牛津译林版英语9AUnit5知识点同步梳理及练习(DOC 9页)

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1、牛津译林版9AUnit5知识点同步梳理及练习【知识梳理】知识点1:U5重点词汇句型 1. Art is something pleasant and. 艺术是一种令人愉快的事物而且. 辨析 pleasant,pleasure与pleasedpleasant作形容词,意为“令人愉快的”,常用来形容某事物有令人愉快的性质e.g. It was a pleasant evening.那是-一个令 人愉快的夜晚。(作定语) The climate of this area is pleasant.这个地区的气候很宜人。( 作表语)pleasure作名词,意为“高兴;愉快”My pleasure表示“不

2、用谢”,用来回应别人的感谢;With pleasure 表示“当然了,很愿意”,用来回应别人的请求或邀请。 e.g. Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮我。My pleasure. 不用谢。 May I sit here?我可以坐在这儿吗? Yes, with pleasure.当然可以。pleased作形容词,意为“高兴的;满意的”,只用作表语,通常用来修饰人。它常用于be pleased with( 对.满意)及be pleased to do sth.(高兴/乐于做某事)结构。e.g. She was very pleased with her exam resu

3、lts. 她对她的考试结果非常满意。 Im so pleased to see you.见到你真高兴。 2. Every time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 0lympics, the award music was played. 在2008年北京奥运会上,每当给获胜者颁发奖牌时,颁奖音乐就会响起。1) presentpresent作动词,意为_。Now that the sports meet is over, our principal will present the prize.既然运动会已结束,我们校

4、长将颁奖。给某人颁发某物:present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb.注意与provide&offer的区分provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.(offer强调主动提供,且还可以做n.,意为“主动提议”)present作名词,意为_。What present do you want for Christmas this year? 今年圣诞节你想要什么礼物?present作形容词,意为_。Im not going to buy a car at

5、the present high prices. 以目前的高价,我不打算买小汽车了。【拓展】常用短语:at the present time= at present_for the present_ 批注:“颁发;提交;赠予”;“礼物”;“现在的,目前的”;目前,现在;暂时。3. Why do people think highly of Tans music? 为什么人们高度赞扬谭的音乐呢?think highly of 意为_,highly为_。辨析:high与highly的区别批注:“高度赞扬,高度评价”;副词辨析:high与highlyhigh用作副词时,通常表示具体的高,主要修饰动词

6、。例1:He climbed high. 他爬的高。例2:I cant jump any higher.我不能跳的更高了highly副词,主要表示很高的程度,除修饰动词(如speak,praise,think of等)外,还通常用于修饰分词或形容词(尤其是那些由动词派生而来的形容词,有时相当于very或much)。例1:Its a highly interesting film. 真是一部有趣的电影。例2:His report is highly scientific. 他的报告极具科学性。4.“wed better be quick as the opera will begin in 20

7、 minutes,” Kitty suggested. Kitty建议道我们最好快一点因为电影在二十分钟后即将开始了。suggest 动词,意为_。其名词形式为_, 为_名词。suggest (sb) doing sth, 意为_。跟宾语从句时,谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的形式,即_,其中should可省略。e.g. The doctor suggested him giving up smoking. I suggest not taking a lot of money unless you want to buy souvenirs.The teacher suggested that w

8、e should speak as much English as possible in class.批注:“建议,提议”;suggestion;可数;“建议(某人)作某事”;“should+动词原形”。advice,“建议”,不可数名词。a piece of advice,“一条建议”,其动词形式是advise,advise sb (not) to do sth,“建议(某人)作某事”。advise sb doing sth,“建议做某事”。跟宾语从句时,谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的形式,即“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略。He advised me to go home

9、earlier.I advised holding a meeting to discuss the matter.5. Musicians make up music while playing. 音乐家们即兴创作音乐。make up 这里意思是_。e.g. He asked us each to make up a dialogue.The student made up an excuse for his being late.批注:“编写”make up 还有“组成,构成;弥补;把补上”的意思。e.g. Six women and nineteen men make up the gr

10、oup. 六个男人和十九个女人组成了那个组。Because you were ill, youll have to make up the final exam. 因为你生病了,你将不得不补考了。make up ones mind ( to do sth) “下定决心(做某事)”,相当于decide to do sth e.g. I make up my mind to learn English well.我下定决心把英语学好。6. be of(much/little/no.)+n.=be+adj.be of value /help/importance/use.to sb.=be valu

11、able/helpful/important/useful to sb.有持久价值: have a lasting value(注意a不能省略)7. All my teachers and classmates praised my designs for the art festival. 所有老师和学生都赞扬我为艺术节所做的设计。praise 动词,意为_,praise sb for sth,意为_。praise也可作名词,_。赢得高度赞扬:_e.g. He praised her for her courage. 她因她的勇气而表扬了她。批注:“表扬”;“因某事而表扬某人”;“表扬”;w

12、in high praise8. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger ,Hidden Dragon作为一位作曲家,也许他最为人知的是为电影卧虎藏龙作曲而赢得奥斯卡大奖。1)be known for意为“因.而著名”,相当于be famous for e.g. This place is known/famous for its hot springs.这个地方因温泉而著名。拓展( 1) be known as意为“作为.而著名

13、”,相当于be famous as。 e.g .Her mother is known/ famous as a model teacher.她妈妈作为一一名模范教师而著名。2)It is known (that) 表示“众所周知”,也可以用短语As is known to all e.g .It is known that smoking may cause lung disease. = As is known to all , smoking may cause lung disease.众所周知,抽烟可能导致肺癌。9. The music for the Bejjing Olympic

14、s uses traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a Western style.北京奥运会的音乐运用了传统的中国音乐和中国古钟的钟声,但是它是用一种西方风格。1) though在此作连词,意为“不过,可是,然而”,引导让步状语从句,用于主句后,引出补充说明。 e.g. Hell probably say no, though its worth asking.他很可能会拒绝,不过问一下有益无损。2) though作连词还可表示“虽然;尽管;即使”,引导让步状语从句,不能与连词but一起使用。 e.g. Though it is raining hard , they are still working outside.虽然雨下得很大,他们仍在外面工作。10. Instead, Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. 相反,谭通过控制水流的速度制作出水的50多种声音。take control of控



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