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1、Uuit 81.Today is Toms birthday, I want to give him a g_.Here are a number of _(礼物) in the shop.2. She is going to the a_ to see the _(鲨鱼)and _(海豹).3. My teacher often tells us _(不要闲逛) in the street.He often _(闲逛) in the city last year.4.Last summer he went to Beijing and _(买) a few _(纪念品)。5.We _(打败)

2、 them in basketball and we _(赢) the match, and we got some p_.6.Im very happy because I got Zhou Jieluns _(亲笔签名).7.There are _(许多游客) in Beijing every year.8.He likes _(户外的) activities.9.最后_ 上个月末_在上个月末_10.He is the best student in our class, so we make him our m_.11.Im late for class this morning, be

3、cause I _(睡过头)12.想去驱车旅行: go for a drive 13.在下一个休息日:on next day off休息一天 :have a day off 休息三天 :have three days off14.Its _(下雨) and its _(潮湿) in the _(院子里), youd better take _(一把伞) or a _(雨衣) with you.15.L_ the _(运动员) won the c_(比赛).16.一部关于未来生活的电影 17.再一次赢得歌唱比赛的一等奖 Miss Taos happy tripMiss Tao_ a great

4、trip on the National Day vacation. First, she _ to a aquarium . There _ many animals in it. She _some seals and sharks. Next she _ out with her friends and _ some souvenirs . After that, she _ Liu Yifei and _ her autograph. She _ very excited. She _ a really happy day!1.去水族馆2.和朋友一起闲逛3.照相4.去动物园5.看些海豹

5、6.吃汉堡包7.买纪念品8.吃冰激凌9.看鲨鱼1.玩的开心2.在学校郊游中3.去蓝色水族馆4.一整天5.参观游客中心6.观看关于鲨鱼的电影7.看到一只章鱼8.去礼品店9.买大量的礼品10.乘汽车回学校11.在一天结束时12.科学老师13班级的班长14.打扫汽车15.旅游后1.在你下一个休息日 在你上一个休息日2.和朋友一起看电视3.上课4.睡过头5.帮助妈妈和爸爸6.开车去兜风7.那听起来真的无聊/有趣8.天气是糟糕的。9.听起来像一个繁忙的休息日10.你相信它吗?1.你的休息日怎么样?2.乐于宿营3.拥有非常快乐的一天4.拜访我的表弟们5.下了一整天雨6.呆在家里看DVD7.玩电脑游戏和阅读

6、8.把他的一些旧东西放在院子里10.进行庭院销售11.没有人来庭院销售12.天气如此糟糕13.我们带了伞和雨衣14.淋湿15.谢谢你的信16.非常抱歉你休息日玩的不开心。17.尽快见到你Unit 91.出生_2.打嗝的世界记录_打喷嚏的世界记录_3.太不能_他太小了不能去上学。_4.开始打高尔夫球_5.伟大的巴西的运动员6.He played for the _(国家的) team.7.He is a great man and he got great a _.8.He is a _(巴西的) player.9.Mei Lanfan first _(表演) Beijing Opera whe

7、n he was ten.10.Liu Xuan is a Chinese g_.11.金牌_12.在世界锦标赛上_13.He likes playing golfer and he wants to be a g_.14.一个叫汤姆的男孩_ 一部被称作Go Home的电影_15.有天赋的_ 慈爱的_杰出的_ 不寻常的_美丽的_有创造力的_ 和蔼的_ 著名的_16.一所不寻常的大学_17.He is my grandfather and Im his g_.18.He is good at playing violin and he wants to be a v_-_.19.He won i

8、n the match and he became the c_.20.游览美国_21.中国以乒乓球出名_ 姚明以一名篮球运动员出名。_22.He is a p_ and he is good at playing the piano.23.He _(能够哼哼歌曲) and _(有难度的曲子).24.He likes _(弹手风琴). 25.I _(参加) the _(演讲比赛) last week.26.Is she _(活着的)?27.一位运动员28. We didnt go camping _(因为) the weather. We didnt go camping _(因为) the

9、weather was bad.29.一所大学_30.Tom _(主修管理) in the u_.1.你无论多早开始做事情都不早。2.开始打高尔夫3.开始谱曲4.伟大的巴西足球运动员5.为国家队效力6.学会骑自行车7.开始学英语9.第一次看电影10.第一次举行聚会1.一名电影明星2.第一次表演京剧3.中国体操运动员4.在世界锦标赛上赢得金牌8.开始进行运动AchievementAgeTiger WoodsgolfingShirley TempleMozartMei LanfangRonaldoLiu Xuan1. 和孙子一起度过空闲时间_2. 一位著名的小提琴家_3. 开始滑冰_4. 看到她玩

10、_5. 一位和蔼慈祥的奶奶_6. 成为一名滑冰冠军_7. 周游美国_有天赋的_ 慈爱的_ 杰出的_ 不寻常的_美丽的_ 有创造力的_ 和蔼的_ 著名的_根据下面的表格描写Midori和LauraMidoriLauraJoba famous violinista loving grandmotherNationalityJapanRussiaEvents about them and timeTimeEventsTimeEvents1971be born in Osaka1932be born in Russiawhen she was 8be a talented violinistwhen he was4start ice skatingwhen she was 14tour the USwhen he wa


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