60 词。HouseBusStop Kaifa StreetBankParkZooGreen AvenueHotelShopBook Store_六、板书设计: Unit 2 Wheres the po

11、st office ? Section B 3a-4b Period41、 Turn left on street; Take a walk through; Across from is 2、A tour guide for ones neighborhood.七、教学反思:本节课以提高学生综合运用目标语进行读写能力为主要教学任务,由易到难,从输入到输出, 层层深入教学内容。在创设情境、具体实践活动中,进行听说读写训练,实现了用语言做事的最终目的。但也存在不足:在学生自己动手写过程中,仍有一定困难,表达不够清晰、准确;不能保证每一位学生都能有效利用课堂时间、业余时间练习巩固写作。1、Ask the students to make a survey about your partners neighborhood.2、 Guide the students to preview the key vocabulary.3、Ask the students to write their difficulties.4、Let the students look a


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