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1、网球场使用须知1、 网球场仅向小区业户及由业户陪同的访客开放,请至管理处前 台办理登记手续方可使用。2、 业户需提前预定场地,每次最多二个小时。逾时未到,管理处 有权安排该时段的网球场使用。3、 请务必穿着鞋底不褪色的运动鞋入内。穿着皮鞋、钉鞋谢绝入内。4、 请勿在球场内污染场地、吸烟、咀嚼口香糖、运动时请着运动装、请勿将球拍及其它硬物敲击地面、不得将宠物带入场地。5、 十六岁以下的青少年请在监护人的陪伴下使用该球场。6、 请爱惜使用场地内的设备设施。如有损坏应照价赔偿。7、 请妥善保管自己的物品,如有遗失管理处恕不承担赔偿责任。8、 网球场仅供网球运动使用。9、 使用时间:9:00-20:0

2、0。10、 收费标准:网球场 日间 20元/小时 灯光场地 25元/小时Rules for Tennis Court1. The Tennis Court is available for use only to residents or his/her accompanied visitors, please approach to the Guest Service Center of Property Management Office for registration before using the court.2. Users are required to book the co

3、urt in advance. Usage for each session is limited to a maximum of 2 hours. In the event of late arrival or no show for the reserved court, the Management Office reserves the right to rearrange the use of the court to others in that course.3. Please wear appropriate athletic shoes on the court. No le

4、ather shoes or spikes are allowed on the court.4. Please keep clean of the court at all times. No smoking, no chewing gum. Please wear sportswear. Please do not hit the ground with the racket or other hard objects. Please do not bring pet into the court.5. For teenager who below 16-year-old shall be

5、 accompanied by a guardian when using the court.6. Please take good care of those facilities or equipment in the Tennis Court. Users shall bear for any compensation liability in the event of any property is damaged by the users.7. Please take good care of your personal belongings. The Management Off

6、ice shall not be responsible in case of any loss from happening.8. This Court is provided for playing tennis only.9. Opening hours: 9:00hrs. - 20:00hrs.10. Standard Charge: RMB 20 Yuan / hour / court (day time) RMB 25 Yuan / hour / court (night time with spot-light)篮球场使用须知1、 篮球场仅向小区业户及由业户陪同的访客开放,请至管

7、理处前 台办理登记手续方可使用。2、 业户需提前预定场地,每次最多二个小时。逾时未到,管理处 有权安排该时段的网球场使用。3、 请务必穿着鞋底不褪色的运动鞋入内。穿着皮鞋、钉鞋谢绝入内。4、 请勿在球场内污染场地、吸烟、咀嚼口香糖、运动时请着运动装、请勿将球拍及其它硬物敲击地面、不得将宠物带入场地5、 十六岁以下的青少年请在监护人的陪伴下使用该球场。6、 请爱惜使用场地内的设备设施。如有损坏应照价赔偿。7、 请妥善保管自己的物品,如有遗失管理处恕不承担赔偿责任。8、 篮球场仅供篮球运动使用。9、 使用时间:9:00-20:00。10、 收费标准:篮球场 日间 20元/小时 灯光场地 25元/小

8、时Rules for Basketball Court1. The Basketball Court is available for use only to residents or his/her accompanied visitors, please approach to the Guest Service Center of Property Management Office for registration before using the court.2. Users are required to book the court in advance. Usage for e

9、ach session is limited to a maximum of 2 hours. In the event of late arrival or no show for the reserved court, the Management Office reserves the right to rearrange the use of the court to others in that course.3. Please wear appropriate athletic shoes on the court. No leather shoes or spikes are a

10、llowed on the court.4. Please keep clean of the court at all times. No smoking, no chewing gum. Please wear sportswear. Please do not hit the ground with the racket or other hard objects. Please do not bring pet into the court.5. For teenager who below 16-year-old shall be accompanied by a guardian

11、when using the court.6. Please take good care of those facilities or equipment in the Basketball Court. Users shall bear for any compensation liability in the event of any property is damaged by the users.7. Please take good care of your personal belongings. The Management Office shall not be respon

12、sible in case of any loss from happening.8. This Court is provided for playing basketball only.9. Opening hours: 9:00hrs. - 20:00hrs.10. Standard Charge: RMB 20 Yuan / hour / court (day time) RMB 25 Yuan / hour / court (night time with spot-light)儿童游乐场须知1、 本场地最多可容纳12人,使用各项器材时不可推挤、争抢,要排队守秩序。2、 7岁以下儿童

13、必须在成年人的监护下使用本场地。3、 身体不适者不宜入内,否则后果自负。4、 各种交通工具及宠物均不得进入本儿童游乐场,包括脚踏车、滑板(车)、溜冰鞋、猫、狗等。5、 禁止吐痰,乱扔杂物及口香糖残渣,请自觉保持场地的整洁。6、 各项器材如有湿、滑时禁止使用,游戏时禁止做任何危险动作,例如:玩溜滑梯、旋转梯及单杠时头勿朝下。7、 如因违反本场地规定而导致任何身体受伤后果,使用者及监护人责任自负。8、 请正确使用器材,器材损坏或故障时请停止使用,由于使用人使用不当造成的人为损坏将视情追偿。9、 如需任何帮助,请联系物业管理处。Guidelines for the Use of Children P

14、layground1. The maximum capacity for this playground is 12 People. Please do not pushing, shoving or fighting when using the facilities. 2. Children under 7 years old must be accompanied by adult when using this playground.3. Visitor who is not in good health condition is advised not to enter. Other

15、wise, he/she should be responsible for his/her own risk.4. A variety of transport and pets are not allowed to enter the playground, such as bicycles, skateboards (cars), skates, cats or dogs etc.5. Spitting, littering or spit out chewing gums are strictly prohibited. Please keep the playground clean and tidy at all time.6. Prohibit the use of rainy day. The game against any dangerous acts.7. In case of any physical injury due to breach of rules and regulations by the user, the user or guardian shall solely bear th



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