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1、初中科普英语竞赛(辅导讲义一)科普英语竞赛=科普知识+英语能力+应试技巧Multiple Choice选择填空一、单项选择-以科普知识为基础的选择题单项选择题是初赛第二部分的题型,通常为20道题,分值20分。做好单项选择填空需要掌握选择填空的答题技巧,以便提高答题的准确率。二、题型特点考点多,覆盖面广。在考查纯语法、词汇的基础上,更增加了科普英语的相关知识、特殊词汇、特殊语境中运用词法、句法、惯用法的考查。三、解题方法单项选择主要还是考查考生的词汇识别、辨析能力(尤其科普、科技词汇的掌握、辨析)、文化差异的感受能力和语言运用能力,语法上注重动词问题和一定的覆盖面。科普英语竞赛的单项选择题与一般

2、的英语试题的单项选择不同;其题干的内容、语境通常是科普知识;这要求我们在答此类题目时,首先要先了解其相关科普知识,然后再按照一般英语试题的解答技巧来选择正确答案。同学们在做选择填空时应将全句通读一遍,了解句意,再审查选项,将每道题要考的内容进行分类,判断一下属于语法、习惯用语、词汇还是科普知识。确定了考点,在联系与考点相关的知识要点,对各选项进行比较、判断、进而选出答案。所以,可以这样认为:科普英语竞赛 = 科普知识 + 英语能力 + 应试技巧试看下例题:1 When the ants are first hatched, they are very small and _.A. hopele

3、ssB. uselessC. helplessD. legless2However, the young whales_ health continued to test Yip, a marine scientist and his friends.A. deliciousB. delicateC. delayedD. dear3 Pig poop is high in undigested phosphorous, it leads to great damage when its _ manure.A. used asB. used toC. been used toD. being u

4、sed to4 The ability of the alligator to _to changing conditions has also helped the animal make a big comeback.A. adoptB. be adoptedC. adaptD. be adapted5 Avoiding predators _ the most important reason why animals fly.A . are reallyB. isC. maybeD. are6 Scientists concluded that heat _ killed the hor

5、nets.A.lonelyB. aloneC. aliveD. lonesome答案:1.C2.B3.A4.C5.B6.B在做单项选择题时,同学们除应具有较扎实的语言基础知识和科普知识外,掌握一些解题方法是很有必要的.单项选择解题思路与方法总汇一一、注意同义、近义词汇的积累、辨析作为选择填空的基础考查内容,近义词汇或词组的积累与辨析,考得是英语学习平常的用心与工夫。例:1 Suddenly the battery on your mobile phone has _, you cant make any call for help.A.run downB. run afterC. run of

6、fD. run outrun down 跑下、追溯、用完、浏览run after 追捕、追求、跟踪、run off 逃跑、流出run out 跑出、离开、完成、被用完、放逐2Feelings of pain _when signals from nerve endings in the skin are sent to the brain.A. record B. resource C. result D. rescue3 When a plant or animal dies, the carbon 14 in the cells begins to_A. break in B. break

7、 through C. break up D. break down4The government passed the laws to protect the plants and animals on the _species list.A.endangered B. dangerous C. endangering D. danger二、直接运用语法知识进行选择掌握初中阶段所出现的几种主要时态和语态的用法、结构、与之连用的状语及各自的特殊用法。重点要分清现在完成时、一般过去时的用法。对宾语从句、状语从句、动词不定式、比较等级以及它们的用法规则都要一一弄清楚。还要注意固定搭配、习惯用语、动

8、词的时态和语态、动词辨析以及不同词性的词的用法。例:5. -Will you come to the net bars with me? -Sorry. My mother always tells me _ there.A. not goB. goC. not to goD . to go6.Cucumber beetled, which, _, could produce 33 million rootworms-a serious agricultural pest.A. if allowed to lay eggsB. if allowing to lie eggs C. if all

9、ow laying eggsD. if to aloe lying eggs7.All substances are _ very tiny particles called atoms.A. made fromB. made up ofC. made byD. made of8.As we all know sound makes air vibrate, thus _ sound waves.A. makesB. makeC. makingD. to make9.Gerorge _ in this college for forty years by the time he retired

10、.A. will workB. will have workedC. had workedD. will be working三、注意排除思维定试的干扰在学习过程中,同学们进行了相当多的习题练习,因此对有些类型的题目自然而然地产生思维定试.当碰到一些已发生了变化的新题目,如果不作分析而是凭老经验,想当然办事,势必造成错误.为此,必须排除思维定试的干扰,以便选出正确的答案.10.Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning._Is it _ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.A.a/theB. the

11、/theC. the /aD. a/a11.She cant help _ the house because shes busy making a cake.A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. being cleaned12.The schools in China are different from _.A. America schoolsB. that of AmericaC. AmericaD. those in America四、找出关键词再进行选择许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用.我们称这些词为关键词.找到

12、句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口.13.He hardly hurt himself in the accident,_?A. doesnt heB. didnt heC. did heD. does he五.注意分析句子成分明确句子成分,特别是选项在句子中担任的句子成分,有时对于我们选择正确答案是很有帮助的.14.On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Green went to the market_ some bananas and visited his cousin.A. boughtB. buyingC .to buyD. buy15._ Mars would b

13、e like living on a very high mountain.A. Lived toB. Living onC. Live onD. Live for16.When we hang up wet clothed near a fire ,steam can be seen _ from them.A. riseB. risingC. raisedD. raise答案: 1.D2.D3.C4.A 5.C6.A 7.B8.C 9.B10.D11.A12.D13.C14.A15.B16.六、注意句式的变化在考查考生对基础知识的掌握过程中,命题人会通过改变句子结构的方式来增加试题难度.碰

14、到这类题材时,要沉着冷静,仔细分析,以便选出正确答案.1.John plays football _,if not better than, David.A.as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so well as2.Rather than _on a crowded bus, he always prefers_ a bicycle.A. ride/rideB. riding/rideC. ride/to rideD. to ride/riding七、选项类推法如果对题目的备选答案没有十分把握或把握很小,不妨利用“如果A对,那么B也对”的类推法,从而可将A、B予以否定.3.Whos the man at the door? -_.A. He is a doctorB. He is a friend of mineC. He is a famous singerD. He is twenty八、比较排除法根据题干提供的休息,先把一眼就看出的干扰项排除,缩小选择范围,然后将剩余的选项填入空白处


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