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1、 太行路学校 七年级英语上(unit1) 课时:2课题:Unit 1 My names Gina.Section A (Grammar Focus -3c)主备人: 赵佳 时间: 审核人: 、Teaching aims:1.要求掌握以下句式: Whats your/ his/ her first name? Is he Jack? / Are you Helen?2.记住一些常用的英文名字。 、Teaching steps:1.Lead in and Review Last time we learnt the ways of asking others names. Do you still

2、 remember how to say that? OK. Lets review it first. 1.Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)T: Good morning, boys and girls. My name is Linda. Whats your name, please?S1: My name is Tom. T: Hello, Tom. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too. T: And whats your name?S2: My name is 2. Revision(复习)

3、T: Excuse me, whats her name, please? S1: Her name is Jenny. T: Whats his name? S2: His name is Tony. 2. New lesson.Grammar Focus 1.Read the sentences loudly and find out something that you dont understood. 2.引导学生观察be动词随句中的人称代词的不同发生相应的变化。(I am ,she/he is, my name/you name is ,you are) 3.形容词性物主代词与人称代

4、词的不同(只区分词义) 4. 对表格中的句子按功能进行分类。 1)询问对方姓名:Whats your name.? Are you.? 2)介绍自己 : Im. My names. 3)询问他人姓名:Whats his/her name? Is he/she.? 4)介绍他人: Hes. Shes. His name is. Her names.5. 总结缩写形式DO 3A1Put words in order to make conversations. 2. Then the teacher gives students an example.3.Ask three students to

5、 write on the blackboard.4.Check it and read.Do 3B 1. Finish 3b by yourselves2. Read 3b and remember3. WriteDo 3c1.Read Now class, lets have a game. Its about our English names. Its very easy and please try your best to remember your friends names one by one. Lets read the example in 3c on page 3. 2

6、Practice in groups Can you understand how to play this game? OK. Please work in groups. Four students form a group. I would give you several minutes to practice in groups and then we will perform in class. 3Perform in class Lets play this game in class. And lets see which group is the fastest without mistakes. 4. Tell students to look at their classmates and try to remember their names. Invite volunteers to stand and report on their classmates names. Have them say: My name is . His name is . or Her name is . 、Summary and homework.3



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