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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级八年级教学形式教 师倪贞单 位安徽无为县赵坝初中课题名称Unit 10 How can I improve my English ?学情分析1. 缺乏内在学习动机和自觉性,被动学习, 一些学生,学习英语的毅力和耐心较差,习惯于“走马观花”式的学习。2. 对英语学习缺乏兴趣,情绪低落,常感到学习英语无聊,一遇到挫折就可能一蹶不振,英语学习成绩越来越差。即使有时表现少有的兴奋和积极性,也只限于对那些具有游戏性的学习内容。3. 学习基础不扎实 ,学不得法,一些“自我感觉良好”的学生,常轻视基础知识、技能、方法和基本训练,对所学的内容前学后忘。4. 有很多同

2、学学习习惯很生活习惯不好,课堂和生活中缺少相互合作的精神,同时有的比较自私,缺少相互关爱和相互理解的精神。教学目标1Knowledge Objectives:Mater the use of the expressions about giving advice and the use of the Modal Verb on giving advice, make sure the students can use the expressions and the Modal Verb discuss the problems in their study and their daily li

3、fe ,and give some advice.听:能够听懂有关各种困难及相关建议的对话。说:能够运用相关的词汇和情态动词谈论学习中和生活中常见的困难并提出建议。读:能够读懂描述学习和生活中面临的困难及相关建议。写:能够运用相关的词汇和情态动词写出在学习中和生活中面临的困难及建议。2Competence Objectives: Develop the students ability of cooperative learning and good coordinating skills.3Emotion Objectives:Develop the students feeling of

4、helping others and loving the teachers, and help them to form good habits in daily life and study.教学过程Step One Lead-in (4m)1. Present the five sentences for grammar focus on the Bb. Ask students to use them to answer the teachers question.(1)-Its raining outside and I have to go out. What can I do?-

5、You may take an umbrella.(2)-I dont know the meaning of the word “reception”. -You can use your dictionary. Well, it means “接待” in Chinese.(3) -I have learned about modal verbs, but I still cant use them correctly.-You should do more exercises.(4) -Im feeling bad now. I think Im ill.-You need to go

6、to see a doctor.(5) -Im afraid to be outside at night alone.-Youd better go home before dark.(设计意图:在相对真实的情境下输出要学习的语句,使内容富有生活气息,自然引入语法部分呈现新课内容)Step Two Grammar Focus (20m)2. Grammar focus: The teacher helps the Ss compare the use of modal verbs so that students may have a general idea of the usage of

7、 them.You may take an umbrella.You can use your dictionary.You should do more exercises.You need to go to see a doctor.Youd better go home before dark.(1) 情态动词后面必须跟动词原形一起作句子的谓语,它们没有人称和数的变化。(2) may, can, should, need to, had better 都可以用于提出建议,但它们的语气逐渐加强,may 与can 表示“可以”;should 表示“应该”;need 表示“需要”; had b

8、etter 表示“最好”。(设计意图:通过各句间的比较分析,让学生对情态动词的用法有总的概念)3. Read and match. Read the sentences and match the proper advice with the following situations.(Activity18)4. Read and complete: Read the dialogues and fill in the blanks with proper modal verbs. (Activity19)For the above two activities, the teacher ha

9、d better offer analysis to each dialogue. Make sure that students really understand them.(设计意图:练习加深对各情态动词用法的理解,解析使得理解更具体,为下面的分组活动做好铺垫工作)5. Act and practice: Work in groups. Each group is to imitate some behavior in the following situations. Other groups give advice to the behavior. The group that gi

10、ves the most appropriate advice is the winner. (Activity20)The teacher can ask students to offer more situations, such as at the supermarket, at home, in the street, etc. (设计意图:提供接近生活的真实情景,培养学生的发散性思维以及准真实情景交际能力;通过表演、小组竞赛等方式激发学生兴趣,吸引注意力;进一步掌握情态动词,正确使用情态动词提出建议)Step Three Vocabulary Consolidation (20m)

11、 6. Read and match: Make phrases with the words in the boxes. You can use the words more than once . (Activity21)understand the question/the meaning/the word/the text/the sentencewrite a sentence/a wordwrite down the questionread a textforget the wordask for helprepeat the questionlisten to your que

12、stion(设计意图:通过词汇组合让学生自然掌握与英语学习相关的词汇)7. Read and choose: Read the sentences and complete the sentences with the words in the box. The first one is given as an example.(Activity22)Try to make students understand these sentences and learn to use them.(设计意图:巩固相关词汇的正确使用,并提供有效的英语学习建议)8. Talk with your part

13、ner about learning English, using the words or phrases in the box. (Activity23)Im good at reading. I cant guess the meaning of the new words. Im poor at writing.I should improve my spoken-English by more practice.I can give some advice on how to learn English.I need to practice English more often.(S

14、tudents are asked to give sentences as many as possible.)(设计意图:对本课时的重点做个小结,即复习了主题词汇,也巩固了语法;通过讨论,清楚了解自身学习情况,以后能扬长避短,促进学习提高)Step Four Homework (1m)1. Copy the words and phrases three times.2. Create ten sentences about English learning with modal verbs: may, can, should, need, had better板书设计四、板书设计Unit

15、10 How can I improve my English?You _ an umbrella. understand the questionYou _ your dictionary. write down the word /sentenceYou _ more exercises. read the text /sentence /wordYou _ to see a doctor. ask for your helpYou _ home before clack. repeat the sentence listen to your question understand /guess the meaning forget the word improve /practice your listening / pronunciation 作业或预习1.Give



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