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1、连云港市高三英语阅读理解调研测试题A Arabwe was a strange name for a battleship, but the name was fitting, for the Arabwe was a strange battleship. This ship was the only American naval vessel that fought its only battle on dry land. The Arabwe was built in the 1860s but never saw action until many years later, when

2、it was traveling along the coast of Chile.The Arabwes adventure began one day when a massive underwater earthquake occurred right off the coast. Gigantic waves heaved the ship up on dry land, where it was grounded along with several other boats. The Arabwe looked helpless and was tempting bait for l

3、ooters who came on the scene to plunder the shipwrecked boats. When the robbers tried to climb aboard the ship, the crew beat them off with much difficulty. When the looters banded together again for an all-out assault on the ship, the crew knew they were in trouble.Captain Alexander of the Arabwe o

4、rdered the gun crew to load the cannon. However, the sailors were unable to reach the cannonballs, which were stored below in the twisted wreckage. Faced with this dilemma, the Captain thought of a substitute for the cannonballs. He ordered the sailors to bring up a basket of hard round cheeses from

5、 the kitchen.When the mob charged at the ship, Captain Alexander ordered the cannons to be fired. Balls of cheese knocked over some of the bandits, and when another cheese round was fired, the mob retreated wildly. After this victory, the Arabwe was safe, but it never made it back to sea. It was gal

6、lantly listed in the Navys records as “lost in action.”1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The Arabwe fought an unusual battle. B. The Arabwe fought its only battle on land by firing cheese from cannons. C. The Arabwe was grounded along with some other ships. D. Arabwe was a strange name for

7、 a battleship.2. Where was the Arabwe grounded? A. In Cuba.B. In Florida.C. In Chile.D. In Brazil.3. What does the underlined word dilemma mean? A. Problem.B. Puzzle.C. Mystery.D. Crime.4. Using cheese instead of cannonballs was _. A. expensiveB. effectiveC. illegal.D. wastefulBStepping into a puddl

8、e of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a puddle of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp, an Australian rancher, witnessed a rain of fish that covered his property. How surprised he must have been when he heard the patter of fins hitting against his roof!What caused thi

9、s strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled ichthyologists - people who study fish. The answer turned out to be a combination of tornado and thunderstorm.When it is spring in the northern Hemisphere, it is fall in Australia. Throughout the autumn season, raging storms arise and ra

10、ins flood the land. Whirlwinds sweep over Australia like giant vacuum cleaners, collecting seaweed, driftwood, and even schools of fish. Strong gales may carry these bits of nature for many miles before dropping them on barns, livestock, and astonished people.Although they seem unusual, fish-falls o

11、ccur quite frequently in Australias Northern Territory. When Rancher Bill Tapp was asked to describe the deluge of fish, he casually remarked, “They look like perch.” His statement is not surprising. The wonders of the natural world are common as rain. Nature, with its infinite mysteries, can create

12、 waterfalls that flow upward and fish that fall out of the sky.5. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Natural weather conditions often cause strange occurrences. B. A combination of tornadoes and thunderstorms in Australia can produce a rain of fish. C. Fish-falls occur during the Australian au

13、tumn season. D. Bill Tapps house was covered with many fish.6. Fish-falls occur in Australia _. A. on large ranchesB. only in the winterC. quite oftenD. when the air is calm7. What does the underlined word infinite mean? A. Complex.B. Varied.C. Countless.D. Dangerous.8. What conclusion can you draw

14、from this passage? A. The seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are opposite. B. One should watch where one steps. C. The natural world is full of surprises. D. Ichthyologists are tireless workers.CSoccer is an extremely sport through most of the world. However, as with anything that people feel intens

15、ely about, emotions sometimes get out of hand.English fans have been known for brawling in the stands. A riot in a game between Argentina and Chile in 1964 resulted in the deaths of 309 people. But up until now at least, there has only been one out-and-out soccer war.That war took place between El S

16、alvador and Honduras, two Central American countries. The year was 1969, and for many years the Salvadoran economy had been in a dire condition: too many people with too little land and too few jobs created a situation of severe poverty. As a result, many desperate Salvadorans had been illegally crossing into Honduras looking for work, and they h



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