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1、 八 年级 英语 学科导学案 执笔:张红芹 审核:授课人:张红芹 授课时间:2014-1 班级:八(2)班 课题:How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B (2a-2e) 课型: 阅读课【学习目标】 1. 语言知识目标 words:traditional,traveler,celebrate,mix,fill,cover,remember phrases: give thanks for; have a big meal; fill- with-; coverwith; cut-into pieces sentences: It is a t

2、ime to give thanks for food in the autumn. Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. Next,fill the turkey with this bread mix. 2. 语言技能目标 make Ss be able to understand the text, knowing about the process of Turkey-making and something on American culture. 3. 情感目标 make students learn s

3、ome American culture, increase their interests in English study and learn something of our Chinese traditional festivals and special food eaten on those days.【学习重难点】Teaching important points: the usage of new words, comprehension of the text and learning how to describe a process to do sth.Teaching

4、difficult points: the understanding of long sentences and the American culture about Thanks-giving.【学法指导】 skimming, intensive reading, deduction, induction, discussion【学习流程】 自主学习:一. Greeting and Warming up:Brain storm:1. Special holidays in China: Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Day, Lantern Festival-2.

5、 Special holidays in USA: Christmas Day, Thanks-giving Day, Valentines Day-3. Do 2a on P60:Special Days in ChinaTraditional FoodDragon Boat FestivalZongzi二. Pre-reading:1. Backgrounds of Thanks-giving Day2. New words: Thanksgiving; pepper; oven; plate; gravy; turkey(showing by pictures)三. Reading:Pa

6、ra 1:(一) Read Para1 and find out the words of traditional, autumn, traveler, celebrate, and learn how to use them.1. traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的构词法:tradition (名词) + al traditional(名词)e.g. Dumplings are traditional Chinese food. 饺子是传统的中国食物。2. autumn n. 秋天;秋季e.g. It is cool in autumn. 秋天凉爽。3. traveler n.

7、 旅行者;漂泊者;游客构词法:travel (动词) + er traveler (名词)e.g. A traveler is asking Jack the way to the train station. 一位旅行者正在问杰克去火车站的路。4. celebrate v. 庆祝;庆祝e.g. How will you celebrate Spring Festival this year? 你今年将怎样庆祝春节的?(二) Read it again and answer the questions in 2c on P62.1. Where do people celebrate Than

8、ksgiving?2. When do people celebrate it?3. Why do people celebrate it?4. How do people celebrate it now?5. What is the main dish of the Thanksgiving meal?(三) Read it again and learn the difficult sentences.1. A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving. It is always on the fourth Thursday in

9、November, and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.Brief introduction of Thanks-giving1) what are these sentences about?=thanks for2) How do you understand give thanks for?3) Translate the sentences.The fourth day in November2. At this time, people also remember the first travelers from E

10、ngland who came to live in America about 500 years ago.1) What does this mean here?=pioneers,第一批2) How do you understand first?3) Cut the sentence.4) Translate it3. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.celebrate(v.) cele

11、brate sth. celebration(n.) 1) How do we use celebrate?=through(prep.) 通过,采用(方法);by+交通工具;by+splace(在-旁边)2) And whats the meaning of by? Do you know any other usage of it? 3)Translate the sentence.4)Remember it.Para 2: (一) Read Para2 and find out the words of mix, fill-with, cover with, cut-into thin

12、pieces, and learn to use them.1. mix v. 混合;融合e.g. Mix the sugar with flour. 把糖和面粉搅和在一起。mix n. 混合物e.g.This is the mix of sugar and water.2. fill v. (使) 充满;装满e.g. Please fill the bowl with water.请把碗装满水。3. cover v. 遮盖;覆盖 n. 覆盖物;盖子e.g. Please cover the cup with the cover. 请用盖子将杯子盖起来。4. cut-into pieces=c

13、ut up 把-切碎e.g. First cut the tomatoes into pieces.首先把番茄切碎(二) Listen Para2 and number the pictures in the book.(三)Skim Para 2 and fill the blanks.First, some bread pieces onions, salt and pepper.Next, the turkey this bread mix. Then, the turkey a bot oven and cook it a few hours.When it is ready, the

14、 turkey a large plate and cover it gravy.Finally, the turkey thin pieces and eat the meat vegetables like carrots and potatoes. (四) Repeat the process to make a turkey dinner.(五) Do 2d (P62). Here are the instructions for making a turkey dinner written in a different way. Put them in order. Write First, Next, Then and Finally.(六) Whats the main idea of the article? 合作探究:(一) What do you think is the most special day in China? Discuss and answer the following questions.1. When is this special day?2. What are


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