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1、 高中生英文励志演讲稿五篇_演讲稿 高中生励志英语演讲稿 篇一 Never Give Up Good afternoon, everyone. Its my great honor to stand here and give you a short speech. My topic is “Never give up”. Now lets begin. Have you seen a film named Titanic, I believe no one will shake head. Its a film about how the ship Titanic sank into the

2、 sea in that time. It is very exciting. But I am quite interested in the story of the film, Jack and Roses story. I can learn some deeper things from it. After the ship hit an iceberg and sank into the sea. Jack and Rose and other people fell into the cold sea water. As the weather was getting colde

3、r and colder, they were gradually stepping into death. Jack asked Rose to promise him not to give up the hope of life. At last, Jack was dead, and Rose had a narrow escape, because she listened to Jack and didnt give up. As for us, we will never be in the sank Titanic and do not insist on waiting fo

4、r the rescue of others, but, in reality, never give up is still necessary and much more important. In the race of life, there is no doubt that we will go through ups and downs, peaks and valleys, and joys and sorrows. When confronting adversities, someone feels blue and frustrated, declining to stru

5、ggle one more time. However, there are some people holding fast to their original dreams, making relentless determinations to overcome lifes challenges and become respectable. In face of obstacles, they practice the spirit of “never give up” and eventually mount the winner stand. Never give up the h

6、ope of life is high level thing, but we are obliged to do it bit by bit. No matter how life treats us, we shouldnt give up the possibility of success, even if we are refused thousands of times, even if we are acting in adversity. We couldnt, wouldnt and shouldnt give up. In short, never give up is n

7、ecessary and much more important in our life. Only holding the spirit can we achieve our goals and taste the sense of the success. Thats all. Thank you for your attention. 高中生励志英语演讲稿篇二 Diana Dyad:Never, Ever Give Up In the pitch-black night, stung by jellyfish, choking on salt water, singing to hers

8、elf, hallucinating, Diana Nyad just kept on swimming. And thats how she finally achieved her lifetime goal as an athlete, an extreme 100-mile swim from Cuba to Florida, at age 64. Hear her story. Its the fifth time Diana Nyad stand on the Cuban shore believing again that shes going to make it all th

9、e way across that vast, dangerous wilderness of an ocean. Life is about the journey, but not really the destination. Weve been on a journey. Lets face it, were all on a one-way street. What are we going to do as we go forward to have no regrets looking backTeddy Roosevelt quote was floating around i

10、n her brain over the past years in training. It says, You go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chair as a critic or an observer, while the brave one gets in the ring, engages, gets bloody and dirty, and fails over and over and over again. Yet he isnt afraid or timid and lives life in a bold way

11、. When you achieve your dreams, its not so much what you get as who you have become in achieving them. You have a dream and obstacles in front of you as we all do. None of us ever get through this life without heartache, without turmoil. Believe in perseverance and have faith. Get back up again when

12、 you can get knocked down and you will find your way. I have three messages, said the breathless Nyad. “The first is we should never ever give up. The second is you are never too old to chase your dreams. And the third is that it looks like the most solitary endeavor in the world but it takes a team

13、.” Hellen Keller said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” People always fail because they stop trying, not because they encounter the unbeatable difficulties. Never, never give up means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. I think its

14、 a very good piece of advice for all of us and this is the most important thing that can help us to achieve our goals. I am quite sure that everybody knows Thomas Edison. Why so many people tried to invent the electric lamp, but only Thomas Edison succeedIf Edison, like many others, had been stilted

15、 by repeated failures, there would be no vibrant modern cities at night. His success proves that if a person is not scared by seemingly insurmountable adversity, he can find the way to success. In my opinion, never stop working for your goal doesnt mean you must be successful. It doesnt even mean th

16、at you must achieve your goal, but its very important to keep it in your mind. There are enough unfavorable conditions which make our lives difficult, but what important for us is to make efforts towards your goal or your dream. If you have given your best for your goal or your dream, whether you succeed or not, at le


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