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1、 西方经继续名词解释英文版第一章Mareonoics宏观经济学T sudyo e overal aspects and rings of nonal ecnomy, sch as income,output, nd titerelasp among diverse ecnomi sectors 研究国民收入的各方面。icroeconomcs微观经济学Te stud the perations of the comonents f a nationa conmy,suc asinivdal firms,ousehls, andconsmrs研究经济中单个因素行为的分析。GDP国内生产总值 (Gs

2、omestc Pduc)Th ttlmarket lu f l fgods ad serves produced wii t brders fnationdurng speciie period.一国国民在各行业中一年内生产的最后产品和最后服务价值总和。t is e en aan indcarof the standard of ling in aconry.Goss Detic Podconsumion +invsmet goos + overnnt urchses + netexportsnoic roth经济增长steady gowthn t proute capacity of he

3、ecm (adso a rowhof ntna ncme)Real Eonomic Growth Rae 实际经济增长率 easre ofecnoicgrowthfomone period to anthrxprse aaprcenta n adjustedfor inlation (i. exprssed in rel as ppo to nomil trm). el coomic growt ate i easureofhe e o chg th a ntins grossmsticprdct(GDP) eperiences from one yeart another.Grossanap

4、roduct (NP)can lse used f a natons econmy i heaviy deedent on foreigearing The reaeconm growth rae builds nt he conoi wt rae y tkninto accuntthe effect tht ifltin has n the econmy. Te re ecnmc groth te a consntdlaran herefoe me accurat look te rtof econoic growth bcaus hereal ateis notdistteby theef

5、fcts of etreme iflatn o defatGDPeflator P指数n conomicsthe DP fatr(implii pric deflar forDP) is measureof the cngen reof all ew, omestically produce, ina god anservces in necoomy. GP stands fr grsdmestic prdct the otal vale o llgoos an ervies podue ithin tht econm urin a speiie riod. NominlDP名义DPA ros

6、s doestic prodct (GP)igure tht has not been ajusd for infltinReal DP 实际GPThsinflat-adjst maurtha refls thevueof l oods and svceproducedn a gven yer, exprsse i base-year pies.Oten referr o as cont-prce, inflaticorrcteGPrcostntdollrGD Unlik mial GDP, real GD c ccot or hnge n the prce level, and provid

7、 a re accrate figue.Potenial ouput 潜在产量/潜在GDPIneconomcs, potentialoput (lorefered t as nuralealgssdomestc prodt) rs to te higheseelofr Gos Domestic Poductouput that can e sutained oer telng ter.GDPp GD缺口Te orfeidutt of a countr economy rslng fm he failurto createsufficet jobs fo llhos illin oork. A

8、DPgp denotes e aut ofprodciontht is rrerievly ost. Th otal fo hier ouctionlelis waste baus terearetengh obs spied.(与书异)et Exrts 净出口The vaue of a cuntr xptsminu e vau fts toalimport. I i ud to calculte acontrys aggreaexptures, oGDP, i an pe conomy. In othrods, net xrts s theamoun by whih foeign spend

9、ing on hm outrys gos n servies xceeds the me cys spedin n foeign gods an ervies.Rcessio 经济衰退A signifiant declnein ctivityspa croste comy, lasng longer n fewmonts. i vsible n indutril podctin,moymnt, real nme, and wholsae-etal tr. The tecniandiatorof ressonis two cocutive quater of negtiv economi gro

10、wth s meaured byaconrys DP. Ntes:ecesio s n (it uleasant) ar the bsiesscycl. A eessiogenall la rm sx to eightee mnths. Iteest rassulyfll iressinary times tomulae heconomyby oferin chep rtes ahich o brow monDepresio 经济萧条 everen rolonged recssion caracterized by infficin conomic pructivity,hih emloent

11、,and falig prce lves. Intiesf depression, cosuersonfidence and inetentsdecrease,causingthe eonmy o htdown.VlueAde 附加值he nanceent coanyies its prodct or svie before offerig t product to ustmers Tis can theiease the produc pce or vale(与书异)s Natinal Produc GNP 国民生产总值Anecoic statistc ta icludes GDP, plu

12、s nynce eand byresintsro overes ivestnts, mnu incomeardwthin te dsi cm b overs rsidens.GNP is a measue of coutrys econmic errmane,r hat tsctizensproduced (ie. gods and sevc) ad whete thy prodced tese tem within is bd.Dissable Icome 可支配收入Th mountof ftr-taincomehat s avaiable o ide bewee peing nd ersoasaing.This so kwn s your tak hom pay.eploymen ae 失业率Th pcentag ofthetol laor foce thatsunemplyedbt aci


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