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1、新六年级上册英语阅读理解题含答案解析一、阅读理解1阅读理解阅读判断。Martin: What do you want to be when you grow up, Jiamin?Jiamin: I want to be a fireman (消防员). I think the fireman is cool.Martin: And you, Lily?Lily: I like children. I want to be a teacher. What about you, Martin?Martin: My father is a police officer. He can stop b

2、ad people. So I want to be a police officer.Jiamin: Police officer can help people. Your father is great, Martin.Martin: Thanks. Look, Miss Wang is hard-working. I think the teacher is great, too. (1)Jiamin wants to be a fireman. (2)Lily wants to be a doctor. (3)Martins father is a farmer. (4)Police

3、 officer can stop bad people. (5)Miss Wang is a teacher. 【答案】(1)1(2)0(3)0(4)1(5)1 【解析】【分析】对话讲述了佳敏将来成为一名消防员,莉莉想成为一名教师,马丁想成为一名和爸爸一样的警官。(1)根据所给的对话,Jiamin: I want to be a fireman . I think the fireman is cool.Jiamin:我想成为一名消防员。我认为消防员很酷。故答案为正确。(2)根据所给的对话,Lily: I like children. I want to be a teacher. 莉莉:我

4、喜欢孩子。我想成为一名教师。故答案为错误。(3)根据所给的对话,Martin: My father is a police officer. He can stop bad people. 马丁:我爸爸是警察。他能阻止坏人。故答案为错误。(4)根据所给的对话,Martin: My father is a police officer. He can stop bad people. 马丁:我爸爸是警察。他能阻止坏人。故答案为正确。(5)根据所给的对话,Martin: Thanks. Look, Miss Wang is hard-working. I think the teacher is

5、great, too.马丁:谢谢。瞧,王老师工作努力。我认为老师也很棒。故答案为正确。【点评】先翻译对话,看题时注意确定关键词,然后判断句子正误。2阅读理解根据短文内容完成下列各题。 Its an old story. in, is, there, a small town, a rich old man. One day, he meets three young men. They are a postman, a fisherman and a factory worker, The rich man gives them some bad seeds (种子) on purpose (

6、故意) and tells them, The one can have my money with the most beautiful flowers .After some days, the postman and the worker give the old man some flowers. But the fisherman gives nothing. At last, the fisherman gets the money because of his honesty (诚实).(1)将画线部分重新排序,组成个句子。 (2)What are the three young

7、 mens jobs? (3)The rich old man gives the three young men _. A.some seedsB.some flowersC.some money(4)The postman and the worker give the old man _. A.some seedsB.some flowersC.some money(5)_ gets the money. A.The postmanB.The factory workerC.The fisherman【答案】 (1)There is a rich old man in a small t

8、own.(2)They are a postman, a fisherman and a factory worker.(3)A(4)B(5)C 【解析】【分析】这是一个弘扬城市的小故事。 (1)题目所给单词是:in“在.里”, is“有”, there“这里”, a small town“一个小镇”, a rich old man“一位年老的有钱人”。题目是陈述句,根据所给单词或短语意思,组成句子:在一个小镇有一位年老的有钱人。 There is a rich old man in a small town. 故答案为: There is a rich old man in a small

9、town. (2)题目问题是:这三位年轻人的工作是什么?根据短文叙述 They are a postman, a fisherman and a factory worker . (他们是一位邮递员,一位渔民和一位工厂工人。)可知是邮递员,渔民和工人。故答案为: They are a postman, a fisherman and a factory worker. (3)根据短文叙述 he rich man gives them some bad seeds on purpose(这位有钱人有故意地给了他们一些种子。)可知是给了一些种子。A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (4)根据短文叙述 Af

10、ter some days, the postman and the worker give the old man some flowers.(过来一些日子,邮递员和工人给了这位老人一些花。)可知是给了一下花。B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (5)根据短文叙述 At last, the fisherman gets the money because of his honesty .(最后,渔民因为诚实得到了钱。)可知渔民得到了钱。C选项正确。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,根据短文的细节叙述来完成各题。3阅读理解读短文,选择合适的选项。 Jessica is a

11、school girl. She is from Canada and she is now in Hangzhou. She likes Hangzhou very much. On Sunday morning, she goes out. She is going to the zoo and see pandas. But she doesnt know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy.Jessica: Excuse me. I am new in Hangzhou. How can I get to the zoo?Chinese b

12、oy: It is not far. Take the No. 514 bus over there. Its fast.Jessica: Thanks a lot.Chinese boy: Look! The bus is coming!Jessica: OK. Bye.Chinese boy: Be careful! Dont go at the red light.Jessica: Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.Jessica likes beautiful Hangzhou and the C

13、hinese people.(1)Where does Jessica live now? A.In Beijing.B.In Hangzhou.C.In Canada.(2)Whats Jessica going to do on Sunday morning? A.Shes going to the zoo.B.Shes going to the hospital.C.Shes going to the museum.(3)Which bus will Jessica take? A.No. 514 bus.B.No. 504 bus.C.No. 415 bus.(4)Jessica mu

14、st pay attention to the _. A.pandasB.Chinese peopleC.traffic lights(5)How is Hangzhou? A.Its fast.B.Its beautiful.C.Its small.【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)A(4)C(5)B 【解析】【分析】对话大意: Jessica询问去动物园的路的事情。(1)根据 she is now in Hangzhou. 可知她现在住在杭州,故选B。(2)根据 She is going to the zoo and see pandas.可知她打算去动物园。故选A。(3)根据Take the No. 514 bus over there. 可知乘坐514公交车,故选A。(4)根据



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