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1、 中心小学英语备课组 中心小学教师备课纸 科目牛津小学英语6B教学内容Part A教者课题Unit5 The seasons 课时1教学目标1 学习B部分,学生会读和拼写spring, summer, autumn, winter。2掌握三会单词warm, cool ,sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, foggy, snowy .教学重点难点1学习B部分,套用旧句型,以旧带新。2掌握四会单词和复习旧句型。灵活运用所学句型进行交际。教具学具录音机、磁带、图片、实物教 学 过 程复 备Step1.Free Talk.T: What date is it today? S:

2、Its the .T: Whatsthe weather like today? S: Its .Step2. Teach snowy, windy, foggy, rainy,cloudy, sunny, cool, warm.T: Look at the picture, its snowy.让一排学生读。T: Can you tell me which city is often snowy in China?S:(引导学生说) . is often snowy.T: Look at these weather pictures and work in groups。采取的步骤是,先是组

3、内交流,后是组间交流,最后由组长提问把全班不知道的单词解决。教学思想是尽量发挥学生的作用,让学生教学生,教师仅仅是指导者,参与者,组织者。Step3.Review the words in step 2. 采取的活动是1 小组内快速记忆,互相帮助。2 单词接龙,无错误的小组积分。3 知识竟猜,Which city is foggy city? Which city is snowycity? Which city is windy city?( Answers: London, Mu Danjiang, Beijing)4. See quickly.老师拿出两幅天气的图片,快速在学生眼前闪过,

4、让学生猜。猜对小组积分。Step4.Teach spring, summer, autumn, winter.T: How many months are there in a year?S: There are twelve.T: How many days are there in a year? S: There are 365.T: How many seasons are there in a year? 师自问自答,There are four. 在学生理解season的含义后,问What seasons do you know? 让学生自由说,说对小组积分。Step5. Revi

5、ew seasons. 小组竞赛活动如下:1. 一位学生先说季节,另一位学生说季节特征。如:spring和warm。2一位学生形容季节,另一位学生说是哪一个季节。如:The house is white. The tree and grass are white.Everything is white.3 一位学生来到讲台上,老师拿出一幅图其他学生说出季节,这位学生做有关这个季节的动作。Step6. Play a game.拿出准备好的图片,每组出一人,组成一个新的小组,每人四张,第一个学生说出图的内容,下一个学生如果有与之相配的图说出并仍下,第一个手中无图的学生为胜者,并为原小组积分。板书设

6、计 Unit5 The seasons Which season do you like best?I like. Why? Because its . I can. Spring Summer Autumn Winterwarm, cool ,sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, foggy, snowy 教学札记 中心小学教师备课纸 科目牛津小学英语6B教学内容Part B教者课题Unit5 The seasons 课时2教学目标1掌握三会句型Which season do you like best? I like.Why? Because its . I can.2

7、掌握四会句型Whats the weather like.?教学重点难点1 学生能看图迅速说出内容。2 拓展句型Which season do you like best? I like.Why? Because its . I can.灵活运用所学句型进行交际。教具学具录音机、磁带、图片、实物教 学 过 程复 备Step1. 说说唱唱。Spring, spring, spring, its warm, warm, warm,Summer, summer, summer, its hot, hot, hot,Autumn, autumn, autumn, its cool, cool, coo

8、l,Winter, winter, winter, its snowy, snowy, snowy,Windy, windy, windy, its Beijing, windy city,Foggy, foggy, foggy, its London, foggy city,Sunny, sunny, sunny, its Lasha, sunny city.Step2. Free talk. The topic is WEATHER.T: Whats the weather like in spring in Lan Yungang? S: Its warm.让学生自由谈论一些城市的气候。

9、Step3.Look and say .以小组为单位选一幅图谈论。e.g.:S1: Whats the weather like in spring in Beijing. S2: Its windy.Step4. Look and write 围绕步骤三的句型进行。 1 以小组为单位选一幅图并写出图的内容。2 以小组为单位出一道题由其它小组来做。Step5.Teach becauseT: Im wearing three sweaters. Because its cold. Im drinking some water. Because its hot.在学生理解because的涵义后,让

10、学生用because造句。Step6. Teach I like . best. Because its. I can.T: I like winter best. Because its snowy. I canmake a snowman.学生以小组为单位,表达自己喜欢哪个季节,并说明原因。Step7.操练对话Which season do you like best?I like. Why? Because its . I can. 例如:T: Which season do you like best? S: I like summer. Because its hot. I can

11、swim in the sea.Step 8. Do a survey. 做一个小记者完成下列表格:NameSeasonActivityStep9.Look and say. 采取的活动如下:1 让四幅图在学生眼前停留五秒钟,师问:What season does David like? Why? 然后分别由三位学生问,其它学生抢答,回答正确的学生给小组积分。2 一对学生表演,其他学生说出是哪一幅图,回答正确的学生给小组积分。3 一对学生表演,另外一组学生闭上眼睛猜是哪一对学生,回答正确给小组积分。板书设计Unit5 The seasonsWhich season do you like be

12、st?I like. Why? Because its . I can. 教学札记 中心小学教师备课纸 科目牛津小学英语6B教学内容Part C教者课题Unit5 The seasons课时3教学目标1 学习A部分,学生会读countryside,snowball fights。2熟练掌握四会句型Whats the weather like .?3 进一步理解三会句型Which season in.do you like best?教学重点难点1理解A部分的含义。2进一步掌握三、四会句型。3 初步使用比较级。4 了解be going to 时态。教具学具录音机、磁带、图片、实物教 学 过 程复

13、 备Step1.Look and guess.先让一位学生站起来面对大家,教师出示一幅天气的图片,其他学生问Whats the weather like today?这位学生回答,正确给小组积分。Step2.看一段天气预报的电视录象,回答问题,正确给小组积分。例如:S1: Whats the weather like in Chong Qing? S2:Its sunny.Step3.看图回答问题,用电脑做出下列课件:第一幅图是纽约的图片。问题:What city is it?第二幅图是纽约秋季大风的图片。问题:Whats the weather like in autumn in New Y

14、ork?第三幅图是纽约的人们在秋季的活动。问题:What do the Americans usually do in autumn?第四幅图是纽约冬季孩子们堆雪人的图片。问题:What do the childrenusually do in winter in New York?Step4. 听A部分两遍,小组内根据所听内容把下列句子排序并读出,同时解决countryside这个单词。1 New York is very beautiful in spring.2 Ben likes making snowmen in New York.3 New York is usually very hot in summer.4 Su Yangs father is going to New


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