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1、一、学 科: 英语二、课例名称: UFOs三、执教教师: 李英四、指导教师: 王科文五、课 型: 英语阅读课六、年 级: 六年级七、教材版本:新标准英语(一年级起点第12册)八、教学设计包括教学目标、学生和内容分析、课时安排、教学方法、教学手段、板书设计、PPT演示文稿、课堂练习或测试、课后作业等。UFOs 教学设计 长沙市芙蓉区育才小学:李英 About Teaching contents: New Standard English Book 12, Reading for pleasure.This text tells us what a UFO is,and there are thr

2、ee little stories about people and the UFOs. About Studens: The students have learned English for nearly 6 years.They have got a certain amount of English,and theyve also got to know some reading skills,such as skimming,scanning and so on. Young children are very interested in stories about Science.

3、They are eager to know what happened in the stories. Teaching aims:1. Intellective aim:a.能听说并理解课文的内容。b.能运用一般过去时讲述过去发生的事情。2. Capability aim:通过对本课阅读材料的学习,渗透阅读策略培养,训练学生从阅读材料 中捕捉主要信息,并根据捕捉到的主要信息进行复述的能力。3. Moral educational aim:激发学生热爱科学,探索宇宙的兴趣,引导学生努力学习,掌握扎实的知识基础,才能更好地探索宇宙,开创美好未来。 Important points: Under

4、stand the meaning of the story. Difficult points: Master the reading skills. Teaching methods: TPR, information gap, cooperative learning method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method Teaching aids: Real objects:some paper Property:CAI some word cards some pictures Teaching Steps:I

5、.Greetings Hello,boys and girls.Good afternoon.II. ReadingStep1 交流导入 走进文本 a. T: Do you like movies?I saw a great movie yesterday.Do you want to have a look?Lets enjoy a short film ( CAI shows some video about UFOs)(播放长江七号片段) T: What did you see just now?Ss: (UFOs) T: What does the UFO look like?Ss:

6、T: What are UFOs? What do people say some of the UFOs look like?b. T: Lets read the first two paragraphs.(快速阅读课文1,2段,找出关键信息。 )Ss: .板书: UFOs are spaceships from other planets. ice creamsSome look like plates bananas c. More pictures of UFOs T: Here,Ive got more pictures of UFOs.Look, what are they li

7、ke? (CAI 展示各种各样 UFO图片,紧紧吸引学生的注意力,将他们带入UFOS的奇幻世界。也为下一个问题做好铺垫。) d. 预测故事T: Did you ever see UFOs in real life?Ss: No. T: Well, Some people say they saw UFOs.What happened after they saw UFOs? Imagine! Ss: .(设计意图: 设置问题情境,学生预测故事发生的情况,为进入故事打好基础。)Step2. 初步阅读 整体把握 Fast Reading T: Maybe youre right. Now, her

8、e are some stories. Lets read them.a. Read the stories silently and quickly.b. Number the stories.How many stories are there?c. Answer some “T” or “F” questions1Now I will say something about the stories, tell me “T” or “F”.2The woman saw a beautiful bird when she was washing her car. ( )3The mans h

9、ouse was not there. ( )4The American man had a bad headache, so the little man helped him. ( )(设计意图:借助图片,提出四个“是非题”,帮助学生理解故事梗概。)Step3. 精读课文 习得阅读技巧 a. Story 1Youre very clever! Now lets read story 1, and get more details about it.1. talk about the picture Whos there?What was she doing?She seemed so sc

10、ared. Why? What happened?What happened next?2. Read the story Lets read the story1again and get to know it.3.指导朗读Look at the first sentence, it is very long. Lets read it. Pay attention to the pause.A woman in Australia says/ she was washing her car /when she saw a UFO coming towards her.(指名读,轮流读)4.

11、 Answer the questions .Where did the story happen? What did she do after she saw the UFO?What happened the next day?(板书:in Australia coming towards ran away half-clean half-dirty) (设计意图:板书story1关键词语,为学生自己找关键词做出示范。)5.Retell the story togetherStory 1 tells us, in Australia, a woman was washing her, th

12、en a UFO was coming towards her.She was so scared,so she ran away.The next day,she found that half of the car was clean and half was dirty. 6.Talk So,what do you think happened? Did the UFO wash it?b. Story 2 The UFO gave the woman a surprise. How about the man in story 2.Did he see a UFO too? What

13、happened?Lets listen to story 2. 1. Listen to the CAI2. Answer two questions1) When he came home, what was not there?2) What was there?3. Go on the storyWhat will happen next? What will the man do?If youre the mans neighbors or friends,what will you say to him?Lets go on the story,and act it out wit

14、h your partner. (设计意图:story2 情节比较简单,在这里设计续编故事的环节,给了学生广泛灵活运用语言并自由表演的空间。)c. Story 3 Maybe the UFO took the house away.Thats very bad!But in Story 3.The UFO did sth good. What did it do?1. Read story 3,try to find out the answers.1)What was wrong with the man?2)What did the little man do?3)How is his b

15、ack now? 2.Retell the story 3.Debate We dont know if this is true. What do you think? (I think it is true./I dont think it is true.) Step4. 语言拓展,培养交际能力a. More news about UFOsMany people believe it.There are more people say they saw UFOs.And there are many news about UFOs.Lets have a look.1.August,28th,


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