专题限时检测(十一) 完形填空之记叙文体(二).doc

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1、专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之记叙文体(二)(共3篇,每篇限时18分钟)A(2014龙岩高考适应性考试)Lucy walked into a grocery store.She asked the store owner cautiously_1_he would let her charge a few_2_.She softly explained that her husband was very ill.They had seven children and they needed food.John, the grocer,_3_her and requested that she

2、leave his store at once.“Please, sir! I will bring you the_4_as soon as I can,” she begged.John told her he could not give her credit since she did not have a charge account at his store.Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the_5_between the two.He walked forward and told the gro

3、cer that he would_6_for whatever she needed for her family.The grocer said in a very unwilling voice,“Do you have a_7_?”“Yes sir.”Lucy replied.“Well, put your grocery list on the scales (天平) and whatever your grocery list_8_, I will give you that amount in groceries,” he said.Lucy hesitated a moment

4、, then she took out a piece of paper, quickly wrote_9_on it.She then laid the piece of paper on the scales carefully.The_10_of the grocer and the customer showed amazement when the scales went_11_.Staring at the scales, the grocer turned slowly to the customer and said,“I_12_believe it!”Then the gro

5、cer_13_the groceries on the other side of the scales.The scales did not_14_so he_15_to put more and more groceries on them_16_the scales would hold no more.The grocer stood there annoyingly.Finally, he seized the paper from the scales and looked at it with greater_17_.He gave her the groceries he ha

6、d_18_and stood in silence.It was not a grocery list, it was a(n)_19_saying: Dear Lord, you know my_20_and I am leaving this in your hands.1.A.thatBwhetherCwhy Dhow2A.fruits BpillsCgroceries Dtoys3A.cared for Badmired forCbelieved in Dlaughed at4A.money BfoodCID card Daccount number5A.story BquarrelC

7、whisper Dconversation6A.stand up Bstand goodCstand guard Dstand behind7A.charge account Bpiece of paperCgrocery list Dcredit card8A.weighs BsaysCis written Dis made9A.her name Bher addressCsomething Deverything10A.ears BhandsCheads Deyes11A.up and up Bupside downCdown and down Dinside out12A.mustntB

8、cantCneednt Dshouldnt13A.refused to put Brefused to sellCstarted putting Dstarted taking away14A.balance Bwork Cbreak Dread15A.began Bdecided Cstopped Dcontinued16A.since Bif Cuntil Dwhen17A.amusement BexcitementCamazement Ddisappointment18A.bought Bcharged Cadjusted Dgathered19A.leader Bprayer Cexp

9、ression Didiom20A.choices Bneeds Cdebts DpuzzlesB(2014合肥一模)One evening I was on my daily evening return from London to my home.I had got into the_1_of sitting in the last carriage at the platform, _2_I could get off near to the station exit at my end.Just before getting off the train, I found a purs

10、e.I opened the purse and thought this must be my_3_day, for the purse contained some 80 in cash.Looking further into the purse, I found credit cards, house keys and a name and address.My first_4_when seeing the cash was to pocket it and throw the other_5_away.Now I am not a basically_6_person, but h

11、ad developed a hardened_7_over the years that most people were dishonest in some way.My own personal_8_had been that whenever I lost anything of_9_, that was the last I ever saw of it.And since I was a constructive worker at that time, I had been the_10_of a great deal of stealing during my working

12、life.Almost as I read the name and address, I had a picture of that woman being_11_with terror when she realized she had_12_her purse and could not get into her home, had no money, and would have thought of some_13_on her credit cards, not to mention the trouble of _14_all the cards.At that same mom

13、ent I decided to_15_the purse over to the train guard.So I told him I would like to see it_16_to its rightful owner.He told me it would be sent to the lost property_17_ .I arrived at my station and started to walk the fiveminute_18_to my home all the while feeling very _19_with myself that I was goi

14、ng to bring a great deal of_20_to someone I did not know at all.1.A.queueBaddictionChabitDtrouble2A.but Bso Cand Dor3A.bad Bbusy Csad Dlucky4A.thought BsightCexpression Dopinion5A.cards BpoundsCcontents Dkeys6A.kindhearted BdishonestCskillful Dknowledgeable7A.relation BinterestCinfluence Dattitude8A.experience BhobbyCappearance Dinformation9A.privacy Beffect Cvalue Dbeauty10A.reporter Bvictim Cwitness Dsuspect11A.moved BrecognizedCpunished Dstruck12A.robbed Bmissed Clost Dregained13A.counting BspendingClooking Dliving14A.discovering BprovidingCcancelling Dsearching15A.hand Bfind Cthrow Dhold



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