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1、 公共英语等级考试高分策略和专家预测卷二级(四)1(一)命题思路该段录音材料为独白材料,就是有一位录音者单独阅读一段文章。文章长度一般掌握在150-250字之间。由于是PETS二级,因此材料本身一般难度不会很大。关键还是考生能不能在第一次听后能否对材料有个也许的理解。假如可以的话,则其次次就能有的放矢。在该段材料的题目设计中大都是特别疑问句。题目多关于材料的细节、情节和主题等。有时也要求考生对材料所赐予的线索做出推断。录音材料一般以叙事文为主,素材广泛。(二)解题技巧在解答这类题目时,应在听录音前,考生肯定要扫瞄全部题目,对题目主题,题目提问内容和答题选项区分,做到心中有数。在第一次听录音中,

2、要把握开头,擅长抓住关键信息词,边听边看题目选项,做适当记录。在其次次听录音中,留意过渡词与一些特别语气词,推断出文章主题和一些总结和结论。经典例题:Helen was about to have her first baby. One evening it was the time to take her to the hospital, so her husband, Sam, helped her get into the car and drove her there. A nurse took Helen to her room and told Sam that he could

3、go home and she would call him when the baby arrived, but Sam said he would rather wait at the hospital. The nurse smiled and said, “Theres a waiting room at the end of the hall.”Sam was walking anxiously up and down in the passage at about midnight when the nurse came out of his wifes room and said

4、, with a happy smile, “Which would you have preferred, a boy or a girl?“A girl,” answered the husband. “I have an older sister, and she was always very kind to me when I was a child.”“Well,” said the nurse, “Its a boy this time.”“Thats all right,” answered Sam cheerfully, “That was my second choice

5、”1. When did Sam arrive at hospital?A In the evening B At about midnight C Next morning2.Where could Sam stay to wait for the arrival of the baby, according to the nurse?A At his home B In his car C In the hospital3.Why did Sam prefer a girl?A He already had a son. B He wanted his daughter to have a

6、 sister.C He had a sister who cared for him very much.4.What can you tell about Sam?A He had no choice but to accept the boy. B That was his second child.C He was very happy to have a boy as well.精解:题目的第1、2题都是细节题目。在独白材料中,都有明确的提示。题目的第1题考察在录音材料中的 “One evening it was the time to take her to the hospita

7、l” 这一句话上。one evening就是答案,因此答案为A。分析选择项,我们就可以发觉答案B的存在是有很大迷惑作用的。题目第2题的设问陈述中突出一个词汇为could,同时在材料中也有明确的表述:A nurse took Helen to her room and told Sam that he could go home and she would call him when the baby arrived。因此题目的答案也就可知A。题目3,虽然材料中有提示,但还需考生,在理解的根底上才能得出正确答案,答案为C。题目4,就需要考生在关注全篇材料。通过听,去除答案AB的错误,选择C。使的

8、考生证章并能从That was my second choice中明白Sam 也快乐有个男孩.经典例题:Two drivers who wanted to park their cars in the same parking space. The man who arrived at the parking space first was rather old with gray hair. He was driving a large Rolls Royce. The beautiful car stopped just in front of the parking space. The

9、n the driver turned his head and very slowly began to reverse his car into the space.A young man in a Mini came up from behind. He noticed the space and drove straight in. He had got out of his car now and he was laughing, “You have to be young to do that!”The older man said nothing. He just began t

10、o reverse his Rolls Royce again and crashed into the Mini very hard. The young man watched what was happening and couldn“t believe his eyes. The older driver looked out of the window and smiled. “You have to be rich to do that,” he said.1. What do you know about the two drivers?A The younger driver

11、was quicker than the older driver.B They didnt see each other while getting into the same parking space.C Neither of them was good at driving.2. Which of the following statements about the young driver can NOT be true?A He hadnt expected the older driver to react so strongly.B He was shocked to see

12、what had become of his car.C He had got ready for his defeat when he drove his Mini straight in.3. What did the older driver mean when he said: “You have to be rich to do that”?A You are not rich enough to buy a Rolls Royce like mine.B You are not rich enough to park your car here.C Only rich people dare to do such things.精解:这段独白材料叙述了一个争抢车位的幽默故事。考生在理解上应当不存在任何的困难。第一道题目问:从独白中,我们能知道关于这两个司机的什么信息?听力材料中反复强调“the older man”和“rather old with gray hair”正确答案为A。其次道题目是一文篇理解题目。考生在理解了这则幽默故事的内容后,选择出答案C当年轻司机直接将自己的车开进车位,不会想到自己会输掉。第三道题目从年轻司机与老司机的对话中就能理解句子的含义:有了经济实力的年老人才敢这样撞掉你的车。答案所以为C。


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