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1、 2022年考研英语冲刺阅读理解专项训练081Although,for the most part,the diseases of childhood are similar to those of the adult,there are several important differencesFor example,certain specific disorders,such as precocious puberty,are unique to children;others,such as acute nephritis-inflammation of the kidney-are

2、common in children and infrequent in adultsAt the same time,some diseases that are common in adults are infrequent in childrenThese include essential hypertension(high blood pressure of unknown cause)and gout Finally,a major segment of pediatric care concerns the treatment and prevention of congenit

3、al anomalies,both functional and structural Apart from variations in disease due to differences between children and adults,certain other features of diseases in children need to be emphasizedInfectious disorders are prevalent and remain 8 leading cause of death,although individual illnesses are oft

4、en mild and of minor consequenceMost instances of the common communicable diseases,such as measles,chicken pox,and mumps,are encountered in childhoodDisorders of nutrition,still of great concern,especially but not exclusively in developing countries,are of extreme importance to the growing and devel

5、oping childThe unique nutritional requirements of children make them unusually susceptible to deficiency states:vitamin-D deficiency causes rickets,a common disorder of children in developing countries,and only rarely causes any disease in adultsThe major environmental hazards that endanger the heal

6、th of young children are either unavoidable,as in air pollution,or accidental,as in poisoning and in traffic injuries0lder children,especially adolescents,are exposed,as are adults,to environmental hazards that they deliberately seek,such as cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol and other drugs39

7、0 words 1Childhood diseases are_ Agenerally caused by the change of the child himself Bcaused primarily by the change of the childS immediate environment Cusually associated with the changes that a child has to undergo in his growth and development Dcharacterized by a series of distinct yet related

8、stages 2The disease that an adult unusually suffers from is_ Aacute nephritis Bhypertension Cmental disorders Dprecocious puberty 3According to this passage,_. Achildhood diseases are often mild and of minor consequence Bchildhood diseases never lead to death Cchildren are rarely exposed to major en

9、vironmental hazards Dsome children even intentionally pursue particular environmental hazards 4It iS TRUE that_ Athe diseases infrequent in adults may not be So in children Bchildhood diseases are often mild and of minor consequence Cchildren are less susceptible to infections than adults Dchildren

10、are more susceptible to infections than adults 5The last paragraph is mainly about_ Avariations in childhood diseases Bsome remarkable characteristics of childhood diseases Cprevalent infectious disorders in children Dseveral important differences between childhood diseases and adult diseases 难句透析 C

11、hanges in the childrelated to growth and developmentare so strikingthat it is almost(as if the child were a series of distinct yet related individuals)【构造】其中,过去分词短语“related to growth and development”用做后置定语,修饰“changes”;“s0that”引导结果状语从句“as if”引导的从句中动词为虚拟语气。【释义】小孩成长发育时期变化极大。一个小孩经受婴儿期、儿童期和青春期几乎就像经受几个完全不

12、同但又彼此相关的人的人生一样。 Changes in the environment Occuras the surroundings and contacts of a totally dependent infant become those of a progressively more independent child and adolescent【构造】其中,“as”引导时间状语从旬;“those”代替“the surroundings and contacts”。【释义】当一个完全依靠他人的婴儿逐步变成一个越来越独立的儿童和青少年时,四周的环境和接触的人都发生了变化。 The u

13、nique nutritional requirements of children make them unusually susceptible to deficiency states:vitamin-D deficiency”causes rickets,a common disorder of children in developing countries,and only rarely”causes any disease in adults【构造】本句由两个分句组成,之问用冒号分开。第一个分句的主语是“requirements”;谓语动词是“make“;宾语是“them”;“t

14、hem”代替“children”。其次个分句的主语是“vitamin-D deficiency”;有两个并列的谓语动词“causes”。【释义】小孩在养分方面的独特需求使他们特殊简单受到养分缺乏的影响:缺乏维生索D会引起佝偻病,这是进展中国家儿童的一种常见病;缺乏维生素D很少使成年人得病。 The major environmental hazardsthat endanger the health of young childrenare either unavoidable,as in air pollution,or accidental,as in poisoning and in t

15、raffic injuries【构造】其中,“that”引导的定语从句修饰“hazards”;“eitheror”连接两个用做表语的形容词“unavoidable”和“accidental”。【释义】环境方面威逼幼儿安康的主要危急可能是不行避开的,比方,空气污染;也可能是偶然性的,比方,中毒或交通事故受伤。 全文翻译 儿童疾病一词示意这些疾病通常只发生在人生从胚胎至青春期这一时期之内。这个时期的显着特点就是变化,不仅是儿童本身还有他身边最亲密的环境。小孩成长发育时期变化极大。一个小孩经受婴儿期、儿童期和青春期几乎就像经受几个完全不同但又彼此相关的人的人生一样。当一个完全依靠他人的婴儿逐步变成一个越来越独立的儿童和青少年时,四周的环境和接触的人都发生了变化。从怀孕到青春期这个时期内孩子的安康和疾病状况必需在这种不断变化的背景学问下来了解。 虽然从大多数状况来看,儿童疾病与成人所患的病症大同小异,但是其中还是存在几个重要的差异。比方说,某些特别的病症如青春期早熟就是儿童所特有的;其他的,比方说严峻的肾炎一一即肾脏发炎一在儿童中常见但


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