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1、英语 假期作业1. I would have come here for the lecture given by professor Lee the day before yesterday, but I . (invite) 前天我本来听李教授的演讲,但是我没有受到邀请。2. The products produced by Apple, especially iphone 5, in the US. (sell) 苹果生产的产品在美国很畅销,尤其是iphone5。3. The National Development and Reform Commission the trend of

2、food prices recently. (follow) 国家发改会近来一直跟踪食品价格的走向。4. I that the print media are usually more accurate and more reliable than television. (convince) 我深信印刷媒体通常比电视更精确可靠。 5 Never such a person with a talent for songwriting in the past ten years. (come) 在过去十年中,我从未遇到过任何一个如此有歌曲创作天赋的人。6. At this time tomorr

3、ow, we over the Atlantic. (fly)明天这个时候我们将正飞越大西洋。7. When Alice came to, she didnt know . (lie)当Alice醒来,她不知道她躺了多久。8 Although the causes of cancer , we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. (uncover) 虽然癌症的起因正在查清,我们还是没有有效的办法阻止它。9. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good eart

4、h . (wash)现在因为越来越多的森林遭破坏,大量的泥土被冲走。10. The minister said education. (attach)部长说应该更加重视教育。11. , the TV series described the hard life that a Chinese couple lived. (set)这部电视剧以纽约为背景,讲述一对中国夫妇艰苦的生活。12. You will pass the exam if . (apply)如果专心学习你会通过考试。13. The clever boy, once , dropped out of Chinas top univ

5、ersity twice. (addict) 那个曾迷恋上网的聪明小孩两次从中国知名大学辍学了。14. after going on a diet for three weeks, Jane felt very upset. (lose) 节食三周还没有减轻体重,Jane感到很烦心。15. well will help them in learning France. (know)学生了解英语会帮助他们学好法语。16. of the new organization really surprised us and we all thought he deserved it. (appoint)

6、他没任命为这个新组织的主席真的使我们大吃一惊,我们理所当然认为他能当上。17.I have never thought of in learning English. (there)我从未想到学英语有如此多的问题。18.Its hard to imagine textbooks while other children are playing. (focus) 很难想像一个孩子能集中精力在课本上,而其他孩子在玩。19.I really cant understand . like that(treat)我的确不理解你那样对待她。20.The plan to be carried out nex

7、t month needs discussing before . (carry)下个月实行的计划在执行前需要讨论。21.My daughter was badly hurt in the accident, I really regretted her up from school yesterday. (pick)我女儿在事故中受了重伤,我真后悔昨天没有开车去学校接她。22.It was reported that 115 miners the flooded mine for eight days were pulled alive at last. (trap) 据报道115个8天困在

8、淹没的矿上的矿工终于被救活拉上来。23 According to the law, people harmful advertisements in the streets will be punished. (put) 根据法令发现在街头上张贴有害广告的人将会受到惩罚。24. Fortunately the students happened the classroom when the earthquake took place. (walk) 幸运的是,当爆发地震时孩子们碰巧正从教室里走出来。25 You cant imagine what it feels like . (laugh)

9、你想像不到被人嘲笑是什么样的感觉。26. The children were lucky to which destroyed their home.(survive)孩子们幸运地从毁坏他们家园的地震中活下来了。27. The heavy storm at last, everyone on the island felt released. (die)狂风暴雨最后渐渐平息,岛上每个人都松一口气。28With no rain for three months and food supplies , the situation here is getting from bad to worse.

10、 (run) 三个月没有下雨,食物供给也快光了,这儿的形势每况愈下。29Everything , the environmental problem is worthy of our governments attention. (consideration) 如果把每件事情考虑在内,环境问题值得政府注意。30. All her time , she has no time for films. (devote)因为她所有的时间投入到做实验中,她没有时间看电影。31 The student wasnt paying his attention to class, his eyes in fro

11、nt of the classroom. (fix) 这个学生在课堂上没有集中注意力,他的目光集中在教室前面一棵树上。32. With , the manager feels as busy as a bee. (deal)有这么多的事要处理,经理急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。33 that even beginners understood most of what he said. (speak)他讲得如此清楚,甚至初学者能听懂他讲的大部分内容。34. So about his ability to ensure jobs for every villager that he promised to

12、 pay ¥10 million to the state if he failed. (confident)他是如此确信他有能力确保每个村民的工作以致承诺如果他失败了,他答应付国家¥10million.35. that we all want to go outing. (weather)如此好的天气,以致我们想去郊游。36 At noon we got to the foot of a hill, a temple. (stand)中午我们到达一个山的脚下,此山顶上耸立着一个寺庙。37. The bell is ringing and to act out the story. (come)铃响了,现在轮到我们表演故事。38 when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people. (go)他们能够为所欲为对待中国人的日子一去不复返。39. were our alumni. (校友) f


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