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1、小学英语教学设计案例一、教学内容分析指导思想与理论依据基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。倡导体验参与、全员参与、合作与交流的学习方式。在孟彦君、沈玲娣老师“关于教学设计”的讲座中,孟老师说:教学要注意细节,细节决定成败;沈老师启发我们:要从预设生成的结果逆推,来设计教学活动;要搭好梯子,层层稳进。基于以上理论以及所受到孟、沈二位老师的启发,我设计了本课。 教学背景分析教学内容本节课是北师大版教材小学英语四年级上册Unit 2 I like Bobby第二课时词汇教学。有关动物的词汇,学生在前几册教材中都有过不同程度

2、的接触。本单元是通过故事教学,运用情景呈现了一部分动物的词汇,而本节课是出示了一些新的动物词汇,不仅要求学生会认读词汇,更强调学生对词汇的运用。本课的重点是能够准确认读以下动物的英文:tiger,lion,fox,panda,donkey,leopard,squirrel等,其中有两个词汇是学生从来没有见过的donkey, squirrel,其它动物词汇,学生在一、二、三年级有过接触,可以以旧知带新知。squirrel一词的发音学生很不容易掌握,其余的单词学生学起来不是难点。学生情况分析孩子的天性是喜爱动物的,本课主要学习有关动物的词汇,因此学生对本课的学习有很大的兴趣。动物的词汇,学生在一、

3、二、三年级有过不同程度的接触,学习起来不会很陌生。本节课中有两个词汇是学生从来没有见过的donkey, squirrel,可以用以旧引新的方法:用学生已学过的词汇monkey引出donkey的发音,学生即可很容易掌握;而squirrel一词的发音,学生不容易掌握,是本课的难点,可通过语音教学加强记忆。针对学生以上情况,我以游戏、活动为依托,培养学生有效的学习策略,引导学生关注细节,以学定教。教学方式合作式教学方式、启发式教学方式、活动式教学方式、互动式教学方式游戏教学方式教学手段利用教学卡片、多媒体课件、体态语、等多种手段进行教学,充分调动学生多种感官参与,寓教于乐。技术准备多媒体课件、录音机

4、、单词卡片、图片奖品、Bobby的头饰、调查表教学目标(内容框架)知识与技能1.能听懂、会说、认读单词fox, lion, tiger, squirrel, donkey, leopard, panda。2.能在小调查中运用功能句Do you like.?Yes, I do./No, I dont.进行交流过程与方法1利用图片或课件创设情景引导学生学习本课新词。2利用学生已有的知识启发学生自学新词。3运用图片启发学生理解,并运用名词的复数形式进行交流。4在活动中创设信息差,让学生通过采访了解同学的喜好。情感、态度在情境中,使学生感受到学习英语的乐趣。通过教学中的活动,进一步培养学生爱护动物的情

5、感。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、认读单词fox, lion, tiger, squirrel, donkey, leopard, panda2.能理解、认读并初步运用功能句Do you like.?Yes, I do./No, I dont.进行交流。教学难点1.准确认读squirrel, lion, donkey, leopard单词。2.理解并运用名词的复数形式进行交流。问题框架1.如何创设情景使学生认读动物词汇?2.如何使学生运用所学词汇进行交流?3.如何进一步激发学生爱护动物的情感。三、Flow Chart of TeachingI. Warming up (Set the scene

6、Review)Ss click any words to studyWatch the computer and study the new words.New lesson and GamesLook at the pictures and read the structures with teacher. ExtensionUse the new words and structures to make a new chantDo survey in class. Summary.HomeworkUse the new words and structures to make a chan

7、tSs use flashcards to practice in pairsSs throw the dice to practice the structuresModel . Practice四、Teaching approachesTeacher activitiesStudents activitiesDesigning purposes. Set the scene(Review)( 5)1. The teacher wears a Bobby Bear mask. Teacher:“Im Bobby bear. Today my friends and I will go to

8、the forest. Who are they?” 2. Ask each group, “Do you like.?” At that time divide the students into four groups and give each group a name.3. Teacher: If you do very well, youll go on one step.Watch the computer, review the words of animals.Watch the screen and say the animal words.Answer the teache

9、rs questions and understand the ways of evaluation.复习前一课的故事情节,创设情景复习单词,引出功能句。通过询问学生喜爱的动物为其命名,加强评价与教学内容的联系。.New lesson and Games ( 13)A. Words B. Structures 1Play the computer and points one of the animals to teach. 2. Choose one child points the new words of animals. 3. Evaluation.4Show two words bo

10、x and monkey. Have the Ss compare and think how to read fox and donkey.5 Have the students do some actions and guess the animals.6. Evaluation.7Work in pairs8. Give finite time .(在规定时间内,猜出的词与前进步数等同)1. Show pictures, elicit singular and plurality.2. Repeat the procedure for lion, tiger, and leopard.(

11、Group horse, you read and listen carefully. You can go on one step).1Watch computer and read the new words of animals with computer. 2. One child points and the others to read the words with the computer.3. Look at the picture and read the words. 4Look at words box and monkey. And then think how to

12、read fox and donkey.5One child does some actions that like animals. The others guess the animals. 7Read the new words at page 16.One point the pictures, the other reads the words. Then change.8Watch the screen, students can choose anyone and guess. They should say, “1 / 2 / 3 is.”1. Look at the pict

13、ures and read the word“pandas”. Ss read the structure :Do you like.(s)? I like. (s).2.Look at the pictures and read the other words. 3. Make some new sentences.让学生用鼠标任意点击单词进行新词的学习 通过评价,激发学生学习积极性,缓解学习单词的枯燥。充分利用新旧知识的联系,学习词汇。使学生体会学习方法的多样性。模仿动物猜词,加强对新词的记忆。这一环节的评价。培养学生合作互助的意识。限时猜词,加强记忆,增强练习容量。通过图片引出某些动物的

14、复数形式,启发学生理解、会用“Do you like.(s)?”处理教学的难点,为下面的句型操练做好铺垫。 Practice(11)1. Work in pairs. Give a model.2 Play a game. Show book at page 17.The teacher gives a model. Explain to the students.The students use the flashcards of animals to practice .One asks, “Do you like?” Another one answers, “Yes, I do. /

15、No, I dont.”The children open their books at page 17.Throw the dice and play the game.学生运用手中的卡片,进行合作交流。巩固功能句。为掷骰子游戏做好铺垫。掷骰子游戏,既可以考查学生对所学单词掌握程度,又可以帮助其巩固所学句型,同时又营造了紧张而活跃的课堂气氛。可以达到生生积极参与学习的效果。并为下一步的小调查做好准备。 Extension(8) Do surveya. Give a model. The teacher interviews two Ss while fill in the form. Then says, “I want


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