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1、01月10日雅思A类机经听力听力超级简单,第三个section是几经上的,说的chemistry,egineering什么的,我机经只是看了看,就发现这一个是老题,不过其他section,尤其是前两个挺简单的。听力是2新2旧, S4 是V08131 的S4听力:S3,4都是机经上的,一个是转专业,一个是engine的开展V09117貌似三新一旧Section 1一个男的咨询女的关于*忘了的事情,全部填空答案好似有1.时间:25th June有问一个有什么好处的,- products,晕,第二个就开始没听到了,后来硬着头皮写了一个use* public) in advance要先给多少钱的,有误

2、导,先说如果是member 就 180,不是member就210,然后男的说他不是,所以应该是210Name of Building: SkydomeBest to go by Subway还有一个是说*最方便的方法是On the Internetsepecifiction(这个词的拼写不确定to your computer,我写的是at home, 不确定其他忘了section 2是说澳大利亚机场的一些规定.选择+填空1. 好似是说为什么设那些rules,应该是educating.2.有多少people work at airport, 4403. 为什么选那些狗, 我选C, 不确定A.ha

3、ve good smell B. kept clam C. easier trained4. 好似是说有多少东西被没收了last year,我选AA. 52,000 B.* C.*5. video我选的是A,不确定A. ban film B. seeds C. childrens toy填空:1.最好的包装是paper2.为什么进口的物品会有问题right labels3.忘了4.要提前多少通知海关from 2 to 10 days before arrive the airportsection 3,机经version 07148section 4,*的开展历史之类的,两个选择其余填空题目忘

4、了,最后一个空填meet口语1.墨尔本的。但是跟国内的都一样所以大家也参考一下吧sports events u watched or took part in.when.what it is.who.why u remember it.然后我同学还考了关于旅游的还有个阿拉伯人考了family.但是他说不是问关于他的family 他说是general family.我part 1 有关于letter的。 然后我同学有考到自行车的。2.长春的说有名胜古迹旅游演讲3.合肥 P2 performence 最多, LAW,Photo,景点次之其他 book,orgnization, 家庭教育,2023一

5、件新闻,帮助别人的经历,A child, long journey。4.厦门 PART 1 难题Apartment VS flat,你房间有什么值得改良的地方;你家谁做饭?为什么给你做饭?PART2/31.伴随你童年成长的一个玩具joya)中国和国外玩具有什么差异;参考:toy pistol 玩具枪toy dinosaur 玩具恐龙toy plane玩具飞机b)你喜欢童年单独玩耍还是群体游戏2.历史遗迹一处具有历史意义的景点a) 有哪些历史意义b) 你通过什么方式了解历史3. 描写一处图书馆Describing a library4.回忆一次有趣的演讲或者谈话an interesting le

6、cture or speech5.不同年龄段听什么音乐?what music do Different age groups listen to?a)人生第一次听到的印象最深的歌是什么? What is the first time I heard the song impressed me most ?b)你最喜爱的歌曲形式pop,light or Jazz?c)西方音乐给中国音乐的影响?Western music to Chinese music6.family member 描述一位你的家庭成员a) 和他们平时做什么事情b) 为什么和他们在一起?c) 三代人和爷爷奶奶同住住在一起的利弊?

7、5.华师大考的,第二局部是newspaper or TV 的新闻6.福州10日下午:a speeh ; a library; a relative;a dialogue7.北语蹲的题目1.对话、speech好似是说一个你参加过的,不确定这个是2题还是1题,有人说对话,有人说speech2.讲旅游说一个知名的家乡景点,还有人说是说一个你印象深的地方或者城市,还有人说一个你喜欢的地方,还有是说一个什么历史地点的=_=3.sports4.生活中的改变a change in your life5.广告6.shopping(不确定是不是在part1 讲这个)7.健康8.你想学的一个课程9.traffic

8、 jam8.苏州来源:P1问到食物。音乐。P2是有趣新闻。9.大连蹲点: 一次有意义的演讲;音乐;健康的生活方式;名胜古迹;一件有趣的事或者对话;运动;一个家庭成员;播送和电视节目的区别;人生的一次转折.10.合肥踩点P2考试大论坛performence 最多, LAW,Photo,景点次之其他 book,orgnization, 家庭教育,2023一件新闻,帮助别人的经历,A child, long journey。A Traffic Jam Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jam.You should say:when i

9、t happenedwhere it happenedhow you passed the time while waitingand explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.Part 3When do traffic jams usually happen?What are the causes of traffic jams?Compare travelling by car and travelling by bus.Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will

10、 be eased in the future or will it become worse?What would you suggest as possible solutions to the problem of congested traffic?A Health ProblemDescribe a health problem that you know.You should say:what this problem iswhat causes of the problemhow it affects peoples healthand explain how to solve

11、this health problem.Part 3Can you think of any other examples of a lifestyle that is bad for your health?Why is smoking bad for you?What benefits do people derive from doing exercise?What do you think will be the physical effects if children spend all their time sitting in front of the TV or a compu

12、ter?Do you think companies should provide more facilities (e.g., a gym) for people to exercise at work?An Interesting Lecture or Speech Describe an interesting lecture or speech that you heard.You should say:when you heard itwhere you heard itwhat the lecture or speech was aboutand explain what infl

13、uence or effect this lecture or speech had on you.Part3:Are elective courses important?Which is more useful? courses or teachers?What qualities should a good teacher have?Should universities provide more internship?Which is more important to the company when you are looking for a job? education back

14、ground or working experience?A Childhood SongDescribe a song that you remember from your childhood.You should say:how you learned this songwhen and where you learned itwhat the song is aboutand explain how you felt when you used to sing this song.Part3:Whats your favourite kind of music?How do you feel when you listen to this music?Is music an important subject at school in China? What are some differences between the music you listened to as a child and the music you listen to now?How does music affect (or influence) people?Co



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