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1、 2022六级读故事记单词(十五)vt.1.描写,描绘2.扮演,扮演postscriptn.1.(信末签名后的)附言,又及2.(正文后的)补充说明posturen.1.姿态,姿势2.看法,态度vi.摆出(不自然的)姿态,装模作样potenta.1.(药等)效力大的,威力大的2.强有力的,有说服力的potteryn.1.陶器,陶瓷器皿2.陶器制造(术)3.陶器厂poultryn.家禽,禽肉practicablea.可行的,适用的practitionern.开业者(尤指医师、律师等)prairien.(尤指北美的)大草原prawnn.对虾,明虾preachvt.1.宣讲(教义),布(道)2.尽力鼓

2、吹,宣传vi.布道,说教precariousa.1.担心全的,布满危急的2.不牢靠的,不稳固的precedevt.在之前,先于precedentn.1.先例,范例,判例2.惯例precipitatevt.1.(突如其来地)使发生,促成2.使沉淀,使沉析n.沉淀物a.突如其来的precludevt.阻挡,排解,阻碍predecessorn.1.前任,前辈2.(被取代的)原有事物,前身predominanta.1.占主导地位的,显着的2.(在数量等方面)占优势的,占绝大多数的prefixn.1.前缀2.(人名前的)称谓vi.1.加作为前缀2.把置于前面pregnancyn.怀孕,怀孕期 No Mo

3、re Prawn The postscript to my wifes pregnancy complications were that she had been precariously close to death because she had eaten too much prawn. Certain potent chemicals in prawn precipitate difficulties during delivery. We had not heard this because medical reports were following precedent by n

4、ot preaching diet changes before research was finished. Prawn was also supposed to affect a persons posture, but predominant data did not confirm this so it would be precluded from the report. The medical practitioners said that she should have eaten more poultry.This is what I told my wife as we dr

5、ove home across the prairie. We lived a long distance away from the hospital in an area with a different prefix because we needed to be close to a special pottery school where I was studying. My predecessors had told me it would be risky to live so far from the hospital with my wife being pregnant.

6、But I didnt think we had a choice. They portrayed several scenarios to prove to us that it would not be practicable for us to live so far away and taht there might be too many risks in getting my wife to the hospital. One was that her delivery would precede our arrival at the hospital. But this had

7、not happened. There had been other complications.But now she was okay and we knew that she shouldnt eat prawn if she was ever pregnant again. This was going to be hard, however, because prawn was my wifes favorite food. 别再吃虾了 我妻子的怀孕并发症的补充说明上写着她的生命布满危急,离死亡已经不远了,由于她吃了太多的对虾。对虾中某种效力大的化学成分会导致难产。我们没有听说过这样



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