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1、库尔勒市实验中学 六 年级 英语 备课教案课题Unit 5 July is the seventh month.Lesson25&26教学时间课时数2节教学三维目标知识与技能介绍七月和八月;2.掌握七月跟八月中的传统节日过程与方法:通过学生自学汇报来达到对节日的认知。情感、态度与价值观:通过节日,培养学生对生活的热爱德育目标1. 积极主动参与课堂活动,提高学生与他人合作交往的能力意识2. 了解节日的意义教学重点1.七月,八月的单词2.节日的表达方法教学难点1.描述月份2.描述节日。教学准备All of the pictures of Unit5 Ppt for expressing festi

2、valThe pre-class research about Unit5.教学过程:二次备课个性设计教学环节反思一、明确目标1、课前三分钟Students prepare.2、课题导入Watch a video about Amy Day.3、明确学习目标学习目标:1. 节日的表达法 The Partys birthday DayAmy Day2月份的表达方法.July , August, 3序数词的表达方法Seventh, eighth 学习重点: 1. 会表达月份。掌握生活中的节日.二、 小组讨论课前小研究 一, 看图片,写出下面两个节日。 二, 根据题意填空。1. July is th

3、e month of the year.2 . August is the month of the year.想一想:eight 和eighth seven和seventh 之间的关系三, Lets talk.Look at the picture. Its August. What _is in August?._ is in August. 三、展示提升:1分享关于七月,八月的表达方法,并举例子给大家。July is the seventh month of the year.August is the eighth month of the year.2.简单的介绍一下节日。In Au

4、gust , school is out.Students have their summer holidaysParty members celebrate the day when it was founded四、课堂检测:1.Party members celebrate the day when it was founded. (翻译成汉语)_2.Which month is the seventh month of the year, July or June?(回答问题)_3. to, gifts, We, our, show, love, to give, fathers, ou

5、r (.) (连词成句)_五、课堂小结: 1、小结:Ask students to summarizewhat they have learned today. 2、作业:完成练习册 板书设计Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson25&26短语: 句型:1.the Partys birthday 1. July is the seventh month of the year.2. Army Day 2.August is the eighth month of the year.整堂课教学反思库尔勒市实验中学 六 年级 英语 备课教案课题Unit5

6、January is the first month.(Lesson27&28)教学时间课时数2节教学三维目标知识与技能1,介绍九月和十月;2.掌握9月跟10月中的教师节和国庆节过程与方法:通过学生自学汇报来达到对节日的认知。情感、态度与价值观:通过节日,培养学生对生活的热爱德育目标1. 积极主动参与课堂活动,提高学生与他人合作交往的能力意识2. 了解节日的意义教学重点1.九月,十月的单词2.节日的表达方法教学难点1.描述月份2.描述节日。教学准备All of the pictures of Unit 5; Ppt for expressing festivalThe pre-class re

7、search about Unit 5.教学过程:二次备课个性设计教学环节反思一、明确目标1、课前三分钟Students prepare.2、课题导入Watch a video about National Day.3、明确学习目标学习目标:1,节日的表达法 Teachers Day National Day2,月份的表达方法.September October3,序数词的表达方法Ninth tenth 学习重点: 1,会表达月份。2,掌握生活中的节日.三、 小组讨论课前小研究一, 看图片,写出下面两个节日。 二,写出下列两个短语的意思并造句。the ninth month of the ye

8、ar the tenth month of the year 三,写出下列单词的序数词并总结规律。one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 三、展示提升:1分享关于九月,十月的表达方法,并举例子给大家。September is the ninth month of the year.October is the tenth month of the year.2.简单的介绍一下节日。Teachers Day is on September 10th.Chinas National Day is on October 1st.四、课堂检测:

9、单项选择()1,_ is on September 10th.A. Teachers Day B. Mothers Day B. Fathers Day( ) 2,Students go back to school in_.A. October B. July C. September( ) 3. People celebrate the National Day on _ in China.A. September 10th B. October 1stC.August 1st五、课堂小结: 1、小结:Ask students to summarizewhat they have lear

10、ned today. 2、作业:完成练习册 板书设计Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson25&26短语: 句型:1. Teachers Day 1. September is the ninth month of the year.2. National Day 2. October is the tenth month of the year.整堂课教学反思库尔勒市实验中学 六 年级 英语 备课教案课题Unit 5 July is the seventh month.(Lesson29&30)教学时间课时数2节教学三维目标知识与技能用英语表达十一月

11、和十二月;用英语询问和表达十一月和十二月中的某些活动和节日过程与方法:通过学生自学汇报来达到对知识的认知。情感、态度与价值观:培养学生对英语的兴趣德育目标1, 积极主动参与课堂活动,提高学生与他人合作交往的能力意识2, 了解一些节日的意义教学重点3, 用英语表达十一月和十二月;4, 用英语询问和表达十一月和十二月中的某些活动和节日教学难点5, 用英语就有关月份的话题进行简单交谈。6, 掌握一般现在时的用法教学准备All of the pictures of Unit,5; Ppt for holidayThe pre-class research about Unit 5.教学过程:二次备课个

12、性设计教学环节反思一、明确目标1、课前三分钟Students prepare.2、课题导入Watch a video about Thanks giving Day and Christmas.3、明确学习目标学习目标:November, December, the eleventh month of the year 1, the twelfth month of the yea ,Thanksiving Day, Christmas.2, 一般现在的结构 学习重点: 1,用英语表达十一月和十二月;2,用英语询问和表达十一月和十二月中的某些活动和节日二、 小组讨论课前小研究一, 看图片,写出下面两个节日。 二 . 写出下列两个短语的意思并造


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