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1、请将下面这段话翻译成英文:在中国,送常是为了表示尊重、感恩、友谊、一种普遍的礼节(Courtesy)。这其实是世界各地一种普遍的礼节。中国礼仪(etiquette)已有几千年的历史,代代相传。对于中国人来说,礼貌要求互惠(reciprocity), 这意味着对别人彬彬有礼的人将收到别人的友善和恩惠。如果他们收到礼物、邀请或款待,他们会在适当的时机回赠别人。互惠的习俗也被认为是建立和维持友谊的 传统方式。与其他国家一样,在中国,从前会在生日、婚礼或聚会时赠送合适的礼物。礼物是否昂贵、是否很大,都不重要。In China,gifts are usually given to show respec

2、t, gratitude, friendship, love or hospitality. It is actually a common courtesy in the world. With a history of thousands of years, Chinese etiquette has formed and been passed down from generation to generation. For Chinese people, courtesy demands reciprocity, which means people who are well-manne

3、red to others will receive kindness and favors. If they receive a gift, an invitation or hospitality treatment from someone, they will :offer back to the one when it is suitable. The custom of reciprocity is also considered a traditional way to build and maintain friendship. For birthdays,weddings o

4、r parties, giving suitable gifts in China is just as any other countries else i do. It does not matter whether your gift is expensive and big or not.请将下面这段话翻译成英文:中国功夫(Kung fo)是用于概括中国所有武术(martial arts)风格的常用术语。事实上汉语的“武术”是用来描述中国武述的确切传统术语。功夫介绍了各种形式的内外风格,包括徒手(bare hands) 武术和武器武术。近来,中国功夫已实现了现代化,训练和竞赛标准体系都

5、已经设立。作为战斗功能的补充,功夫已变成更运动、更具审美性、更有竞争力的体育形 式。比起其他习武之人,也许李小龙更好地让西方世界的人对中国武术的精彩招式大开眼界,因此越来越多的外国人到中国旅游,学习功夫的奥秘。Chinese Kung fu is a commonly used term for summarizing all the martial arts styles in China. In fact,wushu1 in Chinese is the exact traditional term used to describe Chinese martial arts. Kung f

6、u describes external and internal styles of martial arts in numerous forms, including those using bare hands and weapons. Recently, Chinese Kung fu has been modernized. Training and competing standard systems have been set up. Complementing its fighting function, Kung fu has become a more athletic,

7、aesthetic and competitive sport. Perhaps better than any other practitioner, Bruce Lee opened the eyes of the Western world to the fascinating practices of Chinese martial arts. Consequently, more and more foreigners are travelling to China for learning the mysteries of Kung fu.请将下面这段话翻译成英文:“面子”是中国人

8、际交往和商业往 来中的典型现象。“面子”在汉语中没有专门的定义,和“名声”的概念相近。如果你不太熟悉中国文化,你应该了解一下“面 子”或“有面子”。如果你不给别人“留面子”,他们会认为你不尊重他们。中国人生 活的方方面面都有“面子”的影子。中国人不喜欢说“不”,因为他们想给双方“留面子”,因此他们会说“现在不太方便”、“太难了”或“可能吧”,但是不会 对别人只说-个“不”字。“Face”,or “mianzi,is an evident phenomenon of personal and business relationships in China. “Face” does not hav

9、e specific definitions in Chinese. It is very similar to the notion of reputation. If you are not familiar with Chinese culture, 1 :you should know something about face or gaining face. If you do not “save face”for others, they will think that you do not respect them. It is easy to find “face” in al

10、l aspects of Chinese life. Chinese people dislike to say the word “no”,for they want 1 to “save face” for both parties, so they may say “it is inconvenient for me right now”,“it is too difficult” or “maybe”,instead of merely saying “no” to others.请将下面这段话翻译成英文:中国人对龙的理解与西方人不一 样。龙是帝王的象征。帝王的子孙被称为“龙 种”,帝

11、王的用品也常常被加上“龙”字,如“龙袍”、“龙椅”等,连帝王的面色也被 称为“龙颜”。龙也是杰出人物的象征,汉语中有“卧虎藏龙”、“乘龙快婿”等。同时,龙也是一种祥瑞(auspicious)之物。因此,人们希望它能留 在自己的家里,保 佑自己家里一切平安,万事如意。每到舞龙灯(dragondance)的时节,人们会请人 到家里来舞一回。又因龙呈威猛之相,故也有龙舟(dragonboat)驱鬼辟邪的说法。Chinese peoples understanding of dragon is different from that of Westerners.Dragon is the symbol

12、 of emperors. The descendants of emperors are called “children of the dragon”. The objects used by emperors are also usually named with the word “dragon”,such as “dragon robes “dragon chairs Even the face of the emperor is called “dragon face”. Dragon also symbolizes outstanding people. In Chinese,

13、there are “crouching tiger, hidden dragon”,“a proud son-in-law” and so on. Meanwhile, dragon is also an auspicious sign. Therefore, people hope that dragon can stay in their homes to bless family members, thus everyone can be healthy and everything can go well. When it comes to dragon dance time, pe

14、ople will invite performers to perform in their own homes. As dragon appears awe-inspiring and fierce, it is said that dragon boat can drive ghosts away and avoid the evil.请将下面这段话翻译成英文:筷子,作为中国人的主要餐具 (tableware),已经有3000多年的历史了。筷子的出现使我们的祖先不再用手抓食物吃,因为它象征着文明的到来。最早的筷子是用骨头和玉制成 的,在春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn

15、 period)又出现了铜制和铁制的筷子。在古代,富人家用玉筷子或金筷子以显示家庭的富有。许多帝王用银制的筷子以检查他们的食物是否被人投毒。筷子在 传统意义上被当做新娘的嫁妆(dowry),因为筷子在汉语中读作kuaizi,听起来很像“快得子”。As one of the main tableware of Chinese people,chopsticks have a history of over 3,000 years. Thanks to the invention of chopsticks, our ancestors no longer grabbed food to eat.

16、 So chopsticks are the signal of civilization. The earliest chopsticks were made of bones and jade. During the Spring and Autumn period, copper chopsticks and iron chopsticks appeared. In ancient times, rich people used I jade or gold chopsticks to show their wealth. Many emperors and their family members used silver chopsticks to see if the food was poisoned.Traditionally, chopsticks are part of dowry, for its pronunciation “kuaizi” in Chinese s



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