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1、四级:Abandon: (vt.) 丢弃:you are not supposed to abandon your car on the motorway.抛弃:martin abandoned his wife and went off to live in Zimbabwe.Abroad: (ad.)在国外:Jessica and her family have gone to live abroad.在传播、流传:there is clearly a new spirit abroad. 到处呈现一片新的气象Absence (n) 缺席,不在I am responsible for yo

2、ur welfare in your parents absence. 你父母不在时我负责照顾你Absolute (a.)十足的,地道的:the script is an absolute mess.绝对的,完全的:the prime minister had absolute control of his cabinet.Absorb (vt.) 把。并入、同化Small businesses are absorbed by larger ones.Abstract (a.) 抽象的:The arguments of contemporary science are so abstract

3、that they are no longer understandable.(n.) 摘要,梗概:You are asked to hand in an abstract of around 100 words.Abundant (a.) 大量的,充足的The abundant crops would feed the village through the winter.Abuse (n.) 滥用:this book I about uses and abuses of power.虐待:her parents were found guilty of gross neglect and

4、abuse. 她父母被判凡有严重疏忽和虐待罪。辱骂,毁谤:the girl shrieked abuse at the prosecuting lawyer.(vt.) 滥用:it is important not to abuse your position as the bosss wife.虐待:those patients are either physically abused or drugged.辱骂,毁谤:most of our foremen abused the workmen in the foulest language.Academic (a.) 学校的,学院的:th

5、e whole academic system is unfair.学术的:the course is a combination of academic and practical work. 这门课程是课堂教学和实际训练的结合纯理论的,不切实际的:the matter was one of only academic interest. 此事纯属不切实际的空谈(n.) 大学教师、学者:he was rather happy that an English academic should be planning a book about him.Academy (n.) 研究院,学会:she

6、 was accepted by the Royal Academy of Music.Accelerate (vt.) 加快:his college gave him accelerated promotion to Associate Professor. 学院破格提拔她当副教授Accent (n.) 口音,腔调:she spoke with an Irish accent.重音(符号):he changed a word or two and put in an accent he had missed.(vt.) 重读,加重:the choir claps and taps to ac

7、cent the swing of the music.Access (n.) 接近,进入:they attempted to gain access through a side entrance.(vt.) 存取(计算机文件):the main problem was the time they took to access the information.Accidental (a.) 意外的,偶然的:her death was completely accidental.Accommodation (n.) 住处,膳宿:there is a shortage of on-campus

8、accommodation in this university.Accompany (vt.) 陪伴:she asked me to accompany her to the church.伴随发生:his words were accompanied by exclamations from the audience.为。伴奏:sarah sings and bill accompanies her on the guitar.Accomplish (vt.) 达到,完成,实现:I never seem to accomplish anything.Accord (n.) 一致,符合:th

9、ere are few issues on which the two are in perfect accord.(尤指国与国之间的)谅解,协议:the government expected a final accord before the end of the year.(vi.) (with) 相符合,相和谐:I rewrote the article because it did not accord with our policy.(vt.) 赠与,给予:newsmen accorded her the kind of coverage normally reserved of

10、film star.Accordingly (ad.)照着,相应地:sometimes the press went too far, and suffered accordingly.因此:she complained of stiffness in her joints. Accordingly, she was admitted to hospital for further tests.Account (n.) 记述,报告:there were accounts of the incident in the paper.账户:I would like to open an accoun

11、t with you.(vi.) (for) 说明。的原因,是。的原因:how do you account for the dent in the car? 你怎么解释车上的凹痕(在数量、比例方面)占:computer software accounts for some 70 percent of our range of products.Accumulate (vt.) 积累,积聚:we packed up the things I had accumulated over the last five years.Accuracy (n.) 精确(性):I admired the sp

12、eed and accuracy with which she typed.Accuse (vt.) 指控,指责:he is accused of killing ten young women.Accustomed (a.) (to) 习惯。的,适应。的:my eyes became accustomed to the dim lighting.通常的:he was sitting in his accustomed chair.Acid (n.) 酸,酸性物质:strong acid corrodes metal.(a.) 酸的:these oranges are very acid.刻薄

13、的:the critics acid remarks hurt the directors feelings.Acknowledge (vt.) 承认:the state acknowledged the justice of their cause.感谢:the president stood up to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.告知收到,确认:you have to sign here and acknowledge receipt.Acquaintance (n.)熟人:Mr. tang has hundreds of friends an

14、d acquaintances in California. 认识:he got the job through his acquaintance with the president of the company.Acquire (vt.) 获得:I tried to acquire the in formation I needed.Acquisition (n.) 获得,习得:ann is a student majoring in second-language acquisition.获得物,添加的人或物:he invited me to inspect his latest acq

15、uisition.Acute (a.) 严重的,极度的:with acute anxiety they awaited the result.敏锐的:the acute observers in the west have foreseen this.(病)急性的:he suffered from an acute disease and was immediately taken away by an ambulance.尖的,锐的:john drew a series of acute angles in his geometry class.Adapt (vt.) 使适应:he cann

16、ot adapt himself to being free again.修改:her husband has adapted the play from Henry James novel.Addition (n.) 加法:the children start their education by learning English and addition.增加的人,物:this will be an admirable addition to Londons contemporary architecture.Adequate (a.) 充足的:this is a country with adequate,



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