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1、 2009年双登销售人员培训资料 英语基础知识一、自我介绍SHOTO is an ISO, UL and NSF certified company. SHOTO是一家ISO、UL和NSF合格认证的公司。China Shoto plc is a company Listed on AIM on 6th December 2005.双登是2005年2005年12月6日在AIM上市。China Shoto plc is a company Leading manufacturer of batteries in China.双登是中国领先的电池制造商。Shuangdeng group mainly

2、 produces back up batteries, including AGM VRL A batteries, GEL VRL A batteries ,Flooded lead acid batteries. ect.双登集团主要生产后备能源,包括 AGM电池、GEL电池、富液铅酸电池等。we have a strong edge and leading international market position.我们有一个强大的竞争优势和领先的国际市场的地位。We devote to promoting the human to progress by using our exce

3、llent products and services.我们致力于运用优质、满意的产品和服务来促进人类进步。We specialize in this line of business.我们专门经营此项服务。We have been engaged in this business for the past 20 years.敝公司从事这个业务已经有20年的经验。Our company is well-established and reliable.我们公司有口皆碑且信用可靠。We have full confidence that we will meet all your require

4、ments.我们有信心可以满足您的所有需求。二、日常会话:1、预定航班 make a flight arrangementI need to get a single flight to Beijing on December 7, 2009 in the morning.我需要一张2009年12月7日早上去北京的单程航班。2、预定酒店 make hotel reservation we have a standard double room,non-smoking,on the third floor.我们订的是标准双人间,无烟室,在三层。3、电话预约 make telephone appo

5、intment Hello,is this 4474716? Id like to speak to MrWang,please? 您好,是4474716吗?我想找王先生?Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail?您要不要留话在他的语音信箱里Im not available to take your call,but please your name,number and a brief message我现在不能接您的电话,但请您留下您的姓名、电话号码和简短留言。4、接待客户 entertain clientsWould you l

6、ike something to drink? 您需要喝些什么吗?Here is a copy of our company profile. 这是我们公司的简介。My pleasure,I hope your visit to our company is very enjoyable.这是我的荣幸,我希望您这次到我公司之行愉快。Let me introduce you to Mr. Wang, our marketing manager. 让我来给你介绍,这是我们的市场部经理,王先生。Im looking forward to seeing you again.期待您再次光临。5、 参观工

7、厂 visite a factory Would you please tell me your schedule so that we could arrange the visit for you? 请告诉我您的行程,以便我们为您安排参观Ill take you around the factory and show you our machines in operation我将会带你参观我们工厂并带您看看我们运行中的设备。6、产品展示 products demonstration Can you show me how to make this work? 请你给我演示一下怎么用这个装备

8、? Id like to give you a demonstration of our latest and best selling product . 我想给你演示下我们最新生产的最畅销产品。7、顾客服务 customer service Did you have any problems with our products or service? 你对我们的产品和服务有什么问题? Is there anything else I can do for you? 还有其他需要帮忙的吗?二、E-mail商业实用英文 1. Making an appointment安排会议2. Lookin

9、g for Customers寻找客户3. Extending Business拓展业务4. Trade Proposal商务计划5. Agreement on Conditions of Business交易条件协议6. Trade Inquiry商务询价7. Selling Offer卖方报价8. Buying Offer买方报价9. Placing an Order下订单10. Follow-up进度查询11. Sales Contract 买卖契约12. Claims and Adjustments索赔与调处13. Establishment of Agency Ship建立代理关系三

10、、会面Id like to make an appointment to see you.我想要跟您约个时间见面。Would it be possible for us to talk to Mr. Black in person about that?我们可否亲自跟布来克先生谈此事?Mr. White would like to come and see you.怀特先生想登门拜访。What do you say five oclock?你觉得五点如何?When can we meet to talk? 什么时候我们能见面谈谈?What time would be convenient fo

11、r both of you?您们两个人什么时候方便呢?How about the day after tomorrow at five oclock p.m.?后天下午五点如何?Ill see you at eleven.那就十一点见。 Anytime you say.什么时候都可以。Anytime between three and five.三点到五点都可以。Im sorry, I have an appointment with one of my clients tomorrow.抱歉,我和我的一个客户明天有约会。Im afraid Im busy all day tomorrow.恐

12、怕明天我会忙一整天。I am afraid I couldnt make it.我恐怕无法到达。Im afraid Ill have to postpone the appointment.恐怕我必须把约会延期。 Can we make our appointment a little later?我们的约会可以往后延些时间吗? Could you change the schedule for me?你能帮我更改时程吗?I prefer not to postpone the schedule.我比较倾向不要延后行程。I would rather not change the time.我倒

13、宁愿不要更改时间。四、价格与订货Thank you for your inquiry. Please tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers.感谢贵方询价。请告诉我们贵方所需数量以便我方报价。We welcome your enquiry of July 30 and thank you for your interest in our products.很高兴收到你们七月三十日的询价,并感谢你们对敝公司产品的兴趣。Any increase or decrease in the freight af

14、ter the date of sale shall be for the buyers account.出售日后运费如有上涨或下跌,均归买方负担。This quotation is subject to your reply reaching here on or before January of 20.此报价以在一月廿日或一月廿日之前收到你的答复才有效。As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise,we would advise you to accept the offer without delay.由于所

15、报价格特别低,并可能涨价,建议贵公司立即接受此报价。We hope you will be satisfied with our samples and quotations.我们希望贵公司能对我们的样品和报价感到满意!Your suggested price is rather on the low side.你方建议的价格偏低。It is the lowest price that we can offer you now.这是现在我们所能提供最便宜的价格。我们可能提供你们九折的特别折扣。I am afraid your price is above our limit.你们的价格恐怕超出了我们的界限。Thank you for your order. We accept it and will dispatch the goods early August.谢谢您的订单。我们接受此订单,并将于八月初交货。We have received your letter of July 25.我们已经收到您七月廿五日的信件。Pleas



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