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1、牛津九年级(A)Uni 5 单元测试第一卷I. 单项填空 (共10小题;每小题分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项。. otnsee lghs inthtept houe. o yu thk I_rportit te ice.should . ay C. will D.c2 Yo canselowerson_sd of era. A. oth Beah C l D.vr 3. ake as f the ostfmo _ nhe wor. A.atress . actresses C. ac . aos Th trafic accdnt _ a lagecrow

2、d caed . signal C.al D attracte . Thewkrs nsst hat hey_ a fe lunh ver nna th bss had ivein. A begven B. beig givnC. wil be o give D. l b iving 31. I sory,I go now. Myfathertold e theonehatmy mother wsil A B. ay C.havto D ould 32. By he ime my arentsechedhoyesteay. I lrey thedinnr A. had; ooke /; coo

3、kd C. have;cokd D. did; 3. Iandinmy homewrk no,M ZhaN, u .You hn it in toorw.A Shll; may not;aveto B. an; mustt; eed C. hul; ant; may . st; eedt; cn34The ld an lived ale all adhe arainy winteevening. Apased awan pas away i C. pad ayn D. wayo5.Mrshang is al her me ad nrg bing muriht nw. A. dvot; on .

4、 dvotg;on C dvt;o D.devotng;II完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It waDeceber5, 172. Mare, a 3-yr-oldAsalin irl, was er app t was 1 and Mares moe d an unusul cae.She pufor smll cins(硬币)int 12 . hefour mall cinswer for o 3 Aftr dinner Marie adher 14 te thecae. henthy 15 h

5、e cak, trewere re cons on he table.Onecoin ws 16 . ariesotherdid oihat.After Chistmri got 17 . Shecoghead coult spe. Sx ees latrsheel 18 , bu she 19 couldnt skSo Mar wt thehostal.Doctora th hosital 20 Marie. Tey tok an ray(X光). Maesmothase the docors, “hy cat Marie ”he dcto sai, “We dnkn. Mayb he wi

6、peak agin. Myb se o. Wee , btcant hep h”Fotwee ar Mri idn spak. She 23 andgot ob. ut he ever spoOeda wh Marie ws 5 year l, se gotil. She began t ugh Soughed up a lot lod(血).Seals coug up 24 smal and back fro her throat(喉咙) ht w rie didn know. he tok it to thehosital. dotor sad,“This is a oin” Te dot

7、o toldMare, “I 25 you canspeaain.” Soon rie bgntalking. 11 . partyB. Christms. holiday D. wnte1. . cake he pokeC. Mares ag D.t box13A.frindsB. healt .uck D. lf14. A eacer B brothe. aughterD. famly1. A. ban B finsedC. di .md16. A. pai fond C. missingD. u awy7. .ied . home C. bk D.il18.A. worse B. ter

8、rible . better . lnely1. stil B also C.yet D. oe20A oed o B loked oveC.looked afer. ooke p21. pea B lien C. tell D. ear. A. ue B.by C wored D.sr23.A.put up B. enup C. greup . go up24 A.sometng B.oing C anytng D.evrything2. A sre . tell ask D.thnkII 阅读理解(共20小题;第-40小题每小题1分,第4145小题每小题2分,共25分)阅读下列材料,从每题

9、所给的四个选项(、B、D)中,选出最佳选项。A jig LibarTo Ssa Chan,Just tormd yuthtyou hav4 due books.Ttl AutrRos ets r. nte arden Bob raham ue /1My riendWhe SionJes de 2Eard teEm SheaKnws due 4/1magine Alisn Lester due 25/Plae etrnteoks tomorow. Other people m e wiing toborrow th. irrn Mrs JosieJones Dat 3/2/205oe: You

10、may obrrowanyew boks ntl these books hv ee retrned. Thisntews ent o_.the lrriaB. Joe JnsC liso Lesr D. Suan Chan27.Te bookImagn wrten by _.A. Alison Leste Bo ramCSion Jmes D. Sena Knowles8. O wat datas My Fiend hale due o e rtund to e irary. 2d,Juay . 23rd, Janua.C 4th, Januar D. 25th, Febary. Thisnote oud dscbed aa _.A.report ardB. ews lettr .r



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