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1、 新概念英语二册:Lessons 88词汇学习及课后练习答案 新概念英语其次册第88课词汇学习 Word study 1.collapse vi. (1)倒塌: If explosives are used, vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse. 假如用炸药爆破,震惊会引起矿顶塌落。 With no one to repair it, the old church collapsed long ago. 由于无人修理,那座老教堂早就倒塌了。 (2)(因精疲力竭等)倒下;(身体等)垮掉: After many years”

2、 hard work, my mother”s health collapsed. 由于多年的辛苦劳动,我母亲的身体垮了。 He had run more than forty miles As soon as he was out of danger, he collapsed. 他已经跑了四十多英里路了。他刚脱离危急便(累得)倒下了。 2.与动词run有关的短语 run可以与不同的介词或副词搭配产生不同的含义。 (1)run out of可表示“用完”、“耗尽”: They are running out of food and drink. 他们的食物和饮料都快消耗尽了。 He has

3、run out of money. 他的钱用光了。 (2)run after表示“追逐”、“追赶”: She ran through a forest after the two thieves. 她穿过森林,追逐那两个小偷。 Seeing that his sister was annoyed, he ran after her to apologize. 当他发觉他妹妹/姐姐生气时,他便追上去赔礼。 (3)run over的含义之一是“在驶过/辗过”: The car ran over a snake/his legs. 那车辗过一条蛇/他的双腿。 The cat was run over

4、 by a train. 那只猫被火车压死了。 (4)run in的含义之一是“试车”、“试转(发动机等)”: John is running his new car in. 约翰正在试他的新车。 Run in the engine before you start work. 在开头工作前,先试试发动机。 (5)run into可以表示“偶然碰见”:I ran into Mary and Jane in the flower shop.我在花店里碰见了玛丽和简。 He ran into the Sterlings while travelling in Italy. 他在意大利旅游时遇见了斯特林一家。 新概念英语其次册第88课课后练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A The word if is contained in four sentences. C 1 would not have been injured 2 had been 3 will find 4 had given 5 is forbidden 2.难点练习答案 1 into 2 out of 3 in 4 over 5 after 3.多项选择题答案 1c 2b 3b 4c 5c 6a 7b 8b 9c 10c 11c 12b



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