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1、东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号:水稻工厂化育秧流水线的振动式排种器设计学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在院系:工程学院所学专业:农业机械化及其自动化研究方向:机械设计 2015年6月NEAU Bachelor Degree Dissertation Student id: A07110683Design of Vibration Seeder for Rice Seedling Factory NurseingCandidate: Instructor: Institute: College of EngineeringMajor: Agricultural Mechanization and au

2、tomationResearch Interests: Mechanical designNortheast Agriculture UniversityHarbin, China June 2015摘要摘 要水稻是我国主要的粮食作物之一,人工播种育秧劳动强度大,而目前水稻播种器在作业时存在伤种,因此急需研制一种新原理、新结构的排种器进行设计。结合水稻机械化种植的农艺要求,在分析国内外水稻秧盘育秧播种流水线特点的基础上,着重从精量取种、准确播种等关键技术方面进行了深入研究。采用振动原理,研制了一种振动式精密播种装置,用于水稻工厂化育秧,实现播种的精确控制;通过关键技术的研究与应用,设计了一种适


4、流沿V形槽板有序排队,最后经出口播出。实现了水稻机械化秧盘育秧的播种作业过程,可以装配流水线上,实现水稻工厂化育秧。关键词:水稻育秧;流水线;勺式;振动式IAbstractDesign of Vibration Seeder for Rice Seedling Factory NurseingAbstractRice is one of the main grain crops in China, artificial seeding high labor intensity, and the current rice seeder in operation exist damage. The

5、refore, it is necessary and urgent to develop a new principle, new structure of the metering device was designed.Combined with the requirements of the rice planting mechanization of agronomic, in the analysis of domestic and foreign rice seedling tray seeding line features based on, especially from

6、the precision take, accurate seeding and other key technologies of in-depth study.A vibration type precision seed metering device was developed by using the principle of vibration, for factory rice seedling, the precise control of the realization of planting; through the key technology research and

7、application of design suitable for Tray Nursing Seedlings of rice precision seeding of the vibrating tray nursing seedlings of rice precision seeding device. The main results are as follows:Firstly, this paper introduces the composition and working principle of the rice seedling factory seeding asse

8、mbly, and to determine the vibration row the overall structure; the mechanical quantitative and suppling device, namely the spoon type row device, the supply of seed quantitative real time PCR to vibration row plate, completed the design of the two-dimensional structure of the core components of; to

9、 rice seedling raising disk as the work object, vibrator driven by pneumatic, in order to adapt to the different seedling tray seedling planting, completed the vibration of different number of V-shaped trough plate number plate of the two-dimensional structure design;Application of CATIA software, t

10、he establishment of a scoop ration and suppling device and the vibration of metering disc three-dimensional modeling of parts and the assembly together; the seed metering device using scoop metering device will be aired a seed from the seed box, seed falls on the sieving plate, vibration sieving, re

11、moving impurities into the installed on one of the V-shaped trough plate, seed flow along the V shaped groove plate orderly queue, the export broadcast. The seeding process of mechanized seedling seedling, can realize the assembly line, rice seedling factory.Key Words:Rice seedling-nursery;Assembly

12、line;Spoon;Vibration typeII目 录摘要IAbstractII1 绪论- 1 -1.1 课题背景- 1 -1.1.1 水稻生产情况及意义- 1 -1.1.2 水稻的主要种植模式及分布区域- 2 -1.1.3 水稻种植技术的多样性- 3 -1.1.4 超级稻机械化播种的难度- 3 -1.2 水稻秧盘育秧播种流水线的关键技术现状- 4 -1.2.1 秧盘育秧精密播种装置- 4 -1.2.2 秧盘- 8 -1.3 水稻秧盘育秧播种流水线的发展趋势- 9 -1.4 研究目标与研究内容- 9 -1.4.1 研究目标- 9 -1.4.2 主要研究内容- 9 -2 水稻秧盘育秧精密播

13、种机总体配置- 10 -2.1 总体结构- 10 -2.2 振动式精密播种装置结构及工作原理- 10 -3 气动振盘基本理论及振动器选取- 12 -3.1 气动振盘排种的基本理论- 12 -3.2 水稻种子输送的基础理论分析- 12 -3.3 振动器的选择- 12 -3.3.1 电磁振动器- 12 -3.3.2 气动振动器- 13 -3.3.3 气动振动体的运动理论- 14 -4 振动式精密播种装置结构设计- 16 -4.1 水稻芽种的物料特性- 16 -4.2 定量供种器结构设计- 16 -4.3气动振盘结构设计- 18 -5 振动式精密播种装置三维设计- 20 -5.1 定量供种器结构三维

14、设计- 20 -5.1.1 橡胶弹性板的三维设计图- 20 -5.1.2 勺式外槽轮的三维设计图- 20 -5.1.3 定量供种器结构三维设计图- 21 -5.2 气动振盘结构三维设计- 21 -5.2.1 V形播种盘三维设计图- 21 -5.2.2 气动振盘结构三维设计- 22 -5.3 振动式精密播种装置三维设计图- 22 -6结论- 24 -参考文献- 25 -致谢- 27 -ii绪论1 绪 论1.1 课题背景 1.1.1 水稻生产情况及意义水稻一直以来被视为重要的粮食作物,在粮食安全中占据极其重要的地位。亚洲是世界水稻主要集中种植区域,其产量占世界水稻总产量的92,美国是北美的主要水稻

15、生产国,意大利是欧洲最大的水稻生产国。中国是世界上最大的水稻生产国,水稻常年种植面积约3000万公顷,占全国谷物种植面积的30左右,世界水稻种植面积的20左右;水稻也是我国最主要的粮食作物之一,稻谷总产量近2亿吨,占全国粮食总产的40,占世界稻谷总产的35,稻谷平均单产6.212吨公顷,我国有近60%的人以稻米为主食,每年直接消耗大米1.3亿1.4亿吨,同时水稻深加工产业也日益兴起,例如用米糠加工成的米糠油作为一种高档营养保健食用油,在美国市场上价格是橄榄油的3倍(米糠经深加工后总价值增加1940元/吨) ,还可提取人体所需的多种维生素、工业用原料及饲料,进行多种产品精深加工,带来可观的经济效益,加工后的副产品附加值已引起各国家重视,所以水稻生产对推动国际国内的经济发展起着重要作用。可以看出,水稻是我国种植面积最大、单产最高、总产最多的粮食作物,水稻生产在我国粮食生产中占有极其重要的地位。加快发展水稻生产的机械化,减轻水稻生产的劳动强度,降低生产成本,增加产量和收益,是提高水稻综合生产能力,保障我



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