Unit 4 Drawing in the park[5].docx

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1、Unit 4 Drawing in the park(Song time , Checkout time & Sound time)一、教学目标:1. 掌握What can you ?I can句型.2. 能够运用句型讨论Checkout time图片.二、教学重、难点:1. 掌握What can you ?I can句型.2. 能够运用句型讨论Checkout time图片.三、教具准备: 卡片,多媒体(PPT),光盘四、教学过程:Step1.Free talk互相问好T:What day is it today?Ss:Its Friday. T:Yes, its an important

2、day. Many friends will come to our school. Ken is one of them . He will study with us today. Do you want to know more about him?Lets listen.(放录音)Ken: Hello, everyone.Im Ken. I can sing many songs.I can draw many pictures well.And Im good at English.Im glad to see you.What lessons do you have today?T

3、:(出示课表)Of course, boys and girls, can you help me to answer his question?Ss: Yes,we have Music, Art and English today.Step2 Presentation1.Music lessonT: Do you remember , what can Ken do?Ss:He can.此处顺序贴上三个教学任务。(sing many songs, draw many pictures, learn English well)T:First , let begin our Music les

4、son.出示歌曲 T:Can you sing the song?Ss:Yes. T:Can you show me how to sing?(生唱)CCT: We will learn a new song.(带歌词的PPT)由此先导入句型What can you.?I can.并贴黑板,后面单独加上See。(练读,可让学生领读,大小声读或者男女生读)1) First, lets listen.2) Lets sing it together.3) 换场景,让学生看图唱。如:What can you see?What can you see on the sofa, on the sofa?

5、I can see a T-shirt, I can see a T-shirt on the sofa, on the sofa.2.Art lesson(以教室内景为背景图,黑板上贴Checkout time图片)T: Ok, its turn to our Art lesson now. And Ken says he can draw many things well(指着板书说)Can you draw more things for this park?Ss:.1) 出示Checkout time图片(标题要求)Draw more things for this park.T:Fi

6、rst,lets look at this picture. *What can you see in the park? *I can see.师先示范学生小组讨论小组呈现2) T:Can you draw more things for this picture?For example: I can draw a hat,so , I draw a hat in the tree.(师画画示范)T: Now, Ill give you some minutes to draw them. When the music stop, Well stop, ok?学生画(在学习单上可提供一些图片

7、供选择)3) Work in groupsT:(找一生,拿着draw的卡片问)I can draw a hat in the tree.What can you draw?S:I can draw. 运用句型 What can you draw? I can draw. 学生小组交流并展示 3. English lessonT: Boys and girls, you can draw and you can sing now. But can you try to make a poem in our English lesson?For example:At the snack bar,

8、at the snack bar,What can you do?I can eat a hamburger, eat a hamburger.(此处需提供场景,活动图。如,在操场踢足球,在体育馆打篮球)(34个即可)4. Ken发朋友圈状态 Ken: I like this school. Their school life is so colourful.放张学校配图点赞形式留言Miss Wang:Thank you,my friend.Welcome to our school again.Ken 回复Miss Wang:Ok, Miss Wang. I want to go to be

9、d before ten. Good night.Miss Wang:Ok, good night.由此导入Sound timeT:What time is it now?(指出时间9:50)We also can say, its ten to ten. So, we can say to himKen, its ten to ten.Go to bed before ten.学习 Sound time1)学习字母e的发音/e/先练读文本单词,用自然拼读法读出来再跟读Sound time 动画2)让学生写学过的关于/e/的单词(齐读并贴)3)放几个读/i:/的单词(U3的单词) 让学生比较,

10、可用中文说出来4)PPT出示Tips比较两者区别5)单词宝宝比较找家Step3 Ticking time T:Ok, boys and girls, you all did a good job, and you can get many stars today, I think.Now, lets have a rest.Lets play a game about “Lucky star”.(主要复习本节课所学)1) 唱歌(送一个星)2) Lucky time(送星星一张)3) 读单词(送一个星)4) 念小诗(送一个星)5) Lucky time(送星星一张并拍照)Step4结束语T:Our school life is so colourful. So, boys and girls, “Enjoy school life, enjoy every day!”And I hope ,you are proud of our school today, we are proud of you in future.See you!Step5 Homework


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