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1、教科版小学英语教材 四年级下册(三年级起点)Module 5 SportsUnit 10 I am very fast【教学目标】1、学生理解并掌握以下重难点:重点单词:volleyball, badminton, fast, clever, take a bath, their 重点句子:Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is.What do you like doing?I like.I am./ I have., so I like. 能理解并流利朗读课文。2、 难点:综合运用句子进行描述喜爱的运动及其原因。3、 学生能够将语言

2、知识和技能迁移到不同的语境中。学生能够结合自己的生活经验,用本课的知识和技能创编对话。 【教学过程】、Warming upSing a song. We are all jumping (P54)、Greeting & Guide.After this lesson, you can learn:1. Words: fun, arm, volleyball, fast, take a bath, clever2. Sentences:Whats your favourite sport?My favourite sport isI am / I have,so I like3. Dialoug

3、e.TasksTask 1 Lets talk1. Complete the mind map and share with your partners.play badminton/ football/basketball/chess/tennis/chess, do the high jump, do kung fu, run, swim, skate, skiLanguage pointsI like.I am tall.I have long arms.Task 2 Lets Learn.1. Lets learn the text (P56). Unit 10 I am very f

4、ast.(过渡语)Question: What are their favourite sport? (Janet, Ben, Jiamin)(1) Listen to the dialogue.(2) Read the text for 2 times suggested.(3) Underline the key sentences and the new words.(4) Answer the questions. Whats Janets favourite sport? Whats Bens favourite sport? What do Jaimin like doing?答案

5、: Her favourite sports is playing volleyball. His favourite sport is running. He likes taking a bath.(5) Read the dialogue to your partners.说明:该任务通过让学生多次听读课文,目的是让学生在课文所提供的语境中整体感知语言,设计活动和教学时可根据实际教学主题,明确听读的次数以及后续活动,如同桌互读、小组串读、分角色共读、分角色表演(请较好的两组在黑板前作示范表演)。(过渡语)Question: Can you remember the new words o

6、f Unit 10 ?2. Lets learn the new words.(1) Watch the video and learn the words. New words: arm,fast,clever,volleyball,badminton(2) Spell the words in pairs.Question: Can you say some more words?学生可以补充更多的描述运动和人物特点的词汇:tall-basketball, clever-chess, strong-kung fu, long legs-football, long arms-badmint

7、on, tall and thin-the high jump 3. Lets learn the difficult points. 句型Whats your favourite sport?(你最喜欢的运动是什么?询问某人喜好)英文导语: When you ask a persons favourite sport, you use this sentence: Whats your favourite sport?“like” 表示喜欢、像.一样Whats she like? (像.一样)That man looks like a cook. (像.)I like playing vol

8、leyball.(喜欢)【后面加动词ing形式】(注:like主要有两种用法。第一种是用作动词,意思为“爱,喜欢” 。第二种是用作介词,意思是“像一样”英文导语: “like” is used as a prep. Example: That man looks like a cook. What do you like doing? (你喜欢做什么?) I like running/swimming/playing basketball/.英文导语: “am, have” is used after “I”. Example: I am tall.I have long arms.用am,

9、have描述自身特征I am tall.英文导语: like+doingExample: What do you like doing?说明:该任务的主要任务是让学生圈划重点的词、句型,并且结合网络资源中提供的句型示范,通过自主练、俩俩说、小组说等多方式,让学生学会重点词句。设计活动和教学时可以灵活选择练习的方式。Task 3 Lets Play.(过渡语)Question: Canyouread these sentences?I. Read the sentences. (学生自主说、俩俩说、小组说)Ms White: Whats your favourite sport?Janet: I

10、 am tall and I have long arms, so I like playing volleyball.Ben: My favourite sport is running. I am very fast.Ms White: And what do you like doing, Jiamin?Jiamin: I like the water.Ms White: So do you like swimming best?Jiamin: No, I like taking a bath.(过渡语)Question: Canyou usethesesentencestodescri

11、beyour favourite sport?II. Describe your favourite sport.【Task4】Lets Check.(过渡语)Question: How do you learn? Lets check.Fill in the blanks.(选择正确的字母或字母组合填空,检测单词或词组的拼写,即时反馈)cl e v e r - play ch e ss the h i g h j u m p long a r ms- b a dm i n t o n run f a stI. Listen and number. ( 2 )( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 )

12、听力原文:1. I have long arms. I like playing badminton.2. We are clever. We like playing chess.3. I am strong. I like kungfu.4. I have long legs. My favourite sport is the high jump.II. Choose the right answers. 1. I have long _arms_(arm, arms).2. My favourite sport is _running_(run, running).3. What do

13、 you like _doing_(do, doing)?4. I like _taking_(take, taking) a bath.III. Fill in the blanks.(检测课文关键内容)Ms White: Whats your _favourite sport_?Janet: I am tall and I have _long arms_, so I like _playing volleyball_.Ben: My favourite sport is running. I am very _fast_.Ms White: And what do you like _d

14、oing_, Jiamin?Jiamin: I like the _water_.Ms White: So do you like swimming best?Jiamin: No, I like _taking a bath_.Check the answers. (即时反馈)I can get_(score: 4/5)(过渡语)Question:What do you learn? Do you have any questions? Self-Assessment(自我评价、反思整节课的表现)Today I have learned: 3 new words:1._ 2._ 3._ 2 new sentences: 1. _2. _ 1 question:_说明:该活动是即时反馈练习,引导学生检查自主学习的效果,帮助教师了解学生和预设互动探究环节的教学。Homework1. Copy and learn the n



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