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1、Unit 4 Growing UpIntegrated skills班级 姓名 一、目标展示1了解战争带来的危害。2.根据时间线索简述一个人的人生经历。3.能以战争为话题进行讨论,给出自己的观点。重点:如何从听力中获取信息。难点:能以战争为话题进行讨论,给出自己的观点。二、问题引导预习新单词1.爆发_ 2.记录_3.象征_ 4.胜利_ 5.精神,幽灵,灵魂_6.犹太人_ 7.躲藏起来_ 8.纳粹的_9.死于_ 10.德国人的 11.纳粹分子 12.想法,看法 13.幸存 14.钦佩 15.勇气 16.为生命安全担忧 三、探究新知活动一:(A类)(第 组)预习Part A1, 划出短语并讲解知识

2、点。活动二:(A类)(第 组) 预习Part A2, 划出短语并讲解知识点活动三:(B类)(第 组):预习Part A3, 划出短语并讲解知识点活动四:(B类)(第 组):听PartB录音回答问题:1. How old was the boy in the book I Am David?2. Whats the story about?3. Whats the book A small Free kiss in the Dark about?4. What does Millie hope?活动五:模仿Speak up, 做一个对话。四、知识应用划出B的短语,并解释。五、提炼总结六、布置作业

3、七、教学反思Unit 4 Integrated skills当堂检测班级 姓名 一根据中文提示写出句中所缺单词。1. Debbie is only eleven years old but she hopes to set up a new world (记录)2.The only way you can achieve (胜利) is to rely on your own strength.3. So what is the Chinese (精神)4. (勇气)is knowing what not to fear.5.Please write and let me have your

4、(看法)on the matter,6.He is writing an email to his (德国的) friend.二,选择1Do you know that Mr Zhang passed A last week? Yes. He died illness.A .away of B. on fromC. by with D. off as2I was still sleeping when the fire A ,and then it spread quickly.A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out 3Tom ,your

5、hair is too long ,and you should have it b this weekend. A .cutted B. cut C, to cut D.cutting4.Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of b A.knowledge B. energy Cchange D. courage5The novel was written D Jin Yong. It has been translated some foreign languages.A. by in B.to by C. with by D. by into6. C to him? He fell off the tree and hurt his left leg. A. Whats wrong B. Whats matter C. What happened D. Whats the matter



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