金 昌 宁 中 初 三 英 语 11 月 考.doc

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1、金 昌 宁 中 初 三 英 语 11 月 考英 语 月 考 题命题人:何岩梅 座位号:_一.语音考查(5分)选出划线部分读音不同的选项1.A. decide B. tiny C. swiftly D. divide 2.A. brave B. pale C. related D. pattern3.A. close B. cherry C. insect D. express 4.A. universe B. flute C. mule D. use 5.A. topic B. softy C. clone D. donkey 二按要求写出词形变化(10分)1.cherry(复数) 2. cl

2、ear(副词) 3. move(现在分词) 4.shut(过去分词) 5noisy(名词) 6.juice(形容词) 7. late(最高级) 8.decision(名词) 9.stupid(反义词) 10.close(近义词) 三英汉互译(10分)1. be related to 2. tell a story 3. go ahead 4. follow a pattern 5. generally speaking 6. 把分成 7. 填空 8. 把混合在一起 9固定数量的 10. 把我叫醒 四首字母填空(5分)1. Lily and Lucy are t_. They were born

3、 of the same mother at the same time.2. Id like to have a s room.3. LiBai and Du Fu were famous p _ in China.4. These are the b_ of the new building.5. Lets d_ how to do it. 五单项选择(30分)1. The new thing is as big _ a horse. A. like B as C then D enough2. Can you tell me the answer _ the question? A of

4、 B in C to D for 3. We each _ three English books. A have B has C is D was4. My brother practices _ the flute every day. A to play B played C playing D play5. You eat _ food. So you are _ fat. A too much;much too B many too; much tooC. toomuch;too much D much too;too many 6. It is _ today than yeste

5、rday . Shall we go swimming this afternoon ?A. the hottestB. hotC. hottestD. hotter7. Listen ! Some of the girls _ about Harry Potter . Lets join them ! A. are talkingB. talkC. will talkD. talked8. The English novel is quite easy for you . There are _ new words in it . A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD.

6、 few9. Excuse me, sir. _ is it to the nearest hotel? -About 15 minutes walk along this road. . A. How much B. How soon C. How far D. How long 10. Listen! Can you hear a baby _? A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cries 11. It Jack twenty minutes the math problem yesterday A. took, to work out Btakes, to w

7、ork out Chas taken, working out Dis taking, working out 12. Bill is an boy.A. eleven year old B. eleven years old C. eleven-year old D. eleven-year-old13. Can you this long sentence meaningful parts. A. divide, into B. divide , with C. divide, on D. divide, out14. They have thought of a way the prob

8、lem . A. solve B. to solve C. of solve D. to solving15. beautiful her golden hair is !A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 16. Which do you like ,pale blue or dark blue ?A. very much B. better C. best D. the best17. Liu Xiang ran of all the players and got the gold medal. A. swiftly B. more swiftly C.

9、the more swiftly D. most swiftly18. How I _ I could fly like a bird. A want B. hope C. wish D love.19. Her parents are _ doctors . A. all B both C each D every.20. I like your poem _ much _ I decided to write one for you. A. so,that B such,that C very ,such D very, if 21. The old man has two sons. O

10、ne is a worker; _ is a teacher.A. another. B. other C. others D. the other22. Must I finish the work before clock?-No, you _.A. neednt B. mustnt C. have to D. can t23. I have_ do today.A.anything important B. something important C. important nothing D. important something 24. On my way home , I stop

11、ped _ some food .A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought25. He doesnt know_. A. where would he go B. where he will go C. where he would to go D. where he will to go26. The police came there_, so the boy was saved. A. in time B. on time C. at times D. some time27. _my father _my mother go shopping on Su

12、nday. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also28. _teachers are having the meeting. A. The mumber of B. A number of C. A number D. The number29. He is too _. He nearly falls_. A. sleep ; asleep B. asleep ; sleepy C. sleepy ; asleep D. sleepy ; sleepy30. I _ I could fly in the sky . A. hope B. wish C. think D. want六用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. How great the building is ! Who is the (design)?2. Im thirsty . I want some fresh and (juice) oranges .3. Now the world is interested in (clone) she


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