2022年高中英语高效课堂 Unit2 English around the world学案四 新人教版必修1

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1、2022年高中英语高效课堂 Unit2 English around the world学案四 新人教版必修1Learning aims:1. Students are able to master the meaning and usage of the important words and expressions in this unit.2. Students are able to use the new vocabulary to make sentences correctly and flexibly and improve their ability of speaking,

2、 translating and writing in English.Learing procedures:一基础过关一)Matching1. petrol A. who or what somebody or something is2. voyage B. not suddenly3. gradually C. in fact4. frequently D. a word for gas in British English5. identity E.the second of two things or people already mentioned6. the latter F.

3、long trip by sea or in space7. actually G. able to speak or write a language well8. fluent H. Often9. native I. to make(sb .or sth.) grow larger ,fuller10. develop J. sb. who lives in a place all the time11. increase K. a rise in amount, number, or degree二) Translation and pletion .1. e up _ 2. beca

4、use of _3. at present _ 4. such as _5. A.D _6. 1)扮演角色,起作用_ 2)起重要作用_7. believe it or not_8. make use of _ 充分利用_9. 身份证:身份+证=_+ card10. _(实际上),I have known Tom for ages since we were babies.11. We should try to_ _ _ _(充分利用)our limited time.12. The film is _ _ (以为背景)a true story that happened in the 17t

5、h century.13. Her father has never _(起过大作用)14. I can still remember the accident, _ _(即使)it happened long ago.15. An e_ is a machine used for moving people or things up and down.16. His n_ language is not English but Chinese, though he speaks English excellently.17. The new president of America is l

6、eaving for a three-day o_ visit to China.18. He had lost his i_ card and was questioned by the police.二 重点突破 1) The children said to their teacher:Would you please sing a song for us?-This sentence is a _(request /mand).2) The mother said to her child:Turn off the radio!-This sentence is a _(request

7、 /mand).From the examples above, we can see the wordrequest and mand.现在请大家自己查字典或学习资料来总结一下这两个单词的不同用法:(需标注词性,附带例子)request:mand:三练习应用一) pletion.1. 我懂几种方言,如长治话,太原话。I know some dialects(方言), _ _ Changzhi dialect and Taiyuan dialect.2. 即使我们在课堂展示上取得了一些成绩,也不应骄傲。_ _ we achieve some success in our class prese

8、ntation, we should not be proud.3. 每年有成千上万只濒危物种因为捕猎而灭绝。Every year thousands of endangered species die out _ _hunting.4. 大城市的生活可能会与你想象的有所不同。Life in big cities will probably _ _ _ what you expect.5. 现在,人们被要求不要在公共地方抽烟。Nowadays people are requested _ _ smoke in public places.二) Translation.1. The police

9、 are still uncertain of the murders identity.(be uncertain of不确定)_2. 没有人知道他现在在哪。(at present)_.3. The former is bigger than the latter. _.4. 最近,央视8台播出的密战峨眉是以抗日期间的真实故事为基础的。Recently, the TV series in CCTV-8 ,Mizhan Emei, is _ _ the true stories during the period of Anti-Japanese wars. Learning reflections:



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