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1、初一英语作业纸七年级上册7A Unit 5 Period 1 Welcome to the unit 班级 姓名 学号 (友情提醒:请家长督促孩子在复习完当天课堂所讲内容后,闭卷完成下列作业) 【自主学习】 一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话15分钟;二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。1. 打扮成一个鬼_ 5. 聚会,团聚_2. 怎么样? _ 6. 吃大餐 _3. 吃月饼_ 7.收到许多好看的礼物_4. 在那天_ 8. 赏圆月_9. 让我们庆祝万圣节。_10. 最喜爱的节日_11. 我所有的家人_ 12. 在圣诞节_二、根据所学知识,在空白处填入适当的节

2、日名称1. On December 25th, people in the west often celebrate_.2. We Chinese often eat moon cakes at_.3. At _, children often dress up and make pumpkin lanterns.4. We Chinese often make rice dumplings at _.5. Children always eat turkey at _.6. Chinese people give red packets and set off firework at _.【

3、基础训练】一、根据句意及提示完成单词1. -Daniel, what do you want to do ?-I want to _ (打扮)up as Monkey King.2. How many _(mooncake) can you eat at Mid-Autumn Festival?-Five.3. -How do they _(庆祝) Christmas ? -They usually have a big party on the evening of December 24.4. Millie, what _(present) do you want to get for y

4、our birthday? 5. Why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival? -_ (因为)I can eat nice moon cakes on that day. 6. Are there any _(ghost) in the world?7. We can watch the _(满的,圆的) moon at Mid-Autumn Festival.8. Lets play volleyball _(一起,共同) this afternoon. 二、单项选择( )1. Jim with his good friends _ helpful. Th

5、ey often help me _ my homework. A. is, with B. are, with C. is, of D. are, of( ) 2. What do you often do _ Halloween? A. on B. at C. in D. with( ) 3. I will go to work early tomorrow. Can you _my baby in the morning? A. put on B. dress C. wear D. dress in( ) 4. Look! The young girl is dressing up _

6、an old woman _ a black coat. A. as, in B. as, of C. in, as D. in, of( ) 5. Its late. Let him _ home now. A. goes B. to go C. go D. going( ) 6. It is _ interesting plan, so I dont want _ it. A. an, to miss B. a, to miss C. an, miss D. a, miss( ) 7. They are having a trip _ the world. A. from B. in C.

7、 of D. around( ) 8. - How often do you go shopping? - _ A. Tow hours B. Once a month C. Once D. Today( ) 9. What do you have _ breakfast? What do you do _ breakfast? A. in, for B. for, for C. for, at D. for, on( )10. Let me help you with your English. - _. A. Thats all right B. Not at all C. I dont

8、know D. Thank you, but I can do it. 三、翻译下列句子1、今天是万圣节。_2、包里是什么?_3、我想装扮成一个鬼。_4、美猴王怎么样?_5、你最喜欢的节日是什么?_6、你为什么喜欢圣诞节。_7、因为在圣诞节我总是得到许多漂亮的礼物。_8、在那一天你通常做什么?_9、我所有的家人聚在一起,吃一顿大餐,吃月饼然后赏圆月。_【能力提高】一、任务型阅读 I am Claire . I am a teacher at Woodlands Middle School in England. I would like to tell you about the school

9、 day in our school. Monday The first lesson of the day begins at 9:20 a.m. and lasts(持续) for an hour. The children have a break(休息) from 10:20a.m. to 10:45 a.m. They usually eat snacks in the playground. They play games in the playground ,too. After the break, the students have the second lesson. It

10、 lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes. During the first fifteen minutes, the children usually take a test(测试).The two lessons in the morning are usually an English lesson and a Maths lesson. Lunchtime Lunchtime is from 12:00 to 1:10p.m.Most children bring their own lunch from home. Some children ha

11、ve a school dinner in our school canteen(餐厅).After lunch, they usually play games in the playground or go to lunchtime clubs. Afternoon The children read some books and have one or two other lessons in the afternoon. Lessons are over at 3:15p.m. Then the children go home.A Day in Woodlands Middle SchoolMorning9:



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