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1、 英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告教导、告诫约翰,向她赔礼。John, apologize to her.John, apologize to her. (约翰,向她赔礼。)I”m really sorry. (真对不起。)约翰,你听我说!John, you listen to me!John, you listen to me! (约翰,你听我说!)I don”t want to. (我不想听。)危急,别调皮。Watch out! Don”t play with that thing.Mom, watch! (妈妈,你看!)Watch out! Don”t play with that

2、thing. (危急,别调皮。)自己的事情自己做。Do it yourself.Can you fix my bicycle? (能帮我修一下自行车吗?)Do it yourself. (自己修。)Do it by yourself.Do it for yourself.你别半途而废。You should finish what you start.I”m going to give up. (我想放弃了。)You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废。)Don”t leave things half done. *也可用half done来表示“半途而废

3、”。我认输了。I”m ready to throw in the towel. *这是一句拳击用语,用来比方“认输”。You failed the exam again. (你又没考上。)I”m ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了。)这是你(应尽)的责任。It”s your duty (to do that). *duty “(法律、道德上的)义务,应尽的责任”。It”s up to you to do that. (这是你应当做的。)It”s your responsibility. (这是你分内的工作。)要善待他人。Be good to others.Do

4、 unto others as you would have done to you.*正式的说法。You should treat others kindly.Do unto others.你要一再当心。You can”t be too careful. *直译“再当心也不为过”。You can”t be too careful. (你要一再当心。)That”s true. (那是固然。)It”s best to be as safe as possible.(It”s) better safe than sorry. (保得安全总比懊悔好。)三思而后行。Make up your mind

5、after thinking it over carefully. *make up one”s mind 常用词组,表示decide(下决心)。带有“认真考虑之后再下打算”的语感。Make your decision after you give it a lot of thought.Think it over carefully before you decide.我全靠你了。I”m counting on you. *这句表示“我全仗你了,你好好干”。I”m relying on you.你终究会明白的。You”ll see.I don”t think she”s mean. (我没觉

6、得她有什么恶意。)You”ll see. (你终究会明白的。)You”ll find out soon enough.Time will tell. (时间会证明一切。)冷静下来好好想想。Calm down and think carefully. *calm down “冷静”、“冷静”。Calm down and think carefully. (冷静下来好好想想。)I can”t! (我做不到。)Calm down and think about it clearly.这是最重要的事情。That”s the most important thing.We need to know wh

7、o”s buying our products. (我们需要弄清晰谁买了我们的商品。)That”s the most important thing. (这是最重要的事情。)That”s the name of the game.人要有自知之明。Don”t bite off more than you can chew. *bite off more than one can chew 直译是“咬下了自己嚼不了的东西”,常用来表示“承受自己力所不及的工作”、“承受超过自己力量的事情”。Don”t attempt more than you are capable of.这事做起来没有太大价值。

8、There isn”t much merit in doing so.There is no reason to do so.I don”t see the point (of doing that).你还得再加把劲儿。What you need is a little more effort. *effort “努力”、“尽力”。You should put a little more effort into it. (你应当再加一把劲儿。)You should try a little harder. (你应当再努力一点儿。)有点自尊心吧!Respect yourself.我盼望你事事要乐

9、观。I hope you”ll be more positive overall. *positive “乐观的”。I don”t think I can do it. (我觉得我做不了。)I hope you”ll be more positive overall. (我盼望你事事要乐观。)I hope you”ll be more positive in every way.I wish you”d be more positive.You should be more optimistic. (盼望你能乐观点儿。) *optimistic “乐观的”、“乐天派的”。你说得简单。That”

10、s easy for you to say.If you practice hard, you”ll get a gold medal. (假如你刻苦练习,肯定能够得金牌。)That”s easy for you to say. (你说得简单。)你发什么牢骚?There”s no reason for complaints. *complaint “不满”、“埋怨”、“诉苦”。There is no reason to complain.There is nothing to complain about.你脸上都写着呢呀!It”s written all over your face.Did

11、 you pass the exam? (考试都通过了?)How did you know? (你怎么知道的?)It”s written all over your face. (你脸上都写着呢呀!)It”s obvious. (明显地能看出来。) *obvious “一眼就能看出来的,明显的”。I can see it in your eyes. *你的眼睛告知了我。我固然会生气了。It”s natural for me to get angry. *It”s natural for.to “固然(自然)会”。Why shouldn”t I be angry?I have a right t

12、o be upset!My reaction is completely appropriate. (我这样的反响是自然的。) *appropriate “与目的、条件等相称的,适合的,恰当的”。我是依据我的阅历才这样说的。I”m telling you this from my experience.Are you sure about it? (的确是这样吗?)I”m telling you this from my experience. (我是依据我的阅历才这样说的。)Let me offer you some advice. From my experience. (我给你一个建议,

13、据我的阅历来看)没其他不同的看法吗?Can”t you think of it differently?Can”t you look at it another way?Can”t you think of it in a different way?好好想想。Just think of it!Just fancy. *有点过时的表达方式。Just imagine. (想像一下。)不要轻信。Don”t trust it. *“不要轻率地信任对方的话,别轻信”。The newspapers say that the yen will go up soon. (报纸上说,日元立刻就会升值。)Don

14、”t trust it. (别轻信!)Be cautious. (请慎重。)Be careful. (要多加当心。)Trust it. (请信任。)我是个简单上当的人。I”m so gullible. *gullible “易受骗的,轻信的,太狡猾的”。别小看他。Don”t underestimate him. *underestimate “过于轻视”、“小看”。We don”t need to worry about him. (我们不必担忧他。)Don”t underestimate him. (别小看他的力量。)You shouldn”t underestimate his abili

15、ties. (你不该小看他的力量。)He is better than you think. (他比你想像的要好。)那是最重要的呀!That”s the name of the game.我不能对你特别。I can”t make any exceptions for you. *exception “除去”、“除外”。We can”t give you any special treatment.I can”t make an exception for you.动动脑子。Use your head!I don”t know how to do it. (我不知道怎么做。)Use your head! You can do it. (动动脑子,你能做到的。)自作自受。You asked for it! *直译是“那是你追求的”。常用短语“自作自受,活该”。My boss scolded me today. (今日被老板训斥了一顿。)You a


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