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1、English-Chinese TranslationConversion (Part I)II. Into Nouns1. VN1) A government report targets earning from tourism at 200 million US dollars by 2007.政府的一份报告提出一个目标:到2007年旅游业收入要达到2亿美元。2) What impressed me most was his courage in the face of the death.给我留下最深刻印象的是他面对死亡时所表现出的勇气。3) He was blacklisted fo

2、r striking his boss.他因殴打上司而上了黑名单。4) A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, sat into the car.一位穿着讲究的人坐进汽车里,他的外表和言谈像是美国人。5) The Greek word “atom” means “cannot be cut”.希腊语“原子”一词的意思是“不可分割”。6) Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water.水银的比重约为水的十三倍。7) The earth on which we

3、 live is shaped like a ball.我们居住的地球,形状就像一个球。8) The electric current is defined as a stream of electrons flowing through a conductor.电流的定义是流经一个导体的电子流。9) The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 贸易量有了很大的增加,给两国都带来了益处。2. 受到+n. 加以+n.1) His image as a good student

4、 was badly tarnished.他作为一个好学生的形象,已遭受到很大的玷污。3. AN1) The mayor said that his city government will do its best to build a school for the blind and the deaf.市长说市政府将尽一切努力为盲人和聋哑人修建一所学校。2) The young and the old should unite in shaping a fuller and more meaningful life for all.青年人和老年人应该团结起来,为大家创造更美满、更有意义的生活

5、。3) Under given conditions, the harmful can be transformed into the beneficial.在一定条件下,坏事可以变成好事。4) The social scientists have a keen sense of the new and the old.社会科学家对新旧事物感觉敏锐。5) The new treaty would be good for ten years.新条约的有效期为10年。6) It is a fact that glass is much more soluble than quartz.事实上,玻璃

6、的可溶性比石英大得多。7) In fission processes, the fission fragments are very radioactive. 在裂变过程中,裂变碎片的放射性很强。Conversion (Part II) III. Into Adjectives1) He found some difficulties to design a reactor without an electronic computer.他感到没有电子计算机要设计反应堆是困难的。2) They admitted the feasibility of our proposal. 他们承认我们的建议

7、是可行的。3) The moderate price coupled with the superiority of our goods will surely induce you to pass our orders.由于价格公道,品质优良,相信贵公司一定会向我们订货。4) The nuclear test was quite a success.核试验很成功。5) It is a pleasure to welcome to the United Nations new states that will share our responsibilities and accomplishm

8、ents.欢迎新的国家加入联合国与我们分担责任,共享成就,是令人愉快的。6) It is a certainty that China will become even stronger in the years to come. 中国在今后的岁月里将会变得更加强大,这是确定无疑的。 Other Conversions1. Conversion between adjectives and adverbs1) a. adv.1) His annual visits to Beijing brought him into contact with many well-known writers

9、of our country. 他每年去北京一次,接触到许多国内有名的作家。2) They ordered the immediate demolition of the old building. 他们下令立即拆除这座旧建筑。3) Below 4 water is in continuous expansion instead of continuous contraction.水在4以下不断地膨胀,而不是不断地收缩。2)adv. a.1) Robotics is so closely associated with cybernetics that it is sometimes mist

10、akenly considered to be synonymous.机器人技术与控制论的联系十分密切,两者甚至有时被错误地混为一谈。2. Conversion between nouns and adverbs1) n. adv.1) I have the honor to invite you to visit our college. 我十分荣幸地邀请您来我院参观。2) They show their determination to oppose the sanction. 他们坚决反对制裁。2) adv. n.1) It is officially announced that th

11、e president had decided to postpone his visit to the Middle East.官方宣布,总统已经决定推迟出访中东。2) Oxygen is one of the most important elements in the physical world and it is very active chemically. 氧是物质世界最重要的元素之一,其化学性能很活泼。Amplification (Part I)I. Semantic amplification and rhetorical amplification1. Adding ver

12、bs before nouns1) In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后, 他还得起草最后公报。2) He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.他没有致闭幕辞就宣布结束会议。3) He spoke hopefully of the success of th

13、e negotiation.他满怀希望地说谈判会取得成功。4) After the basketball match, the chairman still has an important meeting.在观看篮球比赛之后,主席还有一个重要会议要参加。5) Gates Avenue families carried their pails to the hydrant at the curb. 盖茨街的家家户户提桶到街边水龙头去取水。2Adding adjectives before nouns1) Several years service in the army will make a

14、 man of Fred.在部队服役几年会使弗雷德成为真正的男子汉。2) With the meeting to begin in just a couple of hours, I hadnt the time to worry about such trifles. 不出几小时会议就要开始,我没有闲功夫来操心这些琐事了。3) What a leader he was! 他真是个出类拔萃的领袖啊。3Adding adverbs before verbs1) Now and then his boots shone. 他的靴子时常闪闪发光。2) A seagull saw the light

15、from the window and darted up to it. 一只海鸥看见窗户透出的灯光就一下子朝它扑去。4Adding nounsA. Adding nouns after intransitive verbs1) He never drinks before driving. 他开车前从不喝酒。2) Before she grew old, Aunt Harry used to entertain lavishly.哈里婶婶年轻时常慷慨地款待客人。3) Day after day he came to his work sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天来干活-扫地、擦地板、收拾房间。B. Adding nouns before adjectives1) The early cars were slow, clumsy and inefficient. 早期的汽车速度缓慢、行动笨拙、效率不高。C. Adding nouns after abstract nouns1) Arrangements have been made to



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